I Love the Picture they Chose for this Article on the Budget
Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 10 months ago to Economics
I love how the picture succinctly describes the problem.
I love this line where it's basically admitting increasing gov't can always be sold as pork to prop up candidates seeking re-election: Administration officials pointed to a number of initiatives that could draw support from some Republicans, especially senators vulnerable in this election year.
We'll get serious about this once it's a mini-crisis when rates rise. It's so short-sighted.
I love this line where it's basically admitting increasing gov't can always be sold as pork to prop up candidates seeking re-election: Administration officials pointed to a number of initiatives that could draw support from some Republicans, especially senators vulnerable in this election year.
We'll get serious about this once it's a mini-crisis when rates rise. It's so short-sighted.
Same as it ever was.
To think I originally thought to write "I like this picture better." Yeesh!
Better than that kind of better would be an earth shattering asteroid about to bull's eye my home town.
The posters make me want to think "they" care about the debt, but what do I know? Senator says shut up AP gov teacher you don't know the constitution, and another senator says shut up AP Econ teacher listen to Papa Keynes or currently Lil baby Krugs, and I say No to $19 trillion.
Hey gang, it's a great day, waves raising on the northern shore where I live and "The Eddy" has a good chance of happening.
government without acting through the government,
we might make fast progress. . the likelihood of a State-
driven constitutional convention helping is not good.
what alternatives are out there??? -- j