Mainstream Media Journalist Exposes How the US ‘War on Terror’ Increased Terrorism by 4,500%
So after all the talk in last night's Republican Debate about ISIS and Muslim Terrorists, let's back up a little bit and take a closer look at what $6,000,000,000,000.00, 7,000 KIA's, and 22 Veteran Suicides/Day has accomplished since we started the "WAR ON TERROR", and what we can expect from a future under "leadership" by a large part of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.
From the article:
“According to reports from our own U.S. government, reports of deaths from terrorism in the Middle East between 2002 and 2014 have increased 4,500 percent.
But let’s go a little deeper. Take for instance just the country of Iraq. Before the 2003 U.S. invasion, do you know how many suicide attacks there were in Iraq? None. In the country’s history there had never been one. But since the 2003 invasion, there have been 1,892.
And what about Afghanistan? Just last year alone, insurgents killed 2,643 civilians last year—the highest number since U.N. records began.
How about Pakistan? In the 14 years prior to 9/11 there was one suicide attack on Pakistani soil. In the 14 years since, there have been 486 suicide attacks.
The same is true in the past 14 years in Somalia (88), Yemen (85), Libya (29), Nigeria (91), and Syria (165).”
And where are the 1.5million Christians that were living in their native country of Iraq before 2003? That's a question for Conservatives.
From the article:
“According to reports from our own U.S. government, reports of deaths from terrorism in the Middle East between 2002 and 2014 have increased 4,500 percent.
But let’s go a little deeper. Take for instance just the country of Iraq. Before the 2003 U.S. invasion, do you know how many suicide attacks there were in Iraq? None. In the country’s history there had never been one. But since the 2003 invasion, there have been 1,892.
And what about Afghanistan? Just last year alone, insurgents killed 2,643 civilians last year—the highest number since U.N. records began.
How about Pakistan? In the 14 years prior to 9/11 there was one suicide attack on Pakistani soil. In the 14 years since, there have been 486 suicide attacks.
The same is true in the past 14 years in Somalia (88), Yemen (85), Libya (29), Nigeria (91), and Syria (165).”
And where are the 1.5million Christians that were living in their native country of Iraq before 2003? That's a question for Conservatives.
The 'short sightedness' and attention span of the public is appalling, particularly since we live in an age where so much information is so readily available to anyone with even a minimal interest in what affects their lives.
Yes! I wish we could move a little in the direction of a small standing army and armed citizens standing ready to defend the country if it should ever be needed.
I would have done it, too; but swore off Pragmatists.
I've been asking for a few years now, "If we are at war with terror, why are our borders wide open?"
Yes Paul is speaking with sense but that's one subject. He failed when he demonstrated a liking for leftist economics and a lack of faith in himself and a continued allegiance to the those whose primary goal is socialist. Talk is one thing, he walks on the wrong side with his actions. Espousing more of the same is to me is a political, cultural and social three strikes your out. A. He's a Republican. B. He's an economic Pelosite. C. He ducks too many questions and issues. Same applies to Cruz. You find your solution or acceptance. I'll reject those who don't qualify and those have no suggestions, plans, ideas, nor answers except flush a toilet --- again. .
Rand's problem is that he comes across as a guy you wouldn't want on your side in a bar fight. That shouldn't matter, but it does.
Maybe we should discuss a few items;
What is a Caliphate?
What does Salafi mean, and who calls themselves that?
You see most who write articles like this are either; ignorant of the facts, dhimmi's [fools helping islam expand], or islamists lying to help islam to expand.
Let us begin the discussion; shall we
Religion bad, Objectivism good.
People that rely on religious belief and faith to direct their lives and actions, bad.
Islam is a religion, so it's bad. Muslims believe in Islam and what it tells them to do, bad.
Objectivist rational, logical reasoning leads to understanding that all individuals have rights, to include whether to use reasoning or not. No one may force another to believe, not to believe, or to use reason.
islam has been murdering Kuffar long before these United States of America were founded. They destroyed and murdered most of India, Turkey and Africa. Muslim's were the largest [and known as the controller] of all of the African slave Trade. How about studying history...hmmm...
Islam, in it's actions and functions is no different than any other religion in fighting reason and science in it's drive to keep people ignorant and subservient to the priests of the religion or the ruling elite that partner with the religion for the same purposes. The evil and savagery that results from such efforts and actions has been a significant part of the entire known history of mankind and no religion has clean hands in that history.
The only relief mankind has ever had in all of that history, up through today, resulted from the Enlightenment of the 1700's and the establishment of this country with separation of church and state. And we still have to maintain the fight to keep that separation, even through today, with Christianity still desiring to have their 'beliefs' over-ride science, reason, and individual freedom in this country.
It takes 4 muslim woman against 1 muslim to say he raped 1 of them in order to have the man punished or not have the woman stoned to death.
Name a religion that has laws for lending and mortgages; I'm still waiting on my last questions to be answered.
You brought this conversation to the forefront, defend it.
It appears to me that you're the one that wants to discuss how dastardly and evil Islam is, including it's directives to implement a Theocracy.
My position is quite clear. ALL religions are evil and anti-freedom, always have been, and always will be. And again, the only cause that effected our relative freedom from such drivers of ignorance and savagery was The Enlightenment. Had you spent as much time studying that major change in how men thought about the minds of men, the rights of men, and the fallacy of mystical, revelationary, and irrational knowledge---you might be better able to understand the topic of this Post.
I've explained this to you now for the third time since your intrusion into this Post. If all you want to say, is that Islam is evil, I agree with you and I add, All religions have been and still are evil towards the life of men. But the points in this Post still stand.
None of those questions matter.
The biggest difference is that the MSM is showing more of them, picking and choosing which ones they show. Muslim’s have been perpetrating these vicious acts all along.
In the name of Islam 10 million Hindu’s in India were murdered, millions of African, Egyptian, Turkish and Middle Eastern Christians have been murdered; the total now over 270 million; yet the ‘article’ claims it’s more now than before?
The article is suggesting that the U.S. is the initiator against islam and that is patently false just as it is calling the Crusades the attack against peaceful muslim’s; both were and are in retaliation of islamic evil.
But I didn't read the Posted article as defending Islam. I read it as a criticism of the results and goals our Gov't has lied to us about in their desire to have a "War". We had a right to go after Al Quieda and the Taliban immediately after 9/11 and grind them into the dirt as retribution, but we failed to go after the Saudi's--15 of the 19 hi-jackers were Saudis. And then we got ourselves involved in the losing effort of democracy building in Afghanistan.
But worse yet, we gave up a lot of the Constitutional protections of our individual freedoms and rights in the process
But going into Iraq and working to start and support the 'Arab Spring' were and are against the values of this country and Objectivism. And the results have made the world a more dangerous place than it was before. All that I can see that we've accomplished is to put ourselves into the middle of a religious was between Sunnis and Shiites, and to release and even support a mass of ignorance, thuggery, and savagery throughout the Mid-East.
Please show me were the Bible [Christianity] wants to enslave; keep ones freedoms from being available. I am not speaking of sects that are corrupted such as with for example the Catholic sect. Or the Buddhist/Hindu religions; please show the enslavement.
islam has pushed for and taught attacking Kuffar as good and wanted by islam through allah. There books all speak of attacking, murdering, raping, mutilating and torturing non-muslim's and muslim's that do not agree as making you a better muslim.
So you are correct if you think I will stand against any propaganda that tries to make islam look like the peaceful group being assaulted.
1. Suicide bombings are ideological: they are attacks on Western ideology. So until Western ideology and its influence begins to pervade a region to the point that it directly threatens Islamic fundamentalism, of course there are going to be zero suicide bombings. The Qu'ran specifically forbids Muslims from engaging in holy war against other believers. Only infidels are justified targets. (None of which prohibits them from raping and then stoning women who get raped, of course.)
2. For insurgent attacks, see #1 again.
3. Suicide attacks are not new. The word "assassin" originates from the ancient use of Islamic hitmen who were stoned on hashish/opiates to the point that they frequently died while trying to take out their targets. "hashishen" -> assassin. It's just that the advent of bomb-making allows them to go after more than one target at a time.
4. One is ignoring the attacks on Israel, which have been going on since its creation in 1948 and its independence in 1949. These attacks are also ideological in nature.
5. Is one going to consider the history of the region and how Islam came to power? It was through brutal and bloody war: the wholesale slaughter and subjugation of entire regions well into Europe. That they were stalled and pushed back into the Middle East is commonly forgotten by many.
The reality: Western ideology IS at war with Islam - like it or not. The ideology of Islam and Sharia is wholly incompatible with the principles of freedom espoused in the Constitution. Where we choose to engage and how are up to us. IF has already been decided.
We (the West) didn't create the monster, we just ignorantly cut several of the chains binding it.
You cannot fight or defeat a religion.
Islam is evil and I make no apologies for saying such. It is anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and anti-equality and I consider freedom, liberty, and equality good things.
Can we fight Islam? Absolutely. Anyone who refuses to agree with their worldview is fighting against them in the most effective way possible: ideologically. I agree with you that a strictly military conflict isn't going to do much. First of all you're talking about ~1.6 billion people and second because then you would be employing exactly the same tactics of conversion they espouse - violence and coercion - to reach that goal.
The only way we'll ever defeat ISIS or any other group of thieves and thugs espousing any religion is through Enlightenment influence. That's what it took for us to be able to escape the control and influence of religion in our government, and it's the same for them. That may take another century, if at all. But if they're really that dangerous to us prior to that point, quarantine them and let them kill themselves and fail as they must. Put our brains and wealth in a free and open Capital market and take care of ourselves.
How much of that "4500% increase" has been since 2009?
And from this quote from the article:
"Terrorism deaths skyrocketed by 80% in 2014, the largest increase since 2000. More nations than ever have experienced terrorist attacks, and the number of countries experiencing 500 or more terrorism deaths also increased.
Most of these are, of course, in the Middle East where the U.S. and its allies are concentrating their war on terror. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, along with Nigeria, accounted for 78% of the 2014 total."
That sure doesn't sound like blaming "the Republicans". Does it to you?
ISIS, by the way grew out of AQ in Iraq, the displaced and criminalized members of Saddam's military, and my favorite, the anti-Assad rebels that McCain met with in 12 and 13 that he wanted us to fund. We did send them arms that we admit to and money (which we don't admit to) and helped them set up oil delivery and sales to Turkey (in order to put pressure on Russia's attempt to control Oil and gas to Southern and Eastern Europe).
"And where are the 1.5million Christians that were living in their native country of Iraq before 2003? That's a question for Conservatives."
That sounds like "blaming the Republicans" to me.
As to troops in Europe 70 years after WWII, what's with that. We went ahead and paid for their rebuilding and have provided their defense for all that time and quite a bit of our real debt for that still exists. 70 years, so they didn't have to protect themselves or fight. How nuts is that.
But I can't help thinking of how difficult the Soviet Union would have been to deal with if the US had just let them take over continental Europe in the '40's and '50's. Our mistake was that we didn't know when to step back and let Europe defend itself. Now every country is socialist and is used to the USA paying for the defense of the continent.
If there is an upside to Obama's do-nothing foreign policy, it's that the countries we used to help protect are now realizing they have to take full responsibility for their own defense. The French are showing some signs of that in the wake of the Paris terror attack.
But Iraq and the idea of turning Afghanistan into a democracy were the most imbecilic actions we've ever taken as a country, right behind Vietnam and more recently supporting and getting involved in the 'Arab Spring' and since then Syria. This idea that we can go in and depose, or help depose, a settled gov't regime and "spread freedom and democracy" to countries that in much of their territories, are barely above the stone age and who don't educate their people past the Qoran, is the height of stupidity and obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with any "War On Terror" that impacted the US.
As to paying attention to our own problems in the 'homeland'(I hate that word--I prefer country), I don't oppose that any more than G. Washington did 220 years ago. And the 'homeland' anti-terror force is nothing more than the creation of a police state that has nothing to do with terror. Terror in the US would be much better dealt with by treating 'terrorists' as what they really are--thugs, criminals, and insane.
And it's not only a question of What Have We Gained through or out of this War On Terror, it's what have we not paid attention to while we've bought off on all the propaganda--we've arguably been in a depression as bad as or worse than the 30's that we're still in and we've essentially lost a significant portion of our Bill of Rights protection. We've even learned that
our 'Protect and Serve and Terrorist First Responders' police force kill nearly 1,200 of our people per year instead of what our gov't has told us for years and years was only 400 or so, and they only actually kill some 20 to 30% of those they shoot.
What was Einstein's alleged quote about insanity; paraphrased: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result." Sorry for the length of this response.
I blame pragmatism for the current problems behind our nation building and our war on terror. Even if the end goal is peace, peace at any price leads not to peace, but to compromise, irrationality, and bloodshed. The end does NOT justify the means. At the same time, the Taliban and Al Qaeda must be destroyed ON PRINCIPLE.
1. The invasion of Iraq as part of the "WOT" was successful, and then it wasn't and then after the surge, it finally was. I believe they have had something like a dozen local and national free elections since 2003 (my Marine hubby was there helping during the first one).
And then Iraq has gone precipitously downhill since BO withdrew all the troops in 2011. As to whose fault that was, a google search will reveal articles debating it. To sum up, yes, Bush did leave a SOFA for his predecessor that called for the withdrawal of all troops in 2011. However it is SOP that SOFAs get re-negotiated by any credible leader and even Panetta (BO's SecDef) wrote in his book that Obama did very little to try to negotiate it. Also remember that Ghadaffi gave up his WMD shortly after we (US coalition) invaded Iraq as he had grave concerns that he'd be next. So we got rid of two dictators for the price of one.
As to where the 1.5 million Christians are - I am pretty sure I saw a bunch of them beheaded, burned, crucified and drowned in cages by ISIS in the last year.
I agree with the position that "the enemy gets a vote"
Furthermore, before 2003 Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons on the Kurds and conducting all sorts of unspeakable torture and brutality on his citizens. And drained the Mesopotamian marshes to exert control over that population. So no wonder that there might not have been any suicide bombings during his reign of terror. I understand what appears to be your frustration Z, but I think you are mixing up correlative with causative events. It is frustrating to see the time, effort, lives and limbs of our military and our tax dollars wasted. But I guess that is what happens when politics influences policy.
Part of that needs to be the cost in treasure, reputation, and blood of the last many years, but also to accept that after all is said and done--It is our country, our treasure, and our blood. Not that of our 'leaders'.
I for one, am extremely tired of being manipulated and lied to. Information such as that in the article may be disturbing in either it's revelations or in the way it's presented, but we need to see it, process it, and analyze it with reality and as many facts as we can discover for ourselves--not just the continual line of BS we're so used to playing around in.
Both as a percent of our GDP, as well as a percent of the federal budget defense spending is a fraction of what it was when Eisenhower coined that phrase. While I agree with the feeling of not wanting to be played for a chump by our govt, neither do I get sucked in to opinion pieces that have such an obvious agenda. Further, I have to share that my dad had his career in the State Dept ending under the time Kissinger was SecState and I know that unless you are a policy maker or a politician whose committee participation requires high level clearances WE HAVE NO REAL IDEA what is really going on. Which is as it should be. Yes, I acknowledge this is counter to the Objectivist ideal that it is the citizens country, blood and treasure, not the government's. But that is just simply not reality. Therefore, imo, the best we ( citizens) can and should do is to make sure we put the controls in the hands of the most eithical, educated politicians so that they will be modt likely to put ethical, educated bureaucrats into the policy positions to make the best possible decisions for our country.
Yes, I think both political sides have seemingly made some less than the best of decisions (they're only human) but I read opinion pieces with a very critical eye to throw out facts used in a way to simply advance an agenda.
That aside, so then this idea 100% excludes all but those who can afford to "not earn a living serving", meaning you guarantee only the Trumps of the world would be able to survive if they held public office. Is that what you want ?
I'm including an entire description of an event that Kissinger, McNamara, and LBJ swore to and used as the justification for legislation giving LBJ the authority to begin the Vietnam War. I was drafted into that "War" some 16 months later. Much, much later; McNamara and Kissinger both confessed that it was a "Black Flag" event. Totally false.
"The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Vịnh Bắc Bộ), also known as the USS Maddox incident, is the name given to what were originally claimed to be two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. The original American report blamed North Vietnam for both incidents, but eventually became very controversial with widespread claims that either one or both incidents were false, and possibly purposefully so. On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox, while performing a signals intelligence patrol as part of DESOTO operations, reported being attacked by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron.[1] Maddox expended over 280 3-inch and 5-inch shells in what was claimed to be a sea battle. One US aircraft was damaged, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were allegedly damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were said to have been killed, with six more wounded. There were no U.S. casualties.[2]
It was originally claimed by the National Security Agency that a Second Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred on August 4, 1964, as another sea battle, but instead evidence was found of "Tonkin ghosts"[3] (false radar images) and not actual North Vietnamese torpedo boats. In the 2003 documentary The Fog of War, the former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara admitted that the August 2 USS Maddox attack happened with no Defense Department response, but the August 4 Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened.[4]
The outcome of these two incidents was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist aggression". The resolution served as Johnson's legal justification for deploying US conventional forces and the commencement of open warfare against North Vietnam.
In 1995, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara met with former Vietnam People's Army General Võ Nguyên Giáp to ask what happened on 4 August 1964 in the second Gulf of Tonkin Incident. "Absolutely nothing", Giáp replied.[5] Giáp claimed that the attack had been imaginary.[6]
In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical study was declassified; it concluded that Maddox had engaged the North Vietnamese Navy on August 2, but that there were no North Vietnamese naval vessels present during the incident of August 4. The report stated regarding the first incident on August 2 that "at 1500G,[note 1] Captain Herrick ordered Ogier's gun crews to open fire if the boats approached within ten thousand yards. At about 1505G,[note 1] the Maddox fired three rounds to warn off the communist boats. This initial action was never reported by the Johnson administration, which insisted that the Vietnamese boats fired first."[7]"
I think we absolutely need to know the whats, whys, and hows of everything anyone does in gov't at all times, rather than 20 or 30 years later after all the dead Americans and treasure spent.
Then Nixon (I'm Not A Crook), then Reagan (I Don't Have A Memory Of That), Bush I (Read My Lips), Clinton (It Depends On What The Definition of Is, Is), Bush II (Mission Accomplished) and Obama (If You Like Your Doctor, Then You Can Keep Your Doctor).
Personally, I am thankful that Snowden spoke up.
and more have died since. . we should have responded
differently. . more focused and smarter. -- j
should have focused our effort more carefully when using military
force -- for example, we could have continued on to remove
SoDamInsane from Baghdad after helping the Kuwaitis, etc.
or, we could have let Kuwait burn and relied on new tech
in the Dakotas earlier than we did. . Rand had Ellis Wyatt
claiming shale oil in the fifties. . we could have, too. -- j
But if we're going to keep on with that part of the world as we've done in the last few years and take the oil, let's admit it up front. Let's know why we're spending our(We The People) treasure, our reputation, and our blood and who's benefiting from it.
our soldiers' lives? . what an amazing twist! . I will ride a
bicycle before risking the first u.s. soldier's life! -- j
when I bring up a new view of a post. . what's going on? -- j
I could have had a small cabin or condo in the North Woods instead.
I'm so much more likely to die of a heart attack, a bike accident, or pancreatic cancer that political extremism is not even on my radar.
Keep making lite of those that want you and your family dead...Ostriches do that as well, they don't see it coming either
I take crime very seriously, but it's always been with us. Failing to aggrandize criminals is not the same as taking crime lightly.
bike accident, and pancreatic cancer. . as we should! -- j
Active and Reserve units deployed, Our dead, their dead, collateral dead and while we're at it. what is the definition of collateral and then what phases. Since the invasion in 2003 and then how is the percentage of ...what?...divided between administrations in which ever terms it refers to.
My theory is newspapers and tv time and related advertisng sold. Or perhaps the income of the author? Not the poster....the originator(s) of the information. Is it, like million man march, 100,000 cops in the street, or balanced budget with a surplus pure BS or is it hard fact. Trouble is the whole comment is subjective. What figures are provided have no source....following the source URL one is bumped to somebody named Ben Swann who is quoting US Government Figures where most of the above comes from but....once cites no sources. It could be be the daily sow belly futures for all we know..
While I would like to use such information I stop at using anything that is not sourced. The trail ran cold four or five layers with only something called the Global Terrorism Index likewise not sourced other than stating 'Government Figures.' Associates were a plethora of World Peace this and that llikewise dead ends. Which left curiously enough New York Times, Washington Post. Huffington and The Guardian.
On the other hand they claimed to be big time objectivists. All those figures and not one source? Shades of Ayn Rands immigration forgery. Sounds good. You want it to be good but...Where's the beef?
Disappointing to say the least. Unusable to be perfectly honest.
I will stand corrected when I hear moooooo instead of "Parts is parts!"