Is it a Good Idea?
Posted by helidrvr 9 years ago to Philosophy
"The issue – whether it’s ethanol or Obamacare or some other “program” – is whether the use of violence (threatened or actual) is morally justifiable. Debating the utilitarian merits (and deficits) of whatever it is we’re talking about sidesteps this fundamental point and by doing that, concedes the field."
Whatever this guy has to say became less relevant at that sentence.
However, the fact that the state can impose its will upon its citizens has been the reality since Feudal times. And what is behind that imposition is the use of force. The simple fact is, the more you want freedom, the less you want government. The moment the citizenry concedes that it is the government's job to do this, that and the other that is when each of the this and that diminishes the citizen's freedom including whatever the state chooses to impose.
Hey, sometimes I forget that I'm commenting in the Gulch and most people here are sharper than butter knives.
I say the USA was and is very inconsistent, and this philosophical inconsistency is at the heart of our decline
Mormons, you say, were run out of town - but not killed like people of other religions were in the rest of the world. And even considering the atrocities done to the Indians, those were often less barbaric than what the Indians were doing to their rival tribes.
In any case, I don't see the relationship between the faults of Jefferson,, and the national suicide that we've embarked on, which is socialism. Perhaps in the case of Russia a hundred years ago, socialism was embraced due to poverty, but in the 20-21 century America, socialism is being embraced due to gluttony.
Also, by the time the country actually got started functioning, there was a LOT of compromises I am sure (crony capitalist stuff)
Texans fought a war of independence from the totalitarian rule of Mexico and became an independent nation before opting to become part of the United States.
Yep, there are inconsistencies.
I pay taxes due to the fear of losing what freedom I am allowed to have at this point.
Should I, for example, refuse to pay my taxes to protest the funding of Planned Parenthood abortions, people with guns will come to put me in a cage.
Miss Rand completely identified this system - in theory - but left the task of integrating into a structural entity to us(-uh, me) - and I did it!
In the days and months to come, as you begin to understand that a withdrawal from the mixed morality of the world 'as it is' is essential, you'll be relieved and more appreciative of the effort and the truth of JohnGalt's declaration that: "the looter's code must run, for once, its undisguised course."
Until then, reassure yourselves that there is an actual motor and men on strike developing it. Your journey can begin as it did for Dagny in the story if you can project the potential of this image and the where it leads:
Honestly, it will help you make your peace with the world. Something Ayn Rand never attained herself (nor did those in closest proximity - Frank O'Connor died in a demented state) but she laid the groundwork for future Objectivists.
Its all here if you want to grasp it.
And I mean it.
JohnGalt Iamoura
The 'Federalists' of our founding began their attack on the Constitution even before approval, but even had the anti's come out on top over the next few generations, we'd still have these battles at the state levels. Gov't at any level will always contain within it the drive for power, control, and money.
Socialism = Government Dependence = Slavery
Capitalism = Self Reliance = Freedom
This should really annoy the liberals in my home town.
ing we want a laissez-faire system, and not, as
the article mentions, getting bogged down in the
details about whether a specific subsidy program
"works" or not. We must say, over and over, that
such subsidies violate the rights of man and are
subversive of the proper purpose of government---to protect man against force and violence (in-
cluding fraud),and punish same. And when the
opponents start sniveling about how "heartless"
and "selfish" we are, dismiss that complaint
with the contempt it deserves.