The Internet of Cops Is Coming | Motherboard

Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
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21st Century living with an East German flair.

..."where the public are relegated to an “insecure, heavily monitored network that can be turned off at the flick of a switch,” while the government enjoys the benefits of an encrypted network that is far more stable. This lays out the possibility of the civilian network being shut off while law enforcement's communications remain unaffected." and

..."the legal framework for such a move in the US already exists in the Standard Operating Procedure 303, allowing the shut down of “commercial and private wireless networks in the event of a national crisis.” Wow, ok, so a "National Emergency" is declared, all those wonderful anti-Constitution EO's become activated and you're sitting at home (nowhere to go, DOT shuts down the highways) and you may think 'no problem, I'll just check out the 'net' and viola: no internet, no information flow. Nothing. Now what? Oh wait, I heard those well-stocked FEMA camps have internet...

The gov't cancer is slowly spreading folks. Demand information from your local government on FirstNet. Make them get tired of tell you lies.

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