What if Bernie Sanders Wins?

Posted by awebb 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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Recent polls have shown that Bernie Sanders is actually leading over Hillary Clinton (source: http://bit.ly/1n5PTtB).

Since a real Galt's Gulch doesn't exist for us to retreat to, I'm curious... if Bernie Sanders wins the White House, what are you going to do?

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  • Posted by 1musictime 6 years, 10 months ago
    Like Bernie Sanders not winning, definite Galt's Gulches and more are possible.Then, too, one may note the possibility of no requirement to flee to a haven.
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    • Posted by 1musictime 6 years, 10 months ago
      Easy to write of what is like a certainty more than a year before of what will be later.Easy to pretend knowing a separate time of what's later and later than later.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years, 8 months ago
    After 100 years of creeping socialism gradually gobbling up bits of the American economy, the gummint is now in a position to take over the rest of it in one fell swoop. Obama has succeeded in greatly expanding the government while the Republican party mostly cowers in fear of standing in his way, so as not to be called "racist". Now I think the Dimocrat party is taking stock of the situation, essentially asking themselves "Can we drop the mask of being "liberals" or "progressives", and just start calling ourselves Socialists?" The American people certainly don't seem to care. All they care about is what new apps are available for their iPhones.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      it happened earlier this year everything you are conjecturing for the future... Publicly announced and everything. "You lost the bill of rights New Years Eve.
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  • Posted by Danno 8 years, 8 months ago
    There could be a landslide victory for Trump. There is much disappointment with ACA, a lot! My insurance went up 22%. Everyone I know is dealing with these massive cost increases.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      And with Bernie offering another hefty increase in a shoddy product????? You are right. I don't much like anything but he's no true insider but he's also not a Constitutionalist. But then...none of the are/were.
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  • Posted by bassboat 8 years, 8 months ago
    I know ut's an "if" question but Uncle Joe will come in and be the Dem nominee. Don't fret about the rules, gems know how to break them.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Stalin? I'm old enough to remember Gabriel Heater announcing on the radio "Uncle Joe is dead." Then I though you meant Kerry but that's not his first name. Surely you don't mean the court jester? They could draft Fiorini she's available and would fit right in.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
    last i checked, this is a democracy where you end up with tryanny of the majority...welcome to the end...enjoy what you can while you...prepare for the eventual collapse into fascist oligarchy...long live the republic...become a prepper...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Last I checked its been a republic for 240 some years and was never a democracy. you might want to read up on some factual history. But you are right in your summation with the left wing socialist fascist an oligarchy mmmmmm I'm inclined to believe a straight up dictatorship. Since they have a lock on both competing candidates for next fall they get to choose the system. People's Democratic Republic of Socialist America

      Welkommen to the PDR. You have business?

      Your papers are not in order.

      Looks like moving to FNA was not a bad idea. I can watch the holocaust from the sidelines this time...unless the other United States becomes a target for the war mongers of the fascist left too.
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      • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
        correct...we were founded as a republic...check the words of the pledge of allegance...we also had a constitution that was followed to the letter...neither is the case today...this is a democracy and the constitution is shredded...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      the majority is paper edge thin if you wish to call them that. A majority build on despair and chicanery is hardly a landslide a mandate to much of anything to be proud of or to stake one's life I would call it a tyranny of the minority who had the reins of power handed to them. Now heading to the edge of the cliff they weren't taught three essential words Gee Haw and Stop. Asses to the end. (Isn't that a wonderful triple entendre based on a perfect pun?)
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      • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
        the republicans are "me tooers". as are those who vote for them...freedom, free enterprise, and liberty loving individuals comprise maybe 10% of the citizenry...

        As Ayn Rand observed...those who practice their philosophy most consistently beat out those who are inconsistent..Bernie Sanders (Maddof) promises more than Hillary...

        the conservatives are most at fault for not hammering the lies and inconsistencies of the socialist/fascists...Rand had more contempt for conservatives than the liberal/socialist/fascists of the 20th century...

        i had discussions with her after lectures in NYC in the 60's...she was very clear on where democracy would take us...she was onboard with a republic where the vote was earned by producers...all those on the govt dole would not vote...
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
          I haven't added up the cost of the promises for either of them but both will redouble the debt. Consider.....the whole world only has 75 to 80 trillion and we owe 18.5..
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          • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
            i agree...great documentary...IOUUSA...watch it if you get the chance...read "Creature from Jekyll Island" (formation of the Fed in 1913)...and then consider that this is the 4th Fed in U.S. history...the other 3 failed and the country collapsed financially...in an agraian society...tough but survivalable...in our society...with a 3-day supply of goods in stores and homes...not good...90% of country will die off in less than 30 days unless you prepare...

            ...or the voting majority will vote surrender freedom, free enterprise, and liberty in exchange for a politician's promise of security and food on the table...

            as an extreme minority (we are labeled "sovereign citizens" by homeland security...i.e....home grown terrorists)...you will have to get along to go along...or read Harry Browne's book...How to LIve Free in an Unfree World....
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
    Side Comment Cruz is whining and crying and grasping for a life line that isn't there.

    His new explanation is the first eight Presidents weren't born in the US.

    Dumb Ass there was no USA.

    I wonder if he flunked history in Canada as well.

    Two people race now ..Trump and Hillary. Cruz cut his throat when he went left wing and wishful thinking does not change law. All he can hope for is an executive decision form the Dictator and I doubt he's going to get that. He maybe a Pelosi tax raise supporter but he ain't anywhere near far enough left for that kind of favoritism..

    Not that it matters socialist corporatist or socialist statist same thing in the end.

    When he abandoned the Libertarians and became a Republican he left for the left and that's an end to it.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
    Hide my stuff is exactly what is needed. Hidden stashes of silver coins and untraceable assets. Also, substantial lessening of work to just what I need to live a reasonable lifestyle- AND NO MORE. I want to be considered one of Sanders' "poor", and certainly NOT one of the 1%.

    However, if he gets the democratic nomination and faces off with TRUMP, I think he will be handily defeated. The mainstream here isnt ready for an admitted socialist
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 8 years, 8 months ago
    Create Galt's Gulch in a Red State Secession. As one known Conservative (Jan Brewer) [Not an Objectivist but leaning in the right direction.] stated: The Blue States cannot not feed themselves. And would likely be unable to decide what to do with the seceded states that outnumber them.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Enslave them. States are only marginally blue 29% Red 26% and unorganized splintered factional independent 44% and climbing bur not organizing. with the sell outs Red and Blue will gain ....just enough they only need between the two of them 50% plus one. they have 55% and a rigged election with only their candidates. How can they lose?. Only by raising that 44% to 51% or above and then enlarging. That ain't gonna happen.

      The big question is can the only legal entity take the only legal action available Yes. Will they switching from Can I to May I?

      The full court press to co opt them is underway. Say goodbye to the military oath of office....That's next to go. Then the Protective Echelon will have it's Waffen Gruppe. Complete with double baraks on the collar point.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
    Well, hypothetically I would seriously consider moving to a country that has more freedom than we do (perhaps Putin's Russia) - just joking! It would probably be someplace in South America (maybe Uraguay) or New Zealand, etc.

    The best answer perhaps is that this is still our country and like those inhabitants of Galt's Gulch, we just have to stop participating and supporting the moocher classes.

    Mindless politicians like Sanders, Clinton, Obama, etc. do not realize that talent, resources and strength of character are not infinite and that those rare commodities are in too short supply to support the Socialist/Progressive/Communist Utopia that Bernie Sanders best represents.

    As with any "Socialist" once you have spent everyone's money and have created nothing but demand from non-producers, you have sealed your own fate. As in Shrugged, the house of cards will come crashing down and the only one's that may survive are the producers, not the moochers!
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
      At least Sanders is honest about being a socialist. That tells us what to expect at least a year in advance. There is a LOT of wealth to spend here, and it will take awhile for Sanders and crew to get it all. The smart people will hide their assets over the next year and move into "portable wealth".
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 8 months ago
        Stalin and Mao were incredibly creative in devising ways for the slaves, I meant citizens, to voluntarily surrender everything that they had and everything that their neighbors had...
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  • Posted by jhagen 8 years, 8 months ago
    Not to worry; I just read that if he does win, on his very first day in office he's going to instruct the forestry department to immediately plant the trees that provide all the free stuff.

    And since there won't be anyone willing to harvest and distribute the free stuff, it will all be there for the taking by those of us who don't mind working.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    Being a very old geezer, probably nothing. However, if I were 61 instead of 81, I would get busy working toward a true Galt's Gulch. I'd devote all of my energy, knowhow, and resources to it, and I wouldn't stop until it was done or I assumed room temperature. It will be important that at least a colony of sanity exists as long as it can be maintained, so that knowledge, and the epistemology of reason continues to exist and continues to be taught. Because if Sanders is elected, The American Experiment is over.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 8 months ago
      The American Experiment has ended at least several decades ago. At the risk of being abrupt, are you just now contemplating that possibility? Ever since people, en mass, began coming to America in order to receive welfare instead of working, the experiment ended.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
        I think you were premature. There was always the possibility that it could be fixed. There still is to a greatly lesser extent. Perhaps I'm just stubborn, but I want to hold on as long as possible. At least until the final coffin nail is inserted. There could be no greater coffin nail than Sanders.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
          Sure there is a possibility. We have discussed them at length, breadth, and depth. And that was the end of it. Now we look at the possibilities of reality. Let's see there is an extreme extremist socialist, an extreme socialist, a national socialist and that's just on the statist side. On the corporate side there is a national socialist and some right wing of the left socialists. The front runners are one illegal socialist one extreme socialist. Lots of choices.

          What do you propose doing? The last coffin nail is slated for election day. The rest aren't nail they are screwed in with a coating of No More Nails

          The rest won't see one line on the ballot unless their supporters are intent on giving that vote to one of the others under winner take all rules. That's why the call it a rigged election.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
            I already posted my answer to that. Being 81 I'm not going to do anything. However, if I were 61, I'd do everything possible including every ability and resource I have to creating a real Galt's Gulch. The next question to ask is Why didn't I do it 20 years ago? Still thought I didn't need to. Now, it's time to organize. Do what Branden did. Form a unified Objectivist organization. Put an insert in every soft cover copy of Atlas. Distribute recorded lectures on the basic principles of Objectivism etc, etc.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years, 8 months ago
    It is my opinion that Hillarity is now on political "death watch." The latest article by Judge Napolitano, in which he cites that the FBI apparently has now in excess of 100 agents assigned to investigations surrounding her email, now also includes links to her husband's financial activities. If true, it spells a recommendation for indictment. This potential bombshell will occur whether Loretta Lynch agrees to an indictment or not.

    Either way, it should doom Hilarity's 2nd attempt to become our version of Evita Peron. If, when in response to a recommendation for criminal prosecution by FBI Head, James Comey, Lynch, after "consultation" with B.O. fails to act consistent with Comey's decision, I believe there will be a bloodbath of resignations and "news" emanating from the FBI. She may resist the pressure to end her campaign, but it will become fatally stricken in any event.

    Hopefully, in that event, she will subsequently be prosecuted by "Team Trump." I suspect however, B.O. will give a nod to Lynch, opening the door for the all-but-forgotten "Biden of Beltway." Otherwise, Sanders will lead the Dems to the political version of "McGovern lite," with a likely electoral landslide for Team Trump.

    "Retired," though not on strike,
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 8 years, 8 months ago
      I think "McGovern Lite" nails it. McGovern, and Goldwater before him, showed that the American electorate will run screaming from any Presidential candidate who displays ideological consistency (regardless of which ideology). Should he be nominated, Sanders will suffer the same fate.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
    I am not religious in any manner shape or form, actually an atheist, but in this case god forbid. we have had it so bad for at least the last 7 soon to be 8 years and if he were to win things will absolutely get worse. you should bite your tongue for even thinking it is possible.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 8 years, 8 months ago
    Two Bernie supporters just came to Fivedollargold's house. The young fellow said they saw five dollar's solar panels and thought they should stop by. Fivedollargold explained that, as a Whig, he wouldn't be voting in their primary. The older lady handed him a piece of campaign literature, and made eye contact a bit too long. So, Fivedollargold recited a poem and suggested they meet for lunch. Got a phone number!!!!
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  • Posted by RobertFl 8 years, 8 months ago
    What if Bernie wins, and a republican congress gives him everything he wants, and what they don't give him, Bernie writes an unchallenged EO and just does it?
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  • Posted by Butched 8 years, 8 months ago
    I will look for those that support the principal of atlas shrugged. Pool resources to buy an island and start anew. The only way to survive. Just remember, the president is not a king for now and congress will be the place to defeat this jerk.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 8 months ago
      "the president is not a king" - really? America is an Empire run by an oligarchy with the "president" living like a king and wielding more power than any king alive (and dead, for the most part).
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  • Posted by radical 8 years, 8 months ago
    I've already done it - thirty years ago.. It's better to be 30 years too early than 30 minutes too late.
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