The Atlas Society: It’s all about creativity in every capacity

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Philosophy
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I have thought a lot about the work the Atlas Society, the efforts here in the Gulch, and other Objectivist groups are endeavoring for, and how important they are to the modern dialogue. So I explored those thoughts in the linked posting.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
    Good article overman. Thanks for the Gulch shout out. There were some things I disagreed with in the AS panel discussion, but for the most part that is a good watch. I am also amazed at the mediocrity of politically connected groups who are often in the news and the work done by other groups going. largely unnoticed. Even amongst like minded groups, there seems to be distrust and isolation, when there should
    be at least some collaboration. A success has been TAS and the movies working together. I 'd like to also see the Heritage Foundation acknowledge the work of Objectivist organizations and scholars.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      I would too. That's where the whole religion thing kinks up people. They reject Objectivist economic arguments too often because Ayn Rand was an atheist. I understand her argument against God, and that is a separate matter from matters of government. Those who insist that they are not separate, are part of the problem.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 11 years ago
    Well said Overman. I have a retail business and I have usually avoided political or religious talk. I felt there was no need in offending a potential customer. Now I speak more freely about my contempt for those who would mooch off of my production. I am finding many who agree with me. The ones who don't seldom wish to discuss it.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      That is good. If we don't talk about it, nothing will happen--as has been happening for several decades now. It seems people respect opinions even if they don't agree just because of the authenticity of having them.
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