Perhaps I should say good bye now
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: General
I live and work just outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Our Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor still think it is a good idea to welcome Syrian refugees with open arms. If anything happens and I stop posting I want you all to know how much I have enjoyed the Gulch. Not sure if I am allowed to bequeath my points to anyone??? Tell the world my story.
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Let's say someone gives you a bushel basket of your favorite fruit, the most beautiful ones you've ever seen. You taste one and it's like Zeus himself is feeding you ambrosia. Your benefactor says, "This is a gift, it's all yours. But be warned that one of them is laced with deadly poison and the moment you bite into it you're going to die a painful death."
A foolish person figures that the odds of any one piece of fruit being poisoned are small so it's safe to snack on them. A wise person realizes that the odds are irrelevant because the risk is severe enough to remove statistics from the decision making process.
Stay armed.
So far, the Republican Governor of Florida has remained adamant in his refusal to allow Syrian Problems into the State of Flowers. Still, I've finally convinced my wife to attend one of my son's firearm's classes. I'm looking for a new revolver as I plan to give her my S&W 38 shorty.
Think about how it would feel if you have to run with it in your hand, too.
FYI, I carry a Firestar 9mm that is small but heavy (for less recoil and better multi-shot accuracy.)
I've been thinking this since the "one" was elected and pronounced the "transformation" of our country.
And, like you, Herb, I'm just working on surviving until whenever. As long as I can.
Military Oath is ' support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.' All has no exceptions. That means President and officers appointed over if they have become enemies domestic and turned against the Constitution. no wiggle room. no parsing, no discussion. Once martial law is declared the President is Command-In-Chief (assuming he is stil President) and the next level in the chain of command is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Officers appointed means uniformed. The civlian staff steps aside.
Some may argue but then under martial law they are not in charge are they?
That may be just what the military is hoping for minus the careerists. They become a problem for UCMJ and Courts Martial.
There have been refugee camps around the world
My Governor was like yours but heard a din and now is one of the 33.
Your story still has many chapters.
I often tell Dale when he says to me-I do not own copper mines-I say we mine your mind. :)
Oddly, this site only has stuff from 2012:
I don't know why 2016 isn't available.
How about the safety of the PEOPLE who live in Pittsburgh?
Now about the safety of the businesses and hard earned property of the Americans who live in PIttsburgh?
BUT, given that these people stayed in Syria, just making a small living for years and years under a dictator, believing the stupidity of islam, not being educated, and passively going along with the muslim idea of killing off the west- I DONT WANT THEM HERE. What do they bring to our country other than a bill for the "refugee resettlement" that our government will take from us and give to them. Let them figure out how to make their own country suitable, and not just come for the freedoms we fought for and the money we have worked for. Politically incorrect? YEAH
Or blow you up.
Or kill your kids in front of you.
Or hang you up to die on a cross.
Or enslave your little girls for sex.
Or put you in a cage to--
1. Burn you alive.
2. Use a crane to dunk your cage into water.
Or stone your wife for showing off her ankles.
No, Obama says Islam is the religion of peace.
Has Obama ever lied?
Just convert in the name of Allah.
Then you get to do all these things to someone else.
It's how Muslims get to go to heaven.
Who let the dogs out? Woof Woof
Who let the dogs out ? Yip! Yapi!
Rinochow the preferred puppy treat for the lapdogs of the left!!! This was not a paid commercial.
i would have used Jack In The Crack or Taco Hell.
OR for that preferred left wing flavor...RINOBURGERS...our motto Where's the beef????
Try Idaho...I live in Washington, where our "green" Governor is also welcoming the refugees (they really need to ALL be placed in Seattle) and I've seriously considered changing my zip code.
The liquor is cheaper there, as well.
The places I routinely visit are in the "panhandle" region of the state...relatively conservative, compared to the southern portion.
However, the state's recent determination, allowing firearms on campus grounds, does give me some hope.
Best answers so far are in Cartoon Saturday just posted.
Of the 2003 from Syria in five years 2.6% are non islamics. Druze, Yevzedi, Christians, Jews, Bahai's. something like 55 people. Guess who are the prime targets of ISIS?
I will not be happy until they drag BHO out of our WH kicking and screaming. Lots of governors and other politicians need to be tied to that rope as well.
I think it's not only a good idea but critically important to do it. Let people choose if they want to live under low-life thugs who operate under the fig leaf of religious extremism or libertity and pluarlism. The world is right, and the few unhinged idiots are wrong. I'm no more afraid of these bastards than I am of car accidents or rare illness. Freedom's riskier than living in a jail. Freedom isn't free. It's goes way beyond just a good idea.
For me it's less of a moral duty and more of a desire to live in a safe and free place. I see the world as getting smaller, making it harder to have extremists in one part of the world but kept out of my part.
"refugees" (at least, the young able-bodied males),
into a special unit (under the authority of American
officers and non-com/petty officers), to fight against Isis, but I have been warned that "fragging" could occur. Also,
a bunch of them could get together and over-
whelm the commanders (in the case of infiltrat-
ors), so I guess it wouldn't work.--So I guess the
only solution to that issue would be to set up
refugee camps in Syria (or elsewhere in the Mid-
East--there's so much terrorism there already,
anyway). We have no obligation to expose our
population to mass murder on their behalf.
Stop it.
Your post is the exact equivalent of saying "I'm not going to allow any black men into my restaurant because black men have a much higher rate of criminal activity and incarceration than white men. Therefore to protect myself I am going to improve the odds that my customers will not be criminals."
It is prejudice based on race and/or religion/national origin. It is irrational regardless of how you frame or because you are judging some men based on the actions of others. Guilt by association.
Even if a majority of the Syrians were active members of terrorist organizations, it is still prejudiced to judge a Syrian you meet based upon anything other than what that individual demonstrates to you.
Just like there's a great deal of diverse city of thought, opinion, and everything else with in America, there is a great deal diversity among citizens of other countries.
Nationalism, and by that I don't mean patriotism but the belief that people across a political border are necessarily different because they are on the other side of the fence, is just a relic of the tribal and feudal heritage we have from Europe. The "all of them versus all of us" mentality is irrational and unnecessary.
People who join organizations or make choices of affiliation, such as joining terrorist organizations, but unions, political parties, religions, etc. are all voluntary actions, and can therefore be used to judge someone's character. You cannot use such unchosen criteria as race or national origin.
What we know is that he had a Syrian passport. To date I have not heard anybody provide proof of when he arrived or that he actually pretended to be a refugee. I would have to guess that most of the actual refugees in Syria do not have passports. I mean, how many of them had the means to be able to plan international travel for leisure purposes? I know the process for obtaining an American passport can take months, I don't know about Syria, but I can only imagine that it's worse. A true refugee would not exactly have several months to plan their departure. I am imagining running from your hometown late at night to escape the militants outside your front door.
Anyway, even if one terrorist was able to use the tragedy of Syrian refugees to enter France, that does not give us justification for denying all Syrian refugees. That is, by definition, statistical prejudice. It is no more valid of a thought process than other forms of prejudice. Each person is an individual, and they ought to be treated as such. One is not forever Damned by one's neighbors or fellow countrymen's actions.
Refugees or Immigrants that is unclear."Since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, only 53 (2.4 percent) have been Christians while 2098 (or 96 percent) have been Muslims, according to State Department statistics updated on Monday.
The remaining 33 include 1 Yazidi, 8 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Baha’i, 6 Zoroastrians, 6 of "other religion," 7 of "no religion," and 3 atheists 04 4.5 %"
the latest official census produces these figures
Home > Factbook > Countries > Syria
Population 17,951,639
Religions Muslim 87% (official; includes Sunni 74% and Alawi, Ismaili, and Shia 13%), Christian (includes Orthodox, Uniate, and Nestorian) 10% (includes Orthodox, Uniate, and Nestorian), Druze 3%, Jewish (few remaining in Damascus and Aleppo).
Not included Yazidi, JW, Zoroastrians, Bahai and Hindu not and included
Most of these are around 87% Muslim 13% other.
Given the urgency of the situation as depicted by the various governments the rate of immigration to USA of non muslims is woefully short even if statistics were used with Race/Religion as a deciding factor. 13% is far far from point worst and given the comparative ease of
of vetting the non islam groups a good many will die before the State department gets off it's ass. Of the Islamic population the most affected are the Kurds and some of the 80 or so other small separate from Sunni or Shiites.
I'm of the opinion the government has taken it's PC or political crap too far and made it a God head instead of just saving lives in jeopardy.
Just like WW II.
The only, one and only, way i would differentiate between Muslims and any others which means not difference is asking a simple question. Are you prepared to assimilate into our culture and follow our morals, values, and standards, our laws and our systems? then give a practical exam. Burkas yes or no, Identification photos with the face exposed yes or no. Do you understand and accept that sharia law or the law of the country you left has no legal standing nor do any of the tenets of any religion? Just to name a few. The same can be applied to every other applicant for citizenship or admission to the country.
I would differentiate in the same way to any and every other part of the world's cultures. If they refuse then politely stamp Denied
At Request of the Applicant.
The difference is the Native Americans couldn't fully appreciate who they were welcoming through the front door. Contemporary Americans don't have that excuse. We can observe 1400 years of Islamic history and study how well they have assimilated into Western Civilizations in modern times. Unless you, JohnConnor352, are a Muslim, they know who you are: dhimmi kafir.
Islam's political ideology is incompatible with individual liberties or a democratic republic and there is no evidence in the modern world where Islam has undergone a reformation or enlightenment period to make it acceptable as a leading ideology of a nation of free people. There is plenty of evidence that Islamic populations do not assimilate into Western nations. When they get populous enough the violence towards "kafirs" increases and demands for sharia law within the host country to supersede native law commences.
Former resident of 'Red Lake Reservation.
Edit add: I live in Upstate NY and my taxes get siphoned off to NYC -- I wonder what for, HA! Perhaps I will fly a Templar's banner under the US flag on my flagpole in protest. Although, I doubt if many will even know what it is.
we'd know, mccannon01
Edit add: The white flag with the red cross (Templar cross or standard Christian cross) you mention was more common historically.
around you and dare them to try? . like that ADT ad;;;
Don't Even Try It. -- j
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