An interesting use of statistics

Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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As I was carousing through certain intellectual readings, I've come across an interesting statistic, apparently popular in UN and certain Western publications It lists percentage of homicides by firearms per country. So, it appears that some countries are very bad, like the US, for example, with a high percentage of homicides effected by a firearm. Other countries, on the other hand, had much happier victims who were killed by other methods.
Saudi Arabia, for one, has no listed homicide by firearm percentage, which is presumably zero, just like in Bahrain, since the preferred method there is beheading. England prefers knifing, while Rwanda is fond of machetes. So, as long as the death is not due to a firearm, the Progressive maggots are completely happy as, I presume, are the victims as well.
Edit: corrected the link.

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
    Watch out on homicide statistics. In many places, homicides and suicides are lumped together.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, indeed. The socialists have been good at hijacking well known concepts and labels and twisting them (for example, they call themselves "liberals," when in fact nothing in their agenda is liberal). Not only do they lump suicides into the homicide statistic, but also death by police and defensive gun uses are also thrown in. The result is that part of "homicides" actually becomes desirable - Viva La Homicides!
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
        Reason Magazine just had a good story on gun control/homicide/suicide statistics. Happy New Year!
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
          They the same one's that claimed Ayn Rand lied to immigration and then FAILED to prove it. I followed that one from article author to a second one then it dead ended with another unsubstantiated story.

          The post referenced the latest article in Reason but produced nothing else. The latest article referenced an earlier article likewise nothing.

          The next story was a taped confession which miraculously disappeared supposedly bought in all copies by the AR Foundation. Nothing there.

          Three strikes your out. No evidence, no source wasn't even a good fairy tale.

          I would be careful about that rag.....

          That's two of those unsubstantiated claims in the last few months.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    Guardian is popular in some circles. Mexico, Canada and UK do not allow much in the way of personal firearms, Mid east and Africa it's either knives or machetes which are the traditional weapons and common place also inexpensive. US the rate is 1% of the population and interestingly the rate is the same pretty much across the spectrum of crimes also 1% for law enforcement per total police population. That came from Cato Institute. Another skewed figure is deaths of 'children' by weapons especially pistols and revolvers. which includes up to age 20 years 364 days and all gang on gang shootings. I prefer the junior size Louisville Slugger myself or a fish billy. Did they give the perecentage in certain areas by explosives or AK series ?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      No one keeps records on deaths by explosives..., but they should have a tab for beheadings in the Arab world. On second thought, they won't make that tab - beheadings have never been a threat to the State; certainly not like firearms in the hands of citizens...
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
        It's whatever the media seizes upon as the flavor of the moment. Draconian, assault rifles, IEDs. Miillennials, Generation X (they got that one right), starving children, global warming. Doesn't have to be true.They are after all reporters not journalists."
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