Tick - From Papa Possum - For Countdown Day

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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January’s satire, “Tick,” for Countdown Day.
Enjoy, or not.


Three sixty-five...

We will count down ev'ry hour
and we'll mark off ev'ry day
'til your marxist reign is over,
'til, at last, you're dragged away
to the cheering of the People,
to our deafening, “Hurray,”
'til your High Noon we call our
Second Independence Day.

A year is all that's left to you,
in days – three sixty-six.
Ev'ry hour, minute, second
ev'ry eye will now affix
to a timepiece that's convenient,
any calendar or clock,
to see how long we must play Hobbes
instead of playing Locke.

We will count down ev'ry hour
and we'll mark off ev'ry day
'til your marxist reign is over,
'til, at last, you're dragged away
to our swelling songs of Liberty,
to fireworks display,
'til your High Noon we call our
Second Independence Day

One last year for your treacheries
each a reminder how
if not for cowardly Congress,
you'd be impeached right now.
One last year for your legacy
of rack and ruin and coup.
One last year for your villainy...
'til last we're free of you.

We will count down ev'ry hour
and we'll mark off ev'ry day
'til your marxist reign is over,
'til, at last, you're dragged away
to feasts of friends and families,
to toast and repartee,
'til your High Noon we call our
Second Independence Day

To the cheering of the People,
to our deafening, “Hurray!”
to our swelling songs of Liberty,
to fireworks display,
to feasts of friends and families,
to toast and repartee,
come your High Noon we call our
Second Independence Day

Tick, Copyright © 2016 Papa Possum


Hear the audio stream here: http://papapossum.blogspot.com/2016/0...

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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 2 months ago
    This would make a great song: fun words, catchy refrain, scans well. Did you have a tune in mind?

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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      Most of my work is written in Ballad form. The form lends itself well to song, especially when sections are repeated.

      I don't write with a specific tune in mind. My main concern is that rhythm and cadence are correct. One of the reasons that I started providing audio for each piece was so that the rhythm and cadence were made plain, particularly in parts some might find troublesome.

      Thanks for reading.
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