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- 1Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years agoI am very excited. He's 70!? I oddly forget time passes. The first movie was criticized as The Motionless Picture. It contained long stretches of the characters staring at special effects. The second movie had less budget. Sequels are known for usually being worse than the original. Meyer didn't know Trek, so he watched all 79 episodes of what we now call The Original Series (TOS). He realized Space Seed cried out for a sequel. So he put together a script quickly, and it became the best Star Trek film ever. I was a little kid. When it came out on VHS I watched it many times. I was born in '75, so I was at an age when things get etch in your mind. (It's too bad I didn't start learning Spanish until age 14.) Anyway, I'm excited to have a new series coming.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|