Home remedies
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: General
My father is 74 years young and this morning he was reminiscing about his childhood. He said he was always careful when playing at his grandmothers house. The reason---if he fell and got a cut she would rub the white part of chicken poop on the cut. She saved it in a jar for just such an occasion. I'm guessing it helped it heal faster. His family had a farm and had to make due the best they could. I doubt this treatment would be sanctioned by ObamaCare and she would probably be charged with child abuse by lefty do-gooders. Anyone else have any strange home remedies?
There is a book I can recommend: When There Is No Doctor". A lot of it is oriented towards sanitation in remote Mexican villages, but there is tons of good medical advice for DIY medicine. I would suggest this book for anyone who has a BugOut kit.
Many of the 'modern' cures for disease are applicable to a true Paleolithic technology - they require no more than the ability to boil water and dig latrines and avoidance behavior patterns that actively increase the chance of crippling or fatal disorders.
Chief amongst these behavior patterns to avoid is the 'rub it with dirt' custom that is still prevalent in our (and many modern) societies. Coaches will TELL their player to rub dirt into an abrasion! This is beyond boggling my mind: We have know for centuries that dirt contains opportunistic bacteria and fungi and that rubbing dirt into a wound is the thing you should Never Do. Yet people still think that dirt or chicken poop is a 'good home remedy'.
Those of you who followed my first link, above, to the picture of Sporotrichosis can see an example of what can result. Do you know that there are many fungal diseases for which there is no treatment except amputation of the limb? Do you know that there are some fungal diseases for which there is no treatment whatsoever? - all observed instances of these diseases have been fatal.
It is very easy to find home and herbal remedies for everything from cholera to poison oak. These remedies should be applied with thoughtfulness and with a basic knowledge of bacteriology and disease process. You do NOT have to be a doctor in order to apply remedies that take nothing more than a shovel or a pot of hot water or the ability to identify a willow tree, but you must avoid behavior that makes things worse.
First, do ye no harm.
infections didn't "catch" it -- communicable by touch only? -- j
But these fungi are uncommon and generally they are caught by the bad luck of someone puncturing himself with a dirty thorn or some such. It is still scary to read a paragraph that says something like, "We are not certain what anti-fungal to recommend in case of this diagnosis; the fatality rate for this diagnosis is 100%."
Could you please answer to all that if a Doctor takes the 'Hippocratic Oath' of 'First, do ye no harm' how is it they are not stripped of their credentials for causing harm to the child?
If it is because it is legal...then the Nazi's in the 1930's & 40's murdering the sick and disabled as well as the jewish people didn't do wrong either...it was legal under their laws. Is that really a defense?
The first thing you will be amused to learn is that all of the ancient copies of the Hippocratic oath are missing that particular (do ye no harm) clause. If you look up translations (I do not speak/read Greek) you will find that most of it is concerned with promising to teach other doctor's sons for free! It also promises not to do surgeries or abortions or euthanasia.
Most medical schools do not require the Hippocratic oath - of any era - to be taken by doctors. So, many doctors have never taken it.
As usual, behavior is a personal choice on the part of the individual, be he doctor or not.
I used saliva-wet cigarette tobacco to coat and treat a couple of wasp stings when assigned tower duty at a state prison.
But I'm an ex-smoker now.
Now that you stopped laughing; The medical research community finds that the fats and essential elements aminos and minerals in the 'Chicken Soup' actually works to defeat the common cold. The salts, vinegar and spices in the ‘Pickle Juice’ does kill the bacteria that causes the sore throat. Peppermint soothes the stomach and charcoal is still used in hospitals for ‘overdose’ patients, and illness brought on by bad food.
I guess my Polish Grandparents where pretty smart after all.
P.S. ...with laughter!
Over the years we have collected a few different methods of illness prevention. One of them is even from the era of the black plague. This is what happens, though, when you read books instead of watch tv...haha!
Knew a doc once that for any cut or scrape didn't bother with antbiotics, he just made sure to use a bristle brush and common soap - vigorously - on the wound before covering with a bandage. His patients squirmed and yelled, but always healed quickly and without infection...
Prunella Vulgaris Herb Uses and Medicinal Properties. Prunella Vulgaris is an edible and medicinal herb, and can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb. ... Prunella Vulgaris is one of the latest herbs making headlines as a natural treatment for herpes."
I had been using colloidal silver for years, mostly for stopping colds, sore throats and tooth aches and was confident it could handle the infection. I buy the best I can find which is MesoSilver, according to a report I found through an article on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website. Here's a link to the report:
Here's a link to the protocol I used that cured this acute sinus infection:
I also gargled with hydrogen peroxide and something called Triguard (no longer available) to knock down any pathogens in my mouth and throat and essential oil of clove for the resultant tooth pain.
It was around 1950 and a person I know was about 2 years old and was dying of whooping cough. High fever, congestion and all the other symptoms. After treating her for days the doctor finally said there was nothing else that could be done and she would not live through the night. Her great grandmother said there was an old recipe that could be tried, since it was a last resort. It was boiling fresh sheep dung in water for 1 hour and then filtering off a few tablespoons of liquid and feeding it to her in small doses every hour. Her father, desperate, agreed to the treatment. After four hours, she was up and the sickness was gone. Strange remedy, but all who witnessed it swears it is what saved the little girls life. The little girl became my wife in 1981. Her father, mother, and grandmother all said she was going to die and this saved her life.
Was it luck or some very interesting bio-chemistry at work? I don't know, but it is a very interesting story.
When I was a child, it was considered a cure-all for everything. Tummy ache? Enema. Headache? Enema. Upset stomach? Enema. Except for me. Even at five, I fought so hard that it took three grown women just to get me in the bathroom. My mom eventually just said to hell with it. I pitied those kids, who unlike me, would "go gently into that good night."
I'm debating to tell the following joke. Oh well, what the hell:
In New York there was a Jewish theater where the plays were put on in Yiddish. At one performance, a beloved and famous actor had a heart attack and died on stage. The curtain was closed and a very young Paul Muni told the audience what had happened. A voice from the audience said "Give him an enema." Muni disregarded it and went on extolling the dead man. The voice kept on with the same advice several more times. Finally, Muni. gazing out into the audience shouted in frustration, "The man is dead. What good would it do to give him an enema!?" The voice from the audience wafted forward, "It vouldn't hoit." It may be a joke but it did reflect a certain attitude.
Also garlic and milk on the wound and then drink the rest.
Penicillin and it's family has a fairly significant amount of allergic reactions. Broad spectrum antibiotics are the substitute.
cephalosforin is the latest wonder antibiotic but requires a skin test for allergic reaction first.
So, I always fill that out on the doctor office forms when I go. Now, I bring it up and request the older era sulpha based antibiotics. That has worked great on a number of maladies over the decades. And guess what? On Tuesday last I developed an ear infection. Didn't hurt but couldn't hear out of that ear and it was bloody. Now, as of yesterday and 3 days of sulpha drug, it is clearing up nicely.
Well, obviously this would be considered a right winged comment and page then, right?
Really, I smell a rat !
In truth the left [known as Statist’s (big government) types], is the reason for most regulation and law causing people to run into prosecution for trying to do what they believe is best for their family and themselves.
Who wants 10 working people to pay for 1 retired person? The Socialist Left [social security].
Who wants the whole of the working class to pay the healthcare for all? The Socialist Left [ACA (AKA Obamacare)].
Who has through regulations and testing made it cost $10 million to test and approve a new medical device? The Socialist Left, example of this the newest replacement heart valve used in America today is 2nd generation while the rest of the world is using 8th generation heart valves.
Who forced the use of ‘fluoride’, ‘chlorine’, ‘automotive antifreeze’ and other chemicals in the public drinking water systems? The Socialist Left.
I guess it is time for you to brush this off as what? Conspiracy? Lie’s?
I am an Engineer in the Medical field, and did several years [back in the day] in construction of Water Treatment plants, Nuclear power plants, Bridges and Skyscrapers; your pedigree in this discussion is...
I truly pity this "simplistic" way of viewing things. The "left" is wrong, blame it on something and there. "I hate taxes that aren´t one hundred percent beneficial on my behalf", etc. If you don´t like supporting public welfare, or the retired; well then maybe you should be the brave John Galt to move out, dissappear and form a secret society of enlightenned beings then. Too bad I´d have to remind you that´s just fiction. "They´re comming for your gold Johnny". Hahaha
You are entirely free to support all the worthwhile causes you want -- with your assets. Don't claim superior morality because you are willing to have other people robbed to pay for your causes.
This is typical, narrow mindedness. You want to reap societies perks, and decline responsability for them I see. Again, I can´t help but laugh at this. The highest percent on tax goes to national defense policies, do not forget. And again, you can´t handle the truth of what living in society means (pros and cons, as in everything). Here´s a shovel, pave your own road and else then.
I am complaining about federal bail outs for corporations -- they are wrong. Almost everyone on this site is opposed to federal bail outs of corporations.
I suggest you read some Ayn Rand before you try to swim in this pool.
Center - Home Of Constitution
Right- Citizens Control Government
Left - Rinos Democrats, Dinos, Socialists, Secular Progressives, National and International Socialists in order from right wing of left to extreme left. they believe their center is the center and ignore anything to the right of the RINOs. Are small f (so far) fascist in nature meaning control by any means needed.
Center - Citizens who support and believe in the Constitution and stay close to that belief. Includes a great many independents and a few splinter parties..
Right - A few splinter parties primarily Libertarians although they have views in both directions and the extreme is Anarchy and Anarchists
May sound strange but it works as a system for one explaining why GOP always caves to the Demos. Common belief in three words. Government over people