GULCH LOCAL: Members within 50 miles of Houston, TX 77024, USA

Posted by joy8995 9 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Local
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Greetings Houston area members, I know some of you are not able to attend the first ARCH meetup of the year, so I wanted to let you know about another event. I have scheduled a screening of Poverty, Inc at the Edwards MarqE on I-10 for Jan 28th. The catch is we have to meet a ticket threshold for them to show it. It looks to be an excellent documentary, take a look at the trailer and if you can make it please reserve a ticket! (You won't be charged if we don't meet the threshold). Here is a link to the Tugg website where you can watch the trailer and reserve a ticket:
I also created an event on Facebook with the above link, feel free to join and share!

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