[Ask the Gulch] OK folks, help me to understand this 'safe space' business.
Posted by deleted 9 years, 3 months ago to Ask the Gulch
As I seem to be a bit euphemistically challenged these days, it seems to me to be nothing more than some strange variant of prior restraint censorship regarding whomever the victim de jour.
Am I correct or do I owe them an apology?
Am I correct or do I owe them an apology?
The root problem, IMO, is too many people have forgotten what it means to be free. It takes courage, self-responsibility, and independent thinking. When other people have that (not just you) it means dealing with unpleasant disagreements.
What will they do when the "fit hits the shan"?
I am very leery of the future of this nation.
We're doomed.
Henry David Thoreau
What I think is even more ironic is that these same useful idiots are the ones creating the uproar in the first place that somehow the rest of us are just supposed to go along with.
Sorry, but the First Amendment gives me the right to challenge your premises. And it gives you no right to hide behind false pretenses.
Tribalism today is characterized by (among other things) political correctness. Agree with the tribe according to the superstition of the day or you'll be thrown into the volcano.
I never took this seriously until a few weeks ago. I assumed critics of PCness were just bigots frustrated that someone was calling them on their nonsense. Then I read this article: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...
It describes a school newspaper publishing a moderate conservative opinion piece and issuing a groveling retraction saying they should have made the newspaper a "safe space". There is a link to the supposedly controversial article and the retraction.
Since nearly 100% of politicians are in one of the two main parties, this means 75% of the politicians are causing these problems.
IMHO these problems come with the territory of society changing and becoming more open. There's no one villainous group causing it. We don't have many politicians promoting how to integrate these changes without giving up liberty, individualism, and our fundamental values. It's easier to pander. But I don't see them as villains. They're not leaders in this area though. We the people need to be leaders.
"I have held out hope for you since the beginning of my time in the gulch"
I'm hopeful by nature so I similarly hold out hope for you.
To be honest, I'm not even sure what some of those claims mean!. What is the difference between Native American and Native/indigenous, and WTF is cis-sexism? This is PC gone crazy, and I thought I'd seen it all, but I had more to come.
A woman providing free Yoga classes on a campus in Ottowa, Canada was instructed she had to stop teaching, because the college had received complaints of "cultural appropriation." I had to look that term up. Apparently, not welcoming a different culture's various aspects is "cultural imperialism," and offensive, while adopting an aspect of a different culture is malicious, unworthy theft of that culture's historic behavioral property, called "cultural appropriation," and is also offensive. The goal is obviously to create an ever-restrictive environment where it becomes impossible not to offend someone. I'm inclined to decide not to miss an opportunity to be as offensive as possible, and I'm a pretty easy-going guy.
Given all of the above, is it any surprise Donald Trump is finding support?
My favorites are Dyadism, Binarism, Multiplicity Hate, Otherkin Hate, and Ace Erasure.
I looked up otherkin hate. It's hatred of those who do not identify with the human race.
I solidly agree with avoiding offending people on purpose. But I don't think we need all these names that make it sound like particular rude things are a crime. Making it sound like a crime is dangerous. The good thing is I think it's at its peak, and a backlash is coming.
"I'm inclined to decide not to miss an opportunity to be as offensive as possible, and I'm a pretty easy-going guy."
Then I accuse you of ace erasure!! j/k. I just like saying that.
I'm too old to put up with PC, so it works for me.