Pentagon Loosens Rules of Engagement Against ISIS in Afghanistan

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Jan 22, 2016 | by Lucas Tomlinson

The Obama administration has loosened the rules of engagement for U.S. forces striking the Islamic State and affiliated groups in Afghanistan, allowing them to target militants just for being associated with the terror network, a senior defense official confirmed to Fox News.

The new authorization now puts ISIS in the same category as al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

Previously, the militants could be targeted only if they showed what's known as hostile intent.

"Now," a U.S. official told Fox News, "we can kill ISIS in Afghanistan just for wearing the T-shirt or waving their flag."

The Wall Street Journal first reported the change.

The development comes after the State Department designated the affiliate "ISIL-K," or Khorasan, as a foreign terrorist organization earlier this month.

Despite the new authorization allowing the military to more easily target ISIS supporters, the U.S. has been going after the militants in Afghanistan for months.

The U.S. military has conducted dozens of drone operations against ISIS affiliates in eastern Afghanistan beginning this summer in order to protect Afghan, U.S. and foreign forces.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 8 months ago
    Can Americans do the same on the border with Mexico ?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
      If by Americans you mean citizens of the USA on the border with USM (the other United States that's what the military is for. coast guard does coastal defense and the border is federal so why not? Posse Comitatus ruling doesn't apply. and there are outstanding unanswered requests from local governments.

      typically they would be used in a surveillance mode or offering the use of equipment and technical assistance to regular law enforcement the border patrol after some careful training. there is a huge difference in mind set from straight up soldiering and what so far is criminal incursions and a lot of drug related activity. On the side of that the Government has already suspended the Bill of Rights in any border area 100 miles from the border or the sea coasts..

      The Rules of Engagement and Status of Forces Agreements between Federal LEA, Federal Military, State LEA and State Military and local law enforcement is required training prior to deployment.

      Of course Obombeda may not want to spent the money.. he has a legacy to protect
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 8 months ago
        Are the 'militia' supposed to help protect their state from foreign invasion?
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
          Most states have no militia. If you are thinking of the national guard their is a reason it's called national. The can and probably would be federalized for that role Without being federalized they are really just federal reserves with 90 plus percent of their budget paid for out of DC. MP units would go first.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 8 months ago
            If you examine many states' constitutions, you'll find that they include all male residents between 17 and 50 or so that are not already in military or law enforcement as the "unorganized" militia. The rules for employing this group are that a crisis outstrips the abilities of the National Guard and state and local law enforcement, allowing the governor to induct this force in efforts that include search, rescue, firefighting, and defense, including use of arms.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 8 months ago
    "The Obama administration has loosened the rules of engagement for U.S. forces striking the Islamic State and affiliated groups in Afghanistan, ... The new authorization now puts ISIS in the same category as al-Qaida in Afghanistan."

    Coming from our current Caliph in Grief, that would mean... hmmmm...

    OK, I got this.

    The tacit agreement to continue to use and promote them as the "omnipresent and constant threat" to the American people to assure they keep in power Assurances to the bungholes running it that we will not be able to stop their actions and growth...

    Most Favored Caliphate status... Dropping visa requirements for "pilgrims" traveling to the US from their terroritory for "religious reasons"... and continuing negotiations to make it the United Arabic Caliphate States...

    I like the other tack... Where we "Bring a firestorm of pig blooded hell upon, repeatedly decimate, and absolutely and swiftly annihilate" ISIS. That doesn't seem to be in ol' Potus's vocabulary... nor do I suspect Frau Klintonheimer, of daring to stand against the policies of her idol, the aforementioned White House Disaster.

    We need... to wipe them from the face of existence -

    or in the immortal and not-yet spoken words of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam Corrino IV...

    " I want 50 legions of Sardaukar in ISIL territory at once.
    (50 legions? That's our entire reserves as well?)

    This is genocide,the deliberate and systematic destruction of all traces of ISIL.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    About time.
    The next step is to clean up the Middle East. Hopefully, the next President will have the will to do it. Once that's accomplished, turn America's attention to North Korea.
    Ideally, the USA should stay out of foreign conflicts that don't affect us directly. That is the Libertarian ideal. However, when Iran is on the verge of getting nuclear devices, North Korea has nuclear devices and is working on ICBMs, anything that goes on in the world can affect us. And like the wise philosopher Hillel said, "If not us, who?"
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 8 months ago
    I do kind of think that we should just leave the
    Mideast to itself (except for our alliance with Is-
    rael), and just let the Sunnis, Shiites, and Isis kill
    each other; and then maybe afterward we could
    go in and finish off the winner. What is the point
    of helping to overthrow a dictatorship if the
    place just gets another dictatorship, possibly
    even a worse one?
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
    Given that ISIS was created as a Sunni reaction to our Shiite imposed rule in Iraq, it would be funny to read what Obama is doing now- except we are paying for it. I say get RID of Obama's rule as soon as possible while we still have time. As to ISIS, I think we should leave them alone and let them retake Iraq if the people want it.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 8 months ago
      Perhaps...if we had not been part of this from the beginning. But now the US is the Great Enemy and if we let them win they will be able to consolidate more resources to use against us.

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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
        Apart from the whole islam thing about killing the infidels, which could make the following argument totally wrong-

        My first reaction is to admit that the USA foreign policy is wrong, and we will no longer interfere in other countries' affairs. We will trade if it suits every one, but we will no longer try to install democracy in other countries, or be the savior of peoples who get themselves in trouble from their own actions.

        Maybe its naive to think that this would reset our relations with other countries and get us off the list of "terrible and onerous" witches of the west. Let islam be islam and chop off the hands of their populace with sharia law if they want. Draw the line at our country, and let other countries fend for themselves. Take troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and close most all of these bases in foreign countries that we pay for.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 8 months ago
          This is one of my even-day/odd-day issues. I do not want to be The World's Policeman. Nor do I think that Democracy is the best choice for every people of every country. It was not our best choice until we had had centuries of monarchy and parliamentary monarchy under our historical belts, and the ability to go from a tribal or feudal state to democracy is a questionable path.

          On the other hand, on even days I say to myself, "Well, we certainly wanted to fight the Nazi's and the Japanese during WWII." How can we maintain our integrity as a nation if we ignore a countries attempt to enslave others? It would be like walking by an assault on the street and not trying to stop it.

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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
            Well, if we had not fought Hitler, he would have taken over europe and then he would have fought Russia and probably lost (due to Hitler's craziness). The argument you are making is that its best to have all countries somewhat equal in power so no one tries to overcome others. Kind of like what big animals do in establishing who is boss- they "fight" to see who is more powerful, but the idea is not to kill the opponent. Very difficult questions you raise, but I can see that what we did in middle east is NOT working.
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