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Bush is running because he's part of the Republican old blood like his brother and father before him. What he fails to understand (like many other politicians) is that politics is shifting away from the media elites and more toward online forums and blogs. His campaign likely would have been very successful about 30 years ago. His problem is that many of the Republican voters are as tired of the Bush family as they are sickened by the Clinton family. Bush just really isn't all that photogenic - he lacks the type of presence needed by a Presidential candidate. And worst of all are his policies. He's a centrist, establishment guy - which was great twenty or thirty years ago, but people are sick of that kind of candidate - especially now.
Bush has blown a lot of money and has nothing to show for it. He's topped out at 2%-3% in the polls and that isn't going to get any better unless Marco Rubio drops out. Bush, Kasich, Christie, Gilmore, and Pataki are all establishment and getting nowhere. Santorum and Huckabee are trying to appeal to the Evangelicals and are getting trashed by Cruz. They also need to drop out. Carson had a good run, but the more he speaks, the less people want to hear of him. I still think he'd make a great Cabinet member, but I think his presidential aspirations are over. Fiorina may talk big, but her business past is a huge liability I don't see her getting past with GOP voters - let alone Independents. Rand Paul would make a great Secretary of Anything, really. Treasury would be awesome. But he's old news to most as he's run several other times and just can't get critical mass.
I really think that at this point the real battle is between Cruz and Trump. I think Cruz will win Iowa and Trump will take New Hampshire. After those two, we should see at least a half-dozen candidates drop out, probably leaving Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio. A couple of others will probably try to hang around for Nevada and Bush might even try to stay for Florida, but it's just wasted money IMHO.
Exhibit 2: Hillary Clinton.
I think a good percentage of voters have realized that the establishment republicans are just as much big government as the progressives are; however in different ways.
We really are engaged in a fight of opposites, a mind set and a mindless set, order and disorder, and those with a conscience and those without.
The pursuits of truth and justice have been confounded and no longer carry as much weight as it once did. Facts have become anyone's opinion, not an observation, a documentation nor duplicatable or repeatable.
I am fearful that the masses will awaken too late.
I like to call Sir Jeb "grasshopper eyes" due to that weird stare that peers out from his glasses.
Ted Cruz reminds me of a relative of the Addams family or the Munsters, but I'd voter for him to beat the b-b-b-b witch.
Looks ain't everything. This here is a place to be objective, y'all.
Still, Broom Hillary has aged uglier as sin.
However any means includes rigged voting and rigged candidate selection.
Don't think the riggers will dare try that at this point, but I've had some hunches go south before.
Think some RINO scum would prefer the b-b-b-b witch over Trump, who I think will remain on top as the GOP candidate. .
Like I just said, my hunches ain't prophecy.
Cruz appears to me to be a solid conservative who I would be happy to vote for.
Trump strikes me as far less evil than a Clinton or a Sanders.
Trump may take your house to build a business, but the man said he would reverse a lot of Obama crap.
That's harsh reality.
I'm not going to sit on my hands while the country goes to hell~as if little ole' me can stop anything.
But I view voting as patriotic as defending the Constitution.
I was taught that in elementary school way back when they taught such things in elementary school.
Merry Christmas!
(So sayeth the board's mystic mole. Bwahaha!)
Any Republican candidate minus the Rinos which includes Trump with Jindal for the same reason. Which means Carson or Rubio the rest are Rinos. (luke warm tepid)
None of the Above or Vote of No confidence which means don't vote for any of the candidates keeping in mind a write in IS a vote for the left under winner take all rules. This raises the unregistered and registered but not voting 'under vote' and serves to continue destroying credibility in terms of representation. That's going to happen anyway. So far only this last choice wills satisfy my standards of decency but I see no other possibility other than one.
Trump is a National Socialist RINO and Hillary is an International Socialist DINO. If you are into Seig Heil-ing Trumps the best choice otherwise he has no useful purpose.
Failing all of that my top choice in practical terms is the US Military upholds it's oath of office. 50-50 they will or they won't because of careerists who cannot be trusted.
Still there are signs and movements in the right direction.
I have no interest in that lesser evil crap. People who follow that are already evil and they know it.
So only that Carly Bobby plan is worth looking at for reasons stated.
My goal as responsible system is return the country to a two plus party system with honest and open elections under the Constitution and any changes through the amendment system and quit pretending the center of the left is the center and quit sucking up to the right wing OF the left the RINOs. For the true left it's Trump and National Socialism or Hillary/Bernie and International Socialism. Which leaves you status quo people to come up with a better plan of action or just stay on the couch.
This is a very interesting website - explains why Jeb Bush is still in the race and the plotting and planning that is going on behind the scenes by the GOPe and the msm to elect Jeb Bush at all costs. I know I will never look at elections the same way again once I began to understand the manipulations of the power elite to put their puppet into office.
more will see it. . political maneuvering. -- j
Bush may be suffering from hubris and he may over estimate his winning chances. Still, he has no reason to believe the primary is over OR that Trump is a shoe in. He could still turn things around if he can convince the party is the lesser of the evils presented to voters.
For me, Bush will never convince me that he is anything but a tool. Trump may a bit crazy but he is his own man and that is more than any other candidate has going for them at the moment.
America has been on a slide into a Banana Republic for a long time. If Bush wins the primary, that would establish it a solid Banana Republic, for sure.
The establishment Rs would prefer any of the others who are already in lock step with them. That absolutely excludes Cruz, Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Paul and Christi to a degree. They would have spent the entire bank on Lindsey Graham if he could have moved up even just a little.
A better question might be, How many of us here are registered republicans or independents simply because we could never be democrats?
Left... Those that want Government Controlling citizen. Easy equation By Any Means necessary thats the definition of fascism.
Of course having Paul Ryan just pass Obama's Christmas wish list is probably going to keep people riled up for some time to come.
“You will never be president. You will never be president!"
The only thing left to do at that point was to fall to the floor kicking and screaming.
When the tantrum is over...he’ll drop out.
But the degree of collectivization would probably shock these people. I ponder the same in regards to my Dad. After his WWII years in North Africa with the USAAF, he had a very "low opinion" (being polite) of muslims. He passed away a year before 9/11 and didn't have to witness the last 15 years.
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