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    Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think in his insulated world he does believe he will be the nominee. Much like Hillary he thinks the nomination process is a waste of time. They both expect to be coronated nominee and then President just because they agreed to run. If Trump wins and something happens to keep Hillary from running the Political establishment will go crazy. That would be fun to watch.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 2 months ago
      He believes it because he knows that pre-primary polls do not determine an election. The establishment money is still behind him because they believe he can win, too. They know how to manipulate elections with organization. The latest techniques, no longer new, are to generate votes with targeted negative media buys based on private polling and focus group research, and door to door solicitations based on profiling -- the solicitors know when they walk up to your door what your personal likes and dislikes are from data bases accessible over the internet as they prowl: they know what to say to you to get sympathy and support. All these cynical techniques fill the intellectual vacuum.
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    Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 2 months ago
    Yes and yes.

    Bush is running because he's part of the Republican old blood like his brother and father before him. What he fails to understand (like many other politicians) is that politics is shifting away from the media elites and more toward online forums and blogs. His campaign likely would have been very successful about 30 years ago. His problem is that many of the Republican voters are as tired of the Bush family as they are sickened by the Clinton family. Bush just really isn't all that photogenic - he lacks the type of presence needed by a Presidential candidate. And worst of all are his policies. He's a centrist, establishment guy - which was great twenty or thirty years ago, but people are sick of that kind of candidate - especially now.

    Bush has blown a lot of money and has nothing to show for it. He's topped out at 2%-3% in the polls and that isn't going to get any better unless Marco Rubio drops out. Bush, Kasich, Christie, Gilmore, and Pataki are all establishment and getting nowhere. Santorum and Huckabee are trying to appeal to the Evangelicals and are getting trashed by Cruz. They also need to drop out. Carson had a good run, but the more he speaks, the less people want to hear of him. I still think he'd make a great Cabinet member, but I think his presidential aspirations are over. Fiorina may talk big, but her business past is a huge liability I don't see her getting past with GOP voters - let alone Independents. Rand Paul would make a great Secretary of Anything, really. Treasury would be awesome. But he's old news to most as he's run several other times and just can't get critical mass.

    I really think that at this point the real battle is between Cruz and Trump. I think Cruz will win Iowa and Trump will take New Hampshire. After those two, we should see at least a half-dozen candidates drop out, probably leaving Trump, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio. A couple of others will probably try to hang around for Nevada and Bush might even try to stay for Florida, but it's just wasted money IMHO.
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    • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 9 years, 2 months ago
      I think your analysis is spot on. I am a conservative Republican who is sick and tired of both democrats and RINOs, and the GOP establishment just doesn't get it. The only thing I want LESS than a "Bush III" presidency is a "Clinton II" presidency. We don't do royal dynasties here in the USA. England can have their "Henry VIII"s and their "Edward VII"s, but we broke away from them over two centuries ago. The more Trump says something the media elites don't like, the higher his polling goes, and I'm not the least surprised.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 2 months ago
      You said much of what I would have said. Good Job.
      I think a good percentage of voters have realized that the establishment republicans are just as much big government as the progressives are; however in different ways.

      We really are engaged in a fight of opposites, a mind set and a mindless set, order and disorder, and those with a conscience and those without.

      The pursuits of truth and justice have been confounded and no longer carry as much weight as it once did. Facts have become anyone's opinion, not an observation, a documentation nor duplicatable or repeatable.

      I am fearful that the masses will awaken too late.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
      Trump has my vote, for whatever thats worth these days. He is a non-politician, speaks his mind without worrying about being politically correct, and isnt up there to be bought. We need him to shake things up a big and run the country a bit more like a business.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
    Sir Jeb of the Royal House of Bush is the one GOP candidate I would refuse to vote for (even to beat Clinton) if he could actually rise to the top. I give thanks unto mysticism that he cannot.
    I like to call Sir Jeb "grasshopper eyes" due to that weird stare that peers out from his glasses.
    Ted Cruz reminds me of a relative of the Addams family or the Munsters, but I'd voter for him to beat the b-b-b-b witch.
    Looks ain't everything. This here is a place to be objective, y'all.
    Still, Broom Hillary has aged uglier as sin.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      You got it right he's a left wing socialist corporatist fascist believer in Government Contolling people and the proper position is part of the right wing OF the left.

      However any means includes rigged voting and rigged candidate selection.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
        That rigged candidate selection bit had me worried for a while.
        Don't think the riggers will dare try that at this point, but I've had some hunches go south before.
        Think some RINO scum would prefer the b-b-b-b witch over Trump, who I think will remain on top as the GOP candidate. .
        Like I just said, my hunches ain't prophecy.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
          Won't try? That's future tense. How is it not already rigged. Do you see anybody but left wing extremists Dinos and left wing Rinos being represented? Best thing you can say about Trump is he's a former Democrat turned Republican In name Only who if anything personifies the middle of the left What's that got to do with the Constitution, freedom, independence, a Republic form of government with more than one party? Right now your choices are a wide array of degrees of evil. I really had to LMAO at 'will dare try.' It doesn't matter to the 'establishment which one gets elected as long as they can continue to fool the fools.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
            What I was worried about was the Republicans throwing Cruz and Trump under the bus and exalting Sir Jeb.
            Cruz appears to me to be a solid conservative who I would be happy to vote for.
            Trump strikes me as far less evil than a Clinton or a Sanders.
            Trump may take your house to build a business, but the man said he would reverse a lot of Obama crap.
            That's harsh reality.
            I'm not going to sit on my hands while the country goes to hell~as if little ole' me can stop anything.
            But I view voting as patriotic as defending the Constitution.
            I was taught that in elementary school way back when they taught such things in elementary school.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
              It's patriotic if you are voting for the Constitution. So far I have seen no evidence to indicate that includes anyone running for office. Far less is not different than far left. What they say and has trump has proven what they will do two different things. Trump reminds of western Washington State weather. If you don't like wait five minutes or drive five miles. The one thing he has done is prove on a daily basis his word is worth less than Obama's economy.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
                OK, don''t vote. Your option.

                Merry Christmas!
                (So sayeth the board's mystic mole. Bwahaha!)
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
                  Just as voting left is everyone's option.
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                  • Posted by IndianaGary 9 years, 2 months ago
                    [begin rant] I hate it when people like you do nothing but bitch about the status quo but have nothing positive to add to the conversation. No suggestions, no alternatives, nothing. [end rant]
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                    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
                      That's because people like you turn down every suggestion, every idea and every thing that requires getting off your couch potato ass, stop whining and DO something. So take your rant and shove it. I'm voting for the military to uphold their oath of office since the only suggestion I've seen so far is vote for the right wing of the left. You are the status quo. If all you have to offer is Trump or one of those other RINO left wingers you should go back in the closet.
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                      • Posted by IndianaGary 9 years, 2 months ago
                        Boy, did you get a wrong number! Trump is a demagogue and I don't see much available in the R field except, perhaps, Fiorina. I like Carly. Oh, and I'm still waiting to hear your options.
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
                          Fiorina with Jindal as the Democrats sleeper agent candidate which she is anyway. Reason? Wasserman gets to stay at DNC which is improbable if Hillary wins. DNC establishment doesn't really want to deal with Hillary. That gets Fiorino the RINO Vote and quietly much of the Dino vote. They still fear indictments and they can't use Presidential Pardons as a cover. Jindal as VP brings in the quasi republicans and the independents or splinter party people a huge chunk of votes IF they are thinking as i do long term 4-8 years and he has a fiscal responsibility track record.I see that as a viable way of camel nosing a possible non-Rino and my objective is to destroy the one party rigged vote system.

                          Any Republican candidate minus the Rinos which includes Trump with Jindal for the same reason. Which means Carson or Rubio the rest are Rinos. (luke warm tepid)

                          None of the Above or Vote of No confidence which means don't vote for any of the candidates keeping in mind a write in IS a vote for the left under winner take all rules. This raises the unregistered and registered but not voting 'under vote' and serves to continue destroying credibility in terms of representation. That's going to happen anyway. So far only this last choice wills satisfy my standards of decency but I see no other possibility other than one.

                          Trump is a National Socialist RINO and Hillary is an International Socialist DINO. If you are into Seig Heil-ing Trumps the best choice otherwise he has no useful purpose.

                          Failing all of that my top choice in practical terms is the US Military upholds it's oath of office. 50-50 they will or they won't because of careerists who cannot be trusted.

                          Still there are signs and movements in the right direction.

                          I have no interest in that lesser evil crap. People who follow that are already evil and they know it.

                          So only that Carly Bobby plan is worth looking at for reasons stated.

                          My goal as responsible system is return the country to a two plus party system with honest and open elections under the Constitution and any changes through the amendment system and quit pretending the center of the left is the center and quit sucking up to the right wing OF the left the RINOs. For the true left it's Trump and National Socialism or Hillary/Bernie and International Socialism. Which leaves you status quo people to come up with a better plan of action or just stay on the couch.
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  • Posted by sobeit 9 years, 2 months ago

    This is a very interesting website - explains why Jeb Bush is still in the race and the plotting and planning that is going on behind the scenes by the GOPe and the msm to elect Jeb Bush at all costs. I know I will never look at elections the same way again once I began to understand the manipulations of the power elite to put their puppet into office.
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  • Posted by $ FredTheViking 9 years, 2 months ago
    Well, I think you find that political winds can changed at any time. My impression of Trump's success is he happens to be the greatest common denominator. For most of Trump's supporters it about making sure no one else wins as opposed to getting trump to win.

    Bush may be suffering from hubris and he may over estimate his winning chances. Still, he has no reason to believe the primary is over OR that Trump is a shoe in. He could still turn things around if he can convince the party is the lesser of the evils presented to voters.

    For me, Bush will never convince me that he is anything but a tool. Trump may a bit crazy but he is his own man and that is more than any other candidate has going for them at the moment.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 2 months ago
    I've heard that his strategy is to try to destroy everyone except Trump -- because attacking Trump get's you Trumped. Then when the race gets down to the end the voters will vote for the "adult" -- i.e. the one who will do what Democrats want so as not to be "polarizing".
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      I've heard that strategy too. I still can't believe he is stupid enough to believe it is working. Or maybe I'm wrong. Could he be the cause of Lindsey Graham dropping out. :)
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 2 months ago
    Easy, he's biding his time, spending other people's money, waiting for the msm, DNC, and rnc to thin the field, and leave him last man standing. Its moneys Arrogance and entitlement mindset.
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  • Posted by Stormi 9 years, 2 months ago
    Jeb Bush is still in because the CFR tapped him as their choice months ago. Shades of Dole and McCain, who were never meant to win. They want a one world government, no matter what. Those who fall in line to help, will be rewarded in the future.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years, 2 months ago
    I believe the political elite have been out of touch for a while. As for him being stupid, I think he is being pushed into it by the political elite and that he will stick around for a while until everyone else implodes and we will stuck with him. In reply to GaryL, I fit that perfectly. I am an independent and even the State of New Mexico does not like that, my County Clerk sent me a postcard saying that I could not vote in the primaries unless I registered with a party. New Mexico has a closed primary system where only registered party members can vote in their primaries. To bad, I will not put my name on the party rolls and get swamped with all those emails and letters for donations, I get enough already even being an independent.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      Better idea. Why is the government funding selection of party candidates? It is their party and their business. What's that got to do with anything except the Government party has rigged the system from top to bottom.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 2 months ago
    There once was a movie in which the Bond-like hero was given a gun that looks like a semi automatic pistol, only instead of the bullet coming out the front of the barrel it comes out the back. (I think it was Our Man Flint). The hero gets caught and hands the gun to his captor who promptly shoots him. But instead of killing the hero, the bullet hits the villain. The villain looks at the gun in wonder, can't believe what just happened and shoots himself again. A perfect analogy to what is happening to poor Jeb. He can't believe the gun is shooting him and not those he's pointing it at. He's not stupid, just 10 years behind the latest innovations in elections.....and guns.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 2 months ago
    Jeb is old school type politician.He is closer politically to his father than his brother, when he was governor Florida did better than expected under his regime, He wiped out the debt, He fought to keep the state income tax free, and succeeded. But he is like the economy -- mixed. Partly good and partly bad. Certainly compared to Hillary he is almost a saint. But in today's climate, when trouble comes, as it will, I'm afraid he'll look for compromises or just flat out back dowm. There's no predicting to a certainty what any man will do once the power is in hands.Jeb is not the man for the job, although he's waaay better than Mrs. Clinton.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 2 months ago
    I've never been convinced the GOP will back Trump. They're just stringing him along. Then, they'll do some cockamamie thing like a brokered convention (or whatever) and toss Trump. Then, Trump will sap any realistic chance of the GOP getting enough votes. Hillary in 2016. Who knows? Who cares? Hillary is clearly the mainstream media's choice and that carries a ton of weight (as do her slacks).
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      Must be all those rubber chicken dinners spuds and gravy, peas and butter. There's two carbohydrates with one disguised as a vegetable. Ah the break. That's three. Socialists pretending to be Republicans err I mean Rinos?
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 2 months ago
    Yes to both of your questions!
    The establishment Rs would prefer any of the others who are already in lock step with them. That absolutely excludes Cruz, Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Paul and Christi to a degree. They would have spent the entire bank on Lindsey Graham if he could have moved up even just a little.
    A better question might be, How many of us here are registered republicans or independents simply because we could never be democrats?
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 2 months ago
      When I got my first chance to vote, after being a veteran, I knew that I wouldn't and couldn't be a democrat. So, I suppose I fell into being a republican as a reaction to that. I was never completely impressed with republicans, because they seem so inept, especially compared to democrats, but I detest democrats beyond measure. When republicans have power, they won't do the right things because of "politics," and when they're out of power, they complain about not having those things they should have implemented when they were in power. It's enough to make you move in the direction of Aarethun, just to avoid the frustration.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      Can they prove the others are in lock step with them without giving away the game that they are in lock step with Comrade Debbie Dubya. So far the whole bunch are just Dino supporters by another name.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      A registered republican is part of the Democrat establishment. Right wing of the left. Any believer in the Constitution as the center instead of the line between Rinos and Dinos could never vote for leftists.

      Left... Those that want Government Controlling citizen. Easy equation By Any Means necessary thats the definition of fascism.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 2 months ago
    To quote Jebby from an interview on TV dealing with his low standing in the polls: “I’m happy where I am.” Which does drive one to answer the two questions as yes and yes.
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  • Posted by ChuckyBob 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think the only reason he's still in is negotiating power. He feels that if there is a tight race for first and second he can promise his support in exchange for a cabinet position, or the ability to shape the platform. To believe any thing else would be delusional.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 2 months ago
      I think that the Republican Political establishment still considers Trump and Cruz as the public throwing a tantrum and when they settle down to being 'serious' that they will go away in favor of someone with experience -- then Bush is back at the top.

      Of course having Paul Ryan just pass Obama's Christmas wish list is probably going to keep people riled up for some time to come.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
        There is no Republican Party there is only the right wing of the left. Only suckers believe they are anything more than prescripted role players. And of course the party faithful.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 2 months ago
    As far as Jeb goes, IMO, he lost any chance to win the primary when he lost his temper and stammered twice on stage at Trump:
    “You will never be president. You will never be president!"
    The only thing left to do at that point was to fall to the floor kicking and screaming.
    When the tantrum is over...he’ll drop out.
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  • Posted by bassboat 9 years, 2 months ago
    We talk about how out of touch that the GOP is in regard to how the base feels. My question is, Why has it taken the base so long to wake up? We have suffered through countless Rinos and allowed ourselves to be led around like a pig with a ring in his nose. I say hurrah for Rick Santelli who asked that day in March of 2009, Where is today's Tea Party? He was the catalyst for the taking back of the Republican Party.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 2 months ago
    Political office draws toadies and sycophants as surely as horse manure draws flies. (and for some of the same reasons) If you have even a small amount of political power you can expect to be courted by every manner of lobbyist and similar scoundrel seeking political patronage and access to the tax payers purse. Many people are affected by this kind of fawning and soon come to believe that it is justified and that they really as wonderful as the camp followers say they are. This is one of the reasons that political power is more addictive than cocaine. Megalomania needs fuel. After a few years of this politicians gain a world view that is defined by a distorted image of reality. They no longer see the world as it is but only as it "should" be in accordance with a cloistered ideology. It is for this reason that the founders wanted the country to be run by citizens that would take a few years out of an otherwise productive life and devote their energies to managing the affairs of state. The notion of a professional politician was abhorrent to them. Political parties, like all living things, become ossified with age. Republicans are no exception.
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  • Posted by MagicDog 9 years, 2 months ago
    Watch out!!! The RNC will put everything it has into Jeb in New Hampshire. Do not forget that the RNC is owned and run by the Bush Family. They will not give up easily and may force someone to take Jeb as a running mate.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 2 months ago
    The establishment candidates can't get their heads around the concept of Trump being either qualified or electable, since the donor class is not on board with him.
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 2 months ago
    Of course he's incredibly out of touch. He and the Republicans in the senate and the house are part of the political elite. If they were in touch with their electorate, they would never have voted for this budget deal. I won't go so far as to say, I won't vote for a Republican elitist against Hillary, but it is tempting.
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