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do not refer to current govt leaders as anything but fascists...
someone for DWI. . in a city of more than 8 million,
that's a pittance. . but the martial law statement
is still true. -- j
in history. . For the first time, a civilized nation has
full gun registration. . Our streets will be safer,
our police more efficient, and the world will follow
our lead into the future!"
who? . Adolph Hitler. -- j
source, so I'll check it. -- j
p.s. here's a site which says that it's false,
but that the Weimar Republic laws which
preceded Hitler did exactly that::: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/r...
it's the 4th bullet in the "mis-attributed" section
of this website, also::: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Adolf_H...
A case of one group of leftists using the work of others.
his head to declare martial law for one of his
crafty maneuvers.
If you appeal to common sense, then you will get maybe 16% of the people stay home. If you threaten arrest, then very few people will dare to yank on the chain. What to do? What to do?
Like you, I dislike the idea of people being controlled by martial law 'for their own good'. But I will have to pay for the rescue operations that save those people and I am also the one who will not be able to drive down the empy-and-snowplowed freeway to take my neighbor to the hospital for a genuine emergency.
I think that a better solution would have been to say, "It will cost between $5K and $20K to rescue each car full of people stalled on the freeway in the snow. We will waive this fee in case of genuine emergencies. Everyone else will be charged." That might have actually had enough teeth in it to alter behavior patterns, and it would have been philosophically better.
But it would not have happened - no one would have said that (or done it).
ready to jump in and defend against charging folks
for their rescue. . this world is upside-down! -- j
Oh, wait... sorry.
Sorry... it wasn't "martial law" it was a declared public safety emergency, so (1) DPW trucks could start to reopen roads without having to move a disabled vehicle every 20 feet to do their job, (2) emergency vehicles (like fire trucks, ambulances, and police) could (try to) get where they were needed, and (3) keep people who don't know how to drive in bad snow (read most residents of NYC) from getting in over their head and injuring themselves or others.
BIG difference. There was no armed insurrection - it was a gehenna of a storm, and they were trying to stay on top of it. Right or wrong, If I were the mayor of NYC I would have done the same thing. Not even a question.
Because... sadly... there is a substantial percentage of that 8.5 million in the City who neither have the sense nor the inclination to keep themselves or others out of harms way, or do the right thing on their own.
Yep, NYC has changed a lot in the past decades... and not all For The Better.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
This is a national emergency broadcast.
You are instructed to stay off the streets.
Your local law enforcement shall arrest anyone seen on the streets.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
This is a national emergency broadcast.
You are instructed to stay off the streets.
Your local law enforcement shall arrest anyone
seen on the streets.
Stand by for further instructions."
Why does the above scenario I just made up seem more and more likely?
Did you expect anything different in communist NYC?
Coming soon to a city near you.