The gauntlet is thrown
This morning on Glenn Beck Radio, Glenn threw the gauntlet directly in Obama's face. He charged the president (notice the little 'p'?) was complicit in the expansion of ISIS from the beginning of his presidency. This from newly declassified DoD documents. If this is provable, there may be a bill of impeachment in the offing. His conduct has been reckless and detrimental to the safety and security of the United States and may be considered treasonous.
But everyone said it couldn't happen in America. There are many the still deny it happening today and that is even more chilling.
Article I § 2 of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach (make formal charges against) and Article I § 3 gives the Senate the sole power to try impeachments. Article II § 4 of the Constitution provides as follows:
Impeachment is the same as A Grand Jury Indictment it is not a trial. As stated above the only legal entity to conduct such a hearing is the House of Representatives.
The Actual Trial itself is conducted solely by the House of The Senate. They are the only entity that may and can determine a guilty or not guilty verdict.
I would imagine the Congressionals themselves are so deeply involved they could do either action without implicating themselves.
There is no such thing as "moderate Syrian rebels," that has always been an invention of those promoting US involvement in Syria. There are two sides: Assad versus ISIS and allied groups, many of which are, like ISIS, al Qaeda offshoots. The so-called moderates in that famous picture with John McCain turned out to be al Qaeda members. Because our goal, in conjuction with the Sunni Arab states and Turkey, has always been to take out Assad, we are allied with the ISIS coalition whether anyone in the US wants to admit or not. Again, this is not news.
As an aside, it also supplies the context for the Benghazi tragedy. The US, in an operation approved by Clinton and Obama, of which leading Republicans in Congress were aware, was shipping arms from Libya after Gaddafi was deposed and murdered to Syria. That operation was covert and in contravention of US law. That is why we never seem to get to the bottom of the Benghazi story, because it would expose our true aims in Syria and that unlawful operation.
Yippy Skippy that someone clued Glen Beck in. By all means impeach Obama and send him to jail, but don't stop there. Go after Clinton and all the neoconservatives and liberal "humanitarian" interventionists that have lied and used every subterfuge in the book to get us so stuck on the Middle East tar baby that we'll never get unstuck. War crimes have been a bipartisan exercise.
By the way, if anyone wishes to pursue this issue further, I will supply an abundance of links, both to SLL, and other sites.
My questions is, would it have made any difference if the story got out sooner? Seems that this administration doesn't care. They just call it a lie, the media backs them up and they proceed with their plan.
He is commander in chief... The question: Of what army? His priorities are dubious and his loyalties in question.
Let's at least have the hearing, and open Obama's college records while we're at it.
doubt that there is much point in impeachment now.
By the time enough processing had occurred for it
to start, his term would probably be just about over.
Here is your link, just got it this afternoon.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Oh how I hate
This ship of state. (Ohio State)
Feet of Clay.
What's going on, and HAS been going on from the beginning, is TREASON.
But nobody has the guts to pursue that. Woe is America.
There is virtually an entire GOVERNment consisting of treasonous individuals and actions. The only light is dim, but is destined to put D.C. out of business. Only then might we have a chance to do something right, voluntarily.
Meet Fat & Slim.
I'll always thank Beck for informing me about Alinsky and the Cloward & Piven Strategy, and the various sub-plots, as well as much of the history of our nation's founding. He is vindicated by events.