Trader Vic Book
A while back somebody here asked for a good overall book on investments - stocks, bonds, etc. My suggestion was (and remains) a good Series 7 study guide. However, I am most the way through this book, Trader Vic - Methods of a Wall Street Master. I first heard of Vic upon seeing that he's a speaker at the Atlas Society event.
This book is very, very good. It is an excellent source on technicals and his explanation of the Fed is the best I've found in my continual reading on finance. I just wanted to give kudos out to Vic Sperandeo for this excellent text. Yeah, it's not new...doesn't need to be.
This book is very, very good. It is an excellent source on technicals and his explanation of the Fed is the best I've found in my continual reading on finance. I just wanted to give kudos out to Vic Sperandeo for this excellent text. Yeah, it's not new...doesn't need to be.