Becky Higgins OEA Introduction: A tribute to communism “If I Had a Hammer”
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Politics
In case you missed the opening of the Ohio Education Association’s recent 2014 Collective Bargaining Conference you can see what union President Becky Higgins did that would be hilarious if it wasn’t so indicative of a sinister progressive plot. If you own property in the State of Ohio, you are putting money into the pocket of this lady and her conspirators at the OEA. You don’t have a choice because they basically run public education and are locked arm in arm with politicians in Columbus. The point of the conference was exclusively how to further solidify that relationship and nothing else. The difference between now and a few years ago was that there wasn’t any media which showed how stupid these people really are. They had fancy public relations people who could make people like Becky Higgins appear brilliant and sophisticated so that during tax increase time in local school districts people actually thought they were getting a superior product. But in reality what we have been getting all along is seen in the following video. Watch and try to hold down the puke:
I usually assigned the textbooks to the students because I was required to do so, then taught from my own notes and my own materials. Until the last few years, I had an assistant principal that did not concern himself with what I was doing and so I taught American History, not Revised American History. The last few years I taught, though, I had a new assistant principal who was a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive. The woman hounded me like a coon dog on the scent. I was reprimanded several times for not using the textbook, subjected to unannounced observations, and once suspended without pay for 2 days.
Common Core is the Progressive's wet dream. It does not teach any higher thinking skills, no extended thought processes, no critical thinking. It turns out nice, stupid automatons who will not question TPTB. It destroys any interest in life-long learning, because learning under Common Core is so tediously not fun.
I don't know how much this adds to the discussion, but I want to add my conviction that public education is broken ... has been broken for some time. There is no quick fix; I don't believe it can actually be fixed at all. At this time, charter schools or private schools are a parent's best bet.
Last night I was discussing it with a Vietnamese friend of mine when it hit me. Perhaps the reason almost nobody seems to know this story is because it was perpetrated by Communists. The rhetoric Pol Pot subjected his people to - things they would say to little children while they literally starved them to death while having them build roads with their bare hands - is so much like things the left says today it gives me chills. I find it highly disturbing, actually.
Full disclosure: I was a "folkie" in the '60s and '70s and liked Pete Seegar, Peter, Paul and Mary, etc. and their music. Loved "Pogo" comic strip (miss you Walt Kelly). Hated Joe McCarthy and his "ism". Sure as hell didn't like where the country was headed at the time. Voted for Barry Goldwater over Lynden Johnson. (inconsistent, huh)
My friend said, "So I voted for Goldwater, and sure enough, we got stuck in a land war in southeast Asia."
These teachers are brainwashed, either by the colleges where they get their free Masters degrees or by their unions. Our local union leaders once admitted to me they were turning children against their parents, because THEY thought it was best for them. Kids are taught, "There is no I in team." - at which point I gave our daughter "Anthm" to read. K just talked to the father of a 7 year old the other day, who said he could not understand why his daughter suddenly acted to disrespectful to her family - I filled him in..Teachers and even administrators are all in for this collectivist agenda. I thank Tom DeWeese (Ohio guy) of American Policy Center for letting me know 15 years ago.we were facing a nationwide agenda. Actually it is UN driven at this point. Kids will be taught to embrace UN Agenda 21, and already learn property rights must go.
Yeah, I too started out the 60s as an anti-Vietnam liberal, while my grounded brother told me another Civil War was in our future. He read history more than I did, but being curious, I started reading history. Mao did it for me, I began to see the agenda around me, I began to learn that McCarthy was right, there were commies in the government and other professions, trying to turn the US. I should have known, living in North Dakota in the early 60s, my Dad moved us to Texas, after he felt overwhelmed by the scope of an active CPUSA up there at the time. I hated Johnson, still do, and that also helped wake me up.
Believe me, what you see on the excellent post by overmanwarrior is not just Ohio, it is coming for your kids as well, and Common Core is their hammer.
Does it go, "If I had a hammer, every problem would be a nail"?
This gave me the ability to recognize the collectivist messages smuggled (Ayn Rand's term) into the minds of Americans using music. I notice just recently that the average American is becoming aware of this. The song "This Land Is
Your Land," Or was it "Our." Regardless, this song totally discredited the concept of private property.
On my father's side, we've been here 7 generations. As one man asked of Ireland, "How long do you have to be in a land to be "native"?
But, further, "Native Americans" is like saying "Native Europeans". I'm sure there are Frenchmen and Germans and Spaniards who would rankle at being thus globbed together.
Some of it comes, I guess, from living so long in the Indian Nations, where tribal identities are stronger.
That would kind of mess up the modern notion of diffusion across the Bering Straight.
Wow. I have not had nearly enough coffee to handle that debacle. She really subscribes to that whole philosophy of thinking that progressive education and methodology is what's good for our, (the Community's), children, and the union's coffers. Despicable.