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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 1 month ago
    I posted this article on SLL, and it's good to see that you've posted it on GG. The notion that the US and Europe might have something to do with the violence in Europe, and undoubtedly the US somewhere down the line, is something the MSM in both places refuses to even consider. However, poke hornets nests and you're liable to get stung. Make war in foreign countries and you're liable to have war made in yours. One thing the article does not mention is the funding and support that Sunni ISIS has received from our supposed Sunni allies in the region--Turkey (Who do you think buys ISIS's oil?), Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf States--and from the so called "moderate" rebels, who have joined ISIS in droves and taken their US supplied armaments with them (my most recent attempt was "Evil Begets Evil"; I think it got two readers). I've posted numerous articles on SLL on the above, but gave up posting them on GG because they weren't getting much of an audience. The MSM perspective seems to get a better reception; perhaps because most of its organs have banned the term "blowback." Anyway, I salute you for putting up this article. I hope it will challenge a few people to think for themselves and dig for the truth, which is out there and available if you turn off Fox News and take the time to find it.
    GG link to "Evil Begets Evil":
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 1 month ago
    16h30m later AJA posted this on the Gulch:

    The report wipes out excuses that 'we' are responsible rather than the hate filled and women oppressing culture central to Islam. One piece of evidence not included is the record of international aid agencies, the female volunteer do-gooders stand a better than even chance of being raped by those they are helping, official stats are suppressed so newcomers are not forewarned altho' even casual inquiries would reveal endless horror stories.

    I suppose the excuse makers would have us increase welfare payments, give even more free educational support, strengthen censorship so the culture/religion of offenders is never hinted at, give them bigger homes to accommodate their large families, tailor local government services to promote more use by the polygamous and non-English speakers, bring in even more, make no attempt to question hate speech they put out while strictly suppressing quoting of such speech, and allow them to import extended family and preachers who only speak Arabic. In other words, surrender to every demand.

    antiwardotcom seems to be a suicide collective unrelated to valuing life and liberty. .
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 1 month ago
    "In other words, the gray zone is the realm of coexistence, communication, cooperation, and commerce among people of different creeds. The gray zone is where civilization resides."

    "We must stop letting ourselves be manipulated into serving as ISIS’s recruitment force."
    Yes! Sometimes I wonder if people were manipulated or secretly agree with some of ISIS goals of destabilizing the world.
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