Becky Higgins OEA Introduction: A tribute to communism “If I Had a Hammer”

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Politics
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In case you missed the opening of the Ohio Education Association’s recent 2014 Collective Bargaining Conference you can see what union President Becky Higgins did that would be hilarious if it wasn’t so indicative of a sinister progressive plot. If you own property in the State of Ohio, you are putting money into the pocket of this lady and her conspirators at the OEA. You don’t have a choice because they basically run public education and are locked arm in arm with politicians in Columbus. The point of the conference was exclusively how to further solidify that relationship and nothing else. The difference between now and a few years ago was that there wasn’t any media which showed how stupid these people really are. They had fancy public relations people who could make people like Becky Higgins appear brilliant and sophisticated so that during tax increase time in local school districts people actually thought they were getting a superior product. But in reality what we have been getting all along is seen in the following video. Watch and try to hold down the puke:

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  • Posted by Susannah 11 years ago
    I retired from teaching 7 years ago, after 20 years in education, for several reasons, one of which was that the Progressives had completely taken over public education. I taught American History to 11th graders. The textbook I was to teach from was ridiculously slanted left: half a chapter on the American Civil War, 1 chapter on WWI, 2 pages on the Spanish-American War, on 3 chapters on Progressivism, 3 chapters on the New Deal, 1 chapter on WWII, lots of information on LBJ, Nixon was the anti-Christ, the usual leftist views on Vietnam, etc.

    I usually assigned the textbooks to the students because I was required to do so, then taught from my own notes and my own materials. Until the last few years, I had an assistant principal that did not concern himself with what I was doing and so I taught American History, not Revised American History. The last few years I taught, though, I had a new assistant principal who was a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive. The woman hounded me like a coon dog on the scent. I was reprimanded several times for not using the textbook, subjected to unannounced observations, and once suspended without pay for 2 days.

    Common Core is the Progressive's wet dream. It does not teach any higher thinking skills, no extended thought processes, no critical thinking. It turns out nice, stupid automatons who will not question TPTB. It destroys any interest in life-long learning, because learning under Common Core is so tediously not fun.

    I don't know how much this adds to the discussion, but I want to add my conviction that public education is broken ... has been broken for some time. There is no quick fix; I don't believe it can actually be fixed at all. At this time, charter schools or private schools are a parent's best bet.
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    • Posted by $ mkgoodwin 11 years ago
      I admire your resolve and persistence in the face of the progressives. thank you
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      • Posted by Susannah 11 years ago
        The fight was actually made easier for the administration because I refused to join the teacher's union. I taught in FL which is a right-to-work state, so the union had no teeth anyway. But I would not join on principle. I honestly wish I could have held out longer, but health issues made that impossible. However, I left my attitude with several new teachers who, I am glad to say, are still keeping up the fight!
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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 11 years ago
    Somebody needs to take a hammer to someones head and try to knock some sence in there, but liberal/union pukes are the same worldwide. They tell you what they want you to know and it usually is a lie, like Obama. If they really want to get to you, then its for the children and no-body denies the children. Then tried that lie last year in Arizona, but we knew better and voted them down..
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  • Posted by richrobinson 11 years ago
    Well will this reach a critical mass and cause people to fight back. My wife and I have a small 2 bedroom rental property. We pay over 2,000.00 in school taxes and a total of over 4,000.00 a year in total taxes. We had to fight to get it lowered to these amounts. I am in PA. and this is really getting me fired up.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      It should. Its taboo to talk about but the plan all along--I think--was to destroy private property ownership. If you look at the voting record for how these things have been pushed through legislation over a long time, it traces back to the communist surge of the 1930s. The goal of these people is clearly to find a way to take from property owners for collective welfair. Public schools were a nice mask made of children which kept anybody from questioning the process. Think what you could have done with that $4000. Instead you were forced to pay for a public school system intent to "change the world one child at a time," until everyone is a big government progressive. This reminds me of the plan from Ayn Rand's We The Living. It just happened slowly instead of quickly like what happened in Petrograd.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years ago
    As I am reading my way through "The Stones Cry Out" the question in the back of my mind is this: Why didn't this story of Pol Pot get pounded into my head when I was a student in public schools? I know all about Hitler. Pol Pot's reign of terror is almost a current event, relatively speaking, because it is so recent. And, in my opinion it is equally evil. Yet, not a peep on it. Why?

    Last night I was discussing it with a Vietnamese friend of mine when it hit me. Perhaps the reason almost nobody seems to know this story is because it was perpetrated by Communists. The rhetoric Pol Pot subjected his people to - things they would say to little children while they literally starved them to death while having them build roads with their bare hands - is so much like things the left says today it gives me chills. I find it highly disturbing, actually.
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  • Posted by Stormi 11 years ago
    This is definitely representative of what is happening in Ohio schools (as well as across the country), and has been for 15 years or more. 15 years ago we had Maslow group therapy and group hypnosis on all classes in grade schools here, instead of academics. We had history teachers teaching kids they had "rights" with no mention of responsibilities. We have ongoing values clarification in required health classes. It leaves one asking, "Where's the academics!"
    These teachers are brainwashed, either by the colleges where they get their free Masters degrees or by their unions. Our local union leaders once admitted to me they were turning children against their parents, because THEY thought it was best for them. Kids are taught, "There is no I in team." - at which point I gave our daughter "Anthm" to read. K just talked to the father of a 7 year old the other day, who said he could not understand why his daughter suddenly acted to disrespectful to her family - I filled him in..Teachers and even administrators are all in for this collectivist agenda. I thank Tom DeWeese (Ohio guy) of American Policy Center for letting me know 15 years ago.we were facing a nationwide agenda. Actually it is UN driven at this point. Kids will be taught to embrace UN Agenda 21, and already learn property rights must go.
    Yeah, I too started out the 60s as an anti-Vietnam liberal, while my grounded brother told me another Civil War was in our future. He read history more than I did, but being curious, I started reading history. Mao did it for me, I began to see the agenda around me, I began to learn that McCarthy was right, there were commies in the government and other professions, trying to turn the US. I should have known, living in North Dakota in the early 60s, my Dad moved us to Texas, after he felt overwhelmed by the scope of an active CPUSA up there at the time. I hated Johnson, still do, and that also helped wake me up.
    Believe me, what you see on the excellent post by overmanwarrior is not just Ohio, it is coming for your kids as well, and Common Core is their hammer.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Thank you too for these comments. It is very good to hear these stories. People really need to hear this stuff. We have to name the evil so we can act against it. It's kind of like admitting that we are dealing with a cheating spouse. Nobody wants to believe that they can't trust a person who is so close to them. We don't want to believe that the government and the public schools were cheating on us behind our back.....but they have been. It is as clear as day under a cloudless sky.
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      • Posted by Stormi 11 years ago
        You are right, you see the teacher your child thinks the world of,, but you know they have been brainwashed by the unions and government. It's like a Catch 22. Then the administrators use the Delphi Technique to try to make parents think they are not seeing what their eyes have seen. It is no wonder so many parents fall for the talk of these unionized non-professionals. We are at war, for the minds of children across this country and beyond. We had to have parent meetings to share the latest atrocities in our system and to study the Delphi Technique and how to win against it. Thanks goes again to Tom DeWeese, who sent us handouts to share with other parents.
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  • Posted by squareone 11 years ago
    A hammer can be a lethal weapon, and is certainly a symbol of force. These two ugly slobs, maybe unwittingly, are advocating the use of force on the American people.
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  • Posted by squareone 11 years ago
    I first read Atlas Shrugged in 1966, and twice since.
    This gave me the ability to recognize the collectivist messages smuggled (Ayn Rand's term) into the minds of Americans using music. I notice just recently that the average American is becoming aware of this. The song "This Land Is
    Your Land," Or was it "Our." Regardless, this song totally discredited the concept of private property.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Great point. It was. This land is all our land according to communists. This is also why progressives try to capture the Native American message as if we were so wrong to destroy their culture by moving to America from Europe and building homes and establishing a standard of private ownership. Nobody wanted to destroy a culture of people, but what early Americans were fleeing from was Europe. Two cultures clashed, and the one with innovation and industry won. That is the real nature of an attack on early American frontersman favoring the sad, Native American. Anyone who has read the Ekert books knows the real story which has also been grotesquely supressed.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
        I hate the term "Native Americans".

        On my father's side, we've been here 7 generations. As one man asked of Ireland, "How long do you have to be in a land to be "native"?

        But, further, "Native Americans" is like saying "Native Europeans". I'm sure there are Frenchmen and Germans and Spaniards who would rankle at being thus globbed together.

        Some of it comes, I guess, from living so long in the Indian Nations, where tribal identities are stronger.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          I do too. Gavin Menzies presented a strong case that the people encountered during the frontier wars were actually Chinese from massive treasure fleets.

          That would kind of mess up the modern notion of diffusion across the Bering Straight.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago
    She forgot to add at the end of, "If I had a hammer", the words, "And a sickle".....

    Wow. I have not had nearly enough coffee to handle that debacle. She really subscribes to that whole philosophy of thinking that progressive education and methodology is what's good for our, (the Community's), children, and the union's coffers. Despicable.
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    Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
    So the lady can't sing. What are her actual policies?
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      She's at the head of the Ohio Education Association, a part of the NEA union. What she is advocating for in public education is essentially what she's singing about. She could have picked any song---but she picked that one--and for the reasons that Pete Seegar played it in 1949 in support for Communist USA members who were being prosecuted under federal charges. She's looking out for the "brothers and the sisters."
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