Martial law declared in NYC

Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago to Government
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when you think about it, this was exactly true.
what do you think? -- j

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  • Posted by mia767ca 9 years ago
    this is how you "condition" people to accept fascism as "reasonable"...and, sadly, it is working..

    do not refer to current govt leaders as anything but fascists...
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years ago
    Unfortunately, this sort of human behavior is exactly what we have to deal with in the real world. My sister told me a story about a woman with two young children and a diabetic father who was stuck (30 Hours???) on the freeway in the snow amidst all the other stalled traffic. My heart was supposed to be rent by this tale, but I just said, "What the heck was she doing out on the freeway with two small kids and a diabetic dad?"

    If you appeal to common sense, then you will get maybe 16% of the people stay home. If you threaten arrest, then very few people will dare to yank on the chain. What to do? What to do?

    Like you, I dislike the idea of people being controlled by martial law 'for their own good'. But I will have to pay for the rescue operations that save those people and I am also the one who will not be able to drive down the empy-and-snowplowed freeway to take my neighbor to the hospital for a genuine emergency.

    I think that a better solution would have been to say, "It will cost between $5K and $20K to rescue each car full of people stalled on the freeway in the snow. We will waive this fee in case of genuine emergencies. Everyone else will be charged." That might have actually had enough teeth in it to alter behavior patterns, and it would have been philosophically better.

    But it would not have happened - no one would have said that (or done it).

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    • Posted by $ sekeres 9 years ago
      Thank you for "a better solution." Even saying it on a forum like this one, where it's essentially "preaching to the choir," is a step in the right direction toward individual responsibility.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years ago
    Martial Law? Oh my... How many did the National Guard shoot? Did they open the camps and throw people in?

    Sorry... it wasn't "martial law" it was a declared public safety emergency, so (1) DPW trucks could start to reopen roads without having to move a disabled vehicle every 20 feet to do their job, (2) emergency vehicles (like fire trucks, ambulances, and police) could (try to) get where they were needed, and (3) keep people who don't know how to drive in bad snow (read most residents of NYC) from getting in over their head and injuring themselves or others.

    BIG difference. There was no armed insurrection - it was a gehenna of a storm, and they were trying to stay on top of it. Right or wrong, If I were the mayor of NYC I would have done the same thing. Not even a question.

    Because... sadly... there is a substantial percentage of that 8.5 million in the City who neither have the sense nor the inclination to keep themselves or others out of harms way, or do the right thing on their own.
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  • Posted by JoleneMartens1982 9 years ago
    I think the martial law thing was a bit extreme on both sides of the coin. Some people may have had to of gotten out to feed their families. But they did say foot traffic was allowed. And myself, if I had been in the situation, I would have been happy to stay home, both to avoid injury to myself and others and so that the streets could be cleared more quickly and efficiently. But they should have declared weather restrictions rather than martial law. We had a bad storm of far less magnitude a year or so ago here in Mo. They told us all to stay home, declared it an emergency and ask that we stay off the streets. There were still a few people that got out anyway. My brother was one of them, and he wrecked his truck because he was too close and clipped the corner of a snow plow on one of the county plow trucks. He was ticketed and had to fix his own vehicle, insurance would not cover it, because they had declared the emergency. They talked about trying to make him responsible for the repairs on the county plow as well, but I don't think they followed through on that.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
    I used to live in NYC. When it snowed, people used their heads and just went outside to play a bit in the snow. We didnt need some mayor to tell us and jail us if we went out. I resent that a LOT.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 9 years ago
    What else could you possibly expect of Progressive governance. The Crats in Washington probably authorized the experiment to see how many rats escaped the maze.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
    Martial Law which should be a last resort, is a first resort and should illustrate to anyone perceptive at all, how the liberal mind works. Use one of the ultimate weapons first, even though nothing has happened to justify it. It does, however, increase the government's power over its citizens. Always more desirable to the progressive mentality.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years ago
    "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
    This is a national emergency broadcast.
    You are instructed to stay off the streets.
    Your local law enforcement shall arrest anyone seen on the streets.
    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
    This is a national emergency broadcast.
    You are instructed to stay off the streets.
    Your local law enforcement shall arrest anyone
    seen on the streets.
    Stand by for further instructions."
    Why does the above scenario I just made up seem more and more likely?
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years ago
    it seems to me if they just asked people for the benefit of all not to try traveling because if they have a problem it means that others may have to risk their lives it would have been probably observed. when people go into the mountains out here without proper knowledge supplies etc they do endanger those who have to find them if they get into trouble. THEN they are fined for complete costs. the problem with cuomo and the police people is that they believe they should be dictatorial.
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  • Posted by RJSchimenz 9 years ago
    While I'm not a supporter of government control, I recall hundreds of cars stuck on the LIE in a snowstorm. The drivers put others at risk and delayed snow-plowing, thus inconveniencing those who needed clear roads to get to work.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      It's the me first attitude and an over inflated sense of self importance. No different that the idiots in my own boating community who blindly went the Red Sea Suez route during the middle of a war and thorugh the heaviest pirate area in the world. And got caught and expected sympathy and immediate rescue. Those who have so little regard for their lives should not expect others to risk the same. And that goes for the anti police group. Let them deal with their own situation. They got what they asked for. In the case of the yachties our ship did not stop nor change course only radio in the SOS to others. To this day I do not know nor do I care what happened to them except three yachts had been pirated. Let MSNBC or the NYT conduct the rescue.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 years ago
    I do not support Martial law in NYC for something we in the Midwest view as a part of winter. That said, you must realize that New York and the East coast are pretty much a third world country. I lived in Connecticut and worked in Manhattan for three years. East coast people have no clue about deriving in snow. I was appalled the first winter I lived there. I learned pretty quickly to stay off the roads as much as possible and give great distance to those in front of me.
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