▶ Obama Signed Executive Order Agenda 21 DHS NWO Police State Martial Law Civil War America - YouTube
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
This is piggy backing off the EO 11051 post I did a few days ago...putting the puzzle pieces together. It's no "conspiracy" when the EO's spell out exactly what they WILL do to you: all under the declaration of a "national emergency".
SOURCE URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZosgUqck21c
Here is what I get out of it:
1. Jamming humanity into a handful of ultra-dense cities.
2. Returning vast tracts of land to the wild.
All this to gain control over the people, by limiting the scope of their wanderings.
Then there is this pesky concept. People of the World, have already had several opportunities to bow to 1 world government. They will not do it. Even on a smaller scale. Russia is only a shadow of it's former self. Eastern Europeans yearned to be free. China? Remember Tienanmen Square! They are still a communist country, but they use capitalism to grow wealth and give the people something to do. Imagine what the next protest would be like if 200-300M people lost their job because of government interevention.
Here in fly over country the federal gov't doesn't mean that much to me. I settle up on tax day and unless there is a Presidential election they leave me alone other other 364 days of the year. Even if there is an election they are more interested in stealing the votes than earning them, so I guess they leave me alone then too.
If the big 0 is one the TV, I can leave the room or turn it off. He's as easy to get rid of as Zombies, just change the channel.
In order to effect me directly, they will have to put boots on the ground on my street. I've lived under Marshall law before after a hurricane. When they move to the next street over, people just go back to what they were doing.
It seems to me, the people that work up the conspiracy theories and keep them going on radio and TV, generally have something to sell, and us being afraid makes it easier to sell those books. Ask yourself when was the last time George Noorey had a guest on C2C without a book to sell?
So, I'll just go to the range this afternoon, clean my gun when I get home, and enjoy another day here at my personal gulch.
Remember: our fellow travelers elected Mister Thompson. Now you're telling me that Mister Thompson is Head of State in name only? (And not even in name, because he's not a natural born citizen. But that's a bit off-scope here.)
Boots on the ground? Be careful what you hypothesize about. In fact, Miss Rand forecast another way to have the government "dreadfully present" in flyover country. Dunkertown, Iowa. Also known as Harmony City, otherwise known as Meigsville. The site of Project Xylophone, also known as the Thompson Harmonizer.
Chapter 36 directly relates to kommon kore.
Start a large retail or manufacturing enterprise which has low-paying jobs but which include housing and utilities as part of the package. Promote them heavily for their advantages over minimum wage jobs. Once you have employees in your "company towns", you control their access to mass media, to their families and friends, everything. Perhaps pay them with debit cards which can be used at no fee or with a nominal "reward" of some sort only when used at company-owned businesses.
Does any of this sound familiar? Because it's been done many times in America history. And many elements of it are going on now. For that matter, it is more or less the day to day life of a Japanese corporate employee.
There is no need for jackboots when people will line up to sign on. AND, a venture such as I describe above would most likely run at a profit.
There's a neat set of photos taken while "Fordlandia" was in operation at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thehenryfor.... Going by these, it was an extremely ambitious project indeed.
And then that great capitalist Milton Hershey set up his company town.
we have something in common. I am friendly,
Hmmmm, though, nobody realized that Boulder was having its annual art fair that day. The mall was PACKED. A good time was had by all, although getting a look at the nice policeman's clipboard papers and recognizing copies of your friends' drivers' license pictures was a little sobering.
We had the best t-shirts ever. In navy blue, with 3" plain block letters, they read TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM.
How 'bout you - and what do you think about the "First Amendment Areas"?
I think you should hang around just for the opportunity to make the acerbic comment now and then.
Get ready, the SS is coming to a police force near you.
Then there is Operation American Spring mentioned in one of the comments. I googled it. 1.8 million militia to show up in Washington DC and demand the President step down in May? Seriously??
Look, I don’t mind going off the deep-end venting about Obamacare, and I definitely am uncomfortable about how society is changing, but this stuff is for loonies.
You want to make a difference? Please tell me who I can vote for to change all this.
I can’t even trust the Republicans to get it through their heads that government should get out of health care business, period! They are getting all wishy-washy again, sending out e-mails talking about how they can ‘fix’ the law. Blow the damn law off the books! This attitude that they can do it better is what cost them the election in 2010. Get firm. REPEAL!
They can kiss the Senate goodbye. They heading the wrong direction again Sorry. :) I regress. Tell me what you think Agenda 21 is?
To make a real change, the Laws of Plunder that have been laid down upon us over the past 100 years need to be repealed entirely. The laws provide the policy & foundation for ruling us, and unless they are entirely removed from existence, it won't matter who gets into office. The laws remain and so will the pain.
Why aren't there more politicians speaking about changing/removing these dangerous laws? THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE. No, instead, they focus on other diversionary subjects such as abortion, guns, healthcare & of course schools, e.g., kommon kore. Anything else, but the real issue ~ the laws that are suppressing the American people & way of life.
A political friend says "If voting could change anything, it would be illegal."
This "voting" nonsense? Go into the little government-controlled booth and do whatever,all you want, you'll still have the same bureaucrats in charge, doing the same things, the same way.
The way the United States does business needs to be changed. But that's a long, long discussion...
Agenda 21 is not a law, it is not even a treaty. It is a non-binding agreement with the UN.
A signature to this agreement is nothing more than a symbolic gesture that the signing government will aim for certain environmental goals.
If you don’t like the changes being made, (let’s say by the EPA) vote those allowing for those changes out,
All this looney talk has muddy the waters.
Non-binding my ass. They are implementing this as if their very lives depended upon it.
With the Industrial age came waste. Is it so far fetched that we implement programs that look to the future and address the waste as we move forward? I would like my country to be innovating and smart about this. If unpopular changes are being made at the government levels it is because no one with any brains in private industry is putting out any better ideas.
I was reading an interview online from NZ where this city's council members were discussing that they would like to address the desire of people like you who don’t want to live in a planned city; instead, they would like a little grass under their feet. They were looking for solutions to address the concerns but also address sustainability. Where are the ideas?
Fear-mongering is stupid. Agenda 21 is non-binding. That’s a fact.
it also could be about quality of life if you put your thinking cap on and add to the discussion.
I have been brainwashed? Let’s remind each other who posted an amateurish youtube vid. Cue the “scary music”
No. I was up late last night reading, none-bias articles and passages of the agreement, and other countries’s reports of how they are implementing changes in their own countries, I certainly wasn’t going to get any information about Agenda 21 in this thread.
I can see how over-zealous policy makers could upend their good intentions by not taking into an account that we don’t need plans that makes us feel like herded animals when the real goal is preservation of our resources and quality of life. We need more involvement with Agenda 21 oppose to less. We need more ideas from more sources. Instead, we have this cult of fear talking nonsense about FEMA death camps. Whatever. FEMA was heavily scrutinized for being dysfunctional after Katrina. Just because in the years since, FEMA in response has mapped the US in a way that they can respond to any crisis quickly doesn’t mean we jump to the conclusion of death camps! What the Hell? We demanded FEMA be more on top things.
Talk about being brainwashed.
There are things we can do. Do not allow yourself to be forced into the FEMA camps. They are death camps. Knowing someone that works for FEMA, has for decades, this person states that it is worse than we can imagine. That we should just live our lives free while we can. They are on emergency standby 24 7. This person is bound by contract to give out no details or else. Even those allowed any insight are high up in the ranks, living with threats to their livelihood's should it be found any where that details of the camps has been leaked in any way. This person is fearful for the first time their life. Things are going to change rapidly now.
Funny thing is that the last time I checked there was not one thing going on in our country that would warrant martial law.
This is their way to gain control of us so they can wreck havoc where ever they so bloody well choose. Look to Israel.