Don't want windows 10? Tough.

Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 11 months ago to Technology
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this is ominous big-brother stuff, don't you think? -- j
SOURCE URL: http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/windows-10-to-automatically-download-on-your-pcs/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 11 months ago
    In a word, TANSTAAFL.

    One answer: Turn off auto updates. You probably don't need them if you have good virus protection that does NOT come from MSFT (e.g., Avira or Avast.) I haven't run auto updates in over 15 years, and have had only 1 virus problem (and I didn't lose anything but a few hours time.)
    The other option is using Linux instead of Windows, which does involve learning a slightly different interface, and giving up some of your favorite programs (although they can still be run in a virtual machine with Win7 and VirtualBox software if you really need them.)
    Is your privacy important, or not?
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
    I hurried to post some links on how to remove the alert and prevent the upgrade, but I did not express my opinion: This ploy of MS stinks.

    Microsoft has made many wrong decisions recently, including crippling their programs eg (the 'ribbon' bars do not give access to the tools I had before), mistaking work computers for youtube/Facebook access units, and now trying to force the use of an OS that, rumor says, may be subscription and cloud based.

    Even to use Win7, I have steadily had to uninstall recent versions of, for example, Word, and replace them with the older versions that actually had the abilities I needed. Everything on recent MS OS seems to be made into a toy.

    We run our medical software on MS OS so it is important to me that this software continue to be prevalent and useful. It would be nice if Microsoft were of similar opinion.

    Jan, tool user
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      Open Office what need of MS anything?
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      • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
        Unfortunately, Open Office does not do the trick - I had trouble with the formatting of docs made in Open Office (some employees used it). Since all of our documentation (User Manual, etc) is in Word, we either have to keep it as our official word processing program or go to a ton of effort to convert 20 years of stuff over to Open Office (or another product).

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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
          good reason. At some point...that will revert when waste baskets and chairs through the windows take their toll. Still a very good sound reason.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
            Ha! Yes, I suspect that there will be a threshold of tolerance...and then possibly another one, if/when we decide to divorce SchuyLab from Windows OS altogether.

            Have not reached it yet: still hoping that MS wakes up to the fact that business needs a steadfast produce that is not swayed by the latest trend.

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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 11 months ago
    We, the people, need to pursue the things we want and stop those we don't want. I've always thought that was part of the democratic process, we vote. I'm getting mostly internet ads for stuff that I already bought, they are wasting their time advertising what I no longer need or want. I think we could express our vote to Microsoft by downloading Windows 10 on at least one computer each, leaving the spy stuff in, and using it for looking up nothing but porn. If it's personally objectionable just set up some macro's to do it automatically and leave your monitor turned off. Microsoft would be overwhelmed with data on porn usage. That will screw up their data bases and show them their scheme for making money off your personal information and habits just won't work.

    Sometimes now when I get these calls from the "Windows Technician" that tells me my computer is sending out errors, I just play along with them until they actually want to get into my computer or ask for some personal information. A few have gone over an hour (It's great to have free time to harass someone else once in a while). It really ticks them off when I tell them "I'm just f___ing with you. I'm just trying to waste as much of your time as I can to prevent you from ripping off some poor elderly person that doesn't understand your scheme." Recently they've actually stopped calling me.

    I just might update to Windows 10 on one of my systems, I've heard some good things about it and I've really got little to hide. If only they had finalized a version of XP, the one running my CNC machine has been working perfectly for years, ever since I took it off line.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      I have recently added a second computer to the rig here, and
      could do just what you suggest. . I would rather have it
      look up diesel engines or glockenspiels instead, though,
      to prevent the intrusion of viruses and stuff which tends
      to accompany porn. -- j
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      • Posted by NealS 8 years, 11 months ago
        I've got a few old computers laying around that probably have XP loaded. If they were a free upgrade I'd do just that and not even worry about the viruses. Have they named the viruses anything special that come from porn?
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        • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
          it's been "a week or two" but we got trojans and other stuff
          which my brother-in-law could remember ... shut down the machine
          until he could remedy the situation. . I learned the lesson heartily. -- j
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
    Whatever happened to MYOB?
    My time has finally come. I don't think I'm going to like the brave new world. I'm tempted to pull an Edward G. Robinson as in "Soylent Green." If you think you'll be able to circumvent the nosiness, none-of-your-goddam-business, you are mistaken. Microsoft and others are not about to give up on their intrusion on your personal business. Sooner or later, they getcha with a gotcha.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
      My last volume picks up on an earlier thread of a conspiracy between a software company and the government......unless it's an overworked idea. the lucrative income of course calls for a lot of protection, deaths, maimings and in the end.....well read the book....eventually.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 11 months ago
      This is one of the reasons we need intellectual property reform. As it stands, a software vendor can demand you jump through any hoops he wants in order to use the product you paid them for. Digital "rights" management needs to be legal to circumvent whenever it stops you from doing things you're entitled to do.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 11 months ago
    Microsoft isn't alone in exercising what I call persistent intrusion. With the latest iOS upgrade, my iPhone keeps insisting I should enter my iTunes password, so I can take advantage of an iCloud account. Yeah, like I really want my phone to automatically upload all my phone contacts, photos, and text messages to an online account, to be hacked or used by Apple or government snoopers.

    I spent too many years in the bowels of the intelligence agencies to advise people to go along with this nagging for personal information that incessantly bombards us. Ironically, I can see a day coming when some government agency will consider a sparsely populated online profile an indication for suspicion, placing such individuals on a watch list for domestic terrorism.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 11 months ago
      That last is no joke. I am dead certain that some message boards, for instance InfoWars, are effectively honey-traps for any kind of dissident who might take effective action of any kind. And it wouldn't surprise me if this board is similarly watched.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
    Hi johnpe!

    Your link is helpful, but from 2010 and XP in nature. Here is a link to some more info on ridding yourself of Win10


    MrGolem says:
    Here is the answer Microsoft does NOT want you to know about. I posted a question and answered my own post with a solution. In the time that has past, I had time to confirm it works.


    My own second reply offers the cleanup solution to remove what I called a Virus. In the way this upgrade offer was forced on our systems and how much work is needed to remove it, I can find no other word than VIRUS to describe it. Judge by yourselves.

    Removing KB3035583 will remove the Icon in the taskbar but Windows will still try to infect your system.

    You need to remove KB2952664 (Win7) or KB2976978 (Win8 and 8.1) using the solution in the other link.

    Keep in mind, the Icon can be uninstalled from the Control Panel - Programs and Features - View Installed updates and searching for KB3035583 and accept the reboot.

    When you come back, then, from DOS (Command line and described in my other post) remove the Updater for your appropriate Windows Version.

    Do not despair. On a friend's system I had to run the uninstall command 18 times in a row before I removed ALL the VIRUS files. Once you run the DOS Command and remove 1 instance of the offending file, use the UP ARROW to REPEAT the last command making sure NOT TO REBOOT until ALL the copies are removed. At a certain point you will get a message that the KB is NOT installed, then do the reboot.

    Do not forget to Check for Updates again when you have finished and ask to HIDE THESE UPDATES (right-click, Hide), (in Win 8.x do not use the Update App but instead search and use the OLD Windows Update that let's you pick and choose), there also, choose to HIDE the KBs.

    Hope this helps.

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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      this is the stuff which I pay my brother-in-law to do.
      I will copy this to a file which I will show to him.
      this whole subject scares me. -- j
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      • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
        Yeah, me too. We need to reconsider what the word 'public' means, and we need to have virtual walls that we can erect - against even (or especially) the gov - that have Constitutional protection against being casually breached. (Of course, it would be nice if our real walls had that protection...!)

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        • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
          more and more, I live my life in constant wariness for intrusions
          on freedom, life and property -- it's sad that we have dipped
          to that point with this nation. . this forum is about the only place
          where I feel healthy ... and it's being monitored by the NSA
          in my firm opinion. . gee whiz. -- j
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          • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
            Probably, but it has the advantage of being a 'movie blog'. I hope that will trivialize a lot of what is said here, though I wish people would be a bit more careful in how they phrase things.

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            • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
              movies? . we love movies! . bought a copy of Torpedo Run recently;;;
              we also got a copy of San Andreas ... both of which we have yet to view!
              seen any good ones lately? -- j
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              • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
                The Martian, The Martian, The Martian...

                Looking forward to some of the upcoming Star Wars in December.

                Jan, total SF geek
                (let me know if San Andreas is good - that one caught my eye in the trailers)
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  • Posted by RevJay4 8 years, 11 months ago
    Most interesting. After reading the posts on this site and several others re: W10 I went into my laptop and found the "virus" and uninstalled it. Then removed the notification from the whatchamacallit at the bottom. Now it doesn't bug me anymore when I turn on the laptop. Turned off the auto updates. Just for good measure.
    Now I've just recently added a Mac and am learning that as I post. Not running MS on this one. Already seems to be easier to do stuff.
    Easy is good in my world of computing. I don't have the mind for the code or something. That would be my son who is gifted that way.
    Thanks to all on Galts Gulch for the education re: 'peters.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 11 months ago
    To remove the annoying and obnoxiously intrusive reminders uninstall update KB3035583 on your system. The messages will go away after you reboot. When you see that update again in Windows Update right click and select hide. There is no need upgrade to the obnoxious and personally invasive windows 10 if you don't want to.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 11 months ago
    I do not understand much about computers. I don't
    have an Internet computer at home. I use the ones
    at the library. From what somebody in these com-
    ments said, I understand that you can circument
    Microsoft by using Google, which is what I us-
    ally use. But I have long held the opinion that
    if you don't want the whole world (or at least ev-
    erybody in the United States) to see something,
    don't put it on the computer.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 11 months ago
    Yes it is...no matter what's behind it all.

    I understand that if you shut off windows updates, you'd be safe... which I did a long time ago because of all the problems the updates caused.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
      Not really after a while they do it anyway. I've never seen that to fail. The tool is the little timer that says we are going to do this in 10 minutes. If you aren't awake to press the 'later' button it does
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  • Posted by Slytherin 8 years, 11 months ago
    That is the price of free for Microsoft. Apple thankfully doesn't take the ad route.

    A lot of programs are Microsoft only sadly. I would love to use just my Apple devices but currently that isn't the case. Therefore I still use Windows 7.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 11 months ago
      Now if Apple would let people control the computer they pay for. But, like politics, very few actually want to work hard enough to take responsibility, so they buy overpriced Apple closed systems that have an interface that puts the user in a padded room with an interface is as enraging to a responible individual as the fedgov,
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 11 months ago
        Well, freedomforall, I've been writing code since 1972 and have used MS systems since they were invented. Got fed up with them by 2010 and bought a "high-priced" Apple Mac for home use. Best thing I ever did. Still used MS systems at my place of employment because I HAD to, not because I wanted to. My Apple has never crashed in the middle of my "want to work hard enough to take responsibility" sessions. Since I've retired I don't need to use MS at home and won't. I liked the Mac so much I've since purchased many other Apple products and have not been disappointed.

        B-T-W if you're masochistic enough, you can run MS Windows software on your Apple hardware. If I ever feel nostalgic enough to need to see the "blue screen of death" again maybe I'll give it try - NOT!
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      • Posted by Slytherin 8 years, 11 months ago
        Well the point of Apple is that you don't have to handle everything. It just works. There is so much to do in life. Why spend it making your computer work properly when the manufacturers should ensure that from the beginning?
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        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 11 months ago
          While I do trust an OS to convert my keystrokes to 0s and 1s, I don't trust programs to determine where to store my data (within the file system) without giving me the option. Windows has done this more and more over time (likely partly in the interest of system stability and less complex OS programming.) Apple has always hidden most of its OS operations behind something they think is intuitive; I have rarely found it so. Apple has restricted users from upgrading their machines with other plug and play hardware while Microsoft has always given users that freedom; then MSFT gets raked over the coals when some of the hardware vendors can't create a stable driver for their hardware for the OS (the cause of many BSODs.) Apple wouldn't even let a customer plug a tablet in to another computer to transfer files; he had to email it and expose the data to the insecure cloud. I don't want a computer that is designed for a tv mentality customer who can't figure out how to connect a vcr; that is what Apple offers to me. I want to make the decisions about my computer (and my life) without the vendor (government) dictating what I can do with it for their convenience, after they have taken (stolen) my money.
          Neither MSFT or Apple are perfect vendors with perfect systems. Both have bugs (or features if you are in software sales;^).
          Govenment and Apple feel I can't be trusted to manage my own affairs.
          I don't consent to either.
          If Apple meets your needs, more power to you. Your needs are different from my needs.
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          • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 11 months ago
            I fixed one MSFT 'problem' by adding an additional hard drive to my desktop.

            I download ALL installable files to THAT drive into subdirectories labeled for the particular apps. Newer releases go where their older siblings went before and I run them from there and let the installs go wherever they want on the C:\ drive.

            Sort of makes for a backup drive for installables that might not be visible to worms, viruses, etc.
            It's worked well for years, and a DVD backup of That Drive becomes a living treasure.
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        • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 11 months ago
          A bit of counterpoint...
          I decided to bite the bullet and go to MS10 after seeing the user-hostile interface of 8 and 8.1.
          It wasn't all that bad. Fairly robust and recovers from some of the stupid error situations that forced user gymnastics to recover from with older versions.

          But imnsho, virtually ALL of the MS APPS have flaws in them that used to be nice features in earlier generations.

          I was/am-still unable to figure out how to graph spreadsheet data in Excel... it was SO simple and easy many rev's ago. Such 'progress.'

          The IE replacement lost many of the nice features of IE 7 or 8 or so. Favorites are barely manageable, right-click to open a link on a new tab and the link opens but isn't displayed until you select it! Such a benefit/improvement? Beats me...

          And, for counter-counterpoint, when I got my last Android OS update on my Samsung, it conveniently 'forgot' virtually all of my stock-symbols I had tracked and weather locations I'd keyed in. And took an hour or two to download and install before not saving or recovering any such settings. Rocket scientist programming?

          So we switched to iPhones. Yep, many new user interface metaphors to learn, but SO Intuitive, right? Bullshit.

          One day I wanted to use the built-in calculator. But I wanted memory store and recall! Calculator had nothing visible to do that.

          I tapped all the places I could but could find NO reference or explanation of how to get to those features... Until my 15-year-old grandson showed me the Solution.... Turn the phone sideways and in landscape mode, the calculator switches to just about all the functions I was looking for.

          Now, I've been screwing around with computers since IBM-360/45 days in college around 1967, and I learned some of the DOS internals because I wanted to learn the why and how 'behind the curtain.'

          But any and all of you have a LONG WAY to go if you think you can convince me that there is ANYTHING INTUITIVE about holding the phone sideways in order to get M and MC functions.

          NOTHING intuitive about it. Never saw that before in any user interface, and sure as hell didn't see any clues, hints or directions on how to discover that 'feature.'

          I still have MS on my desktop and probably won't toss the iPhone, but life isn't as ginger-peachy with Apple products as ... pardon the expression... Believers would have you think.

          Happy 'computing,' all...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
      TANSTAAFL. XP worked fine after they dropped 'supporting' it. By then it could not keep up with the new systems requirements but XP is a fine stand alone word processor when used with Open Office. I never rely on W7 for my serious work or for my navigation systems on the boat and XO to my knowledge has the wifi antenna glued shut. But who knows.
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  • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 11 months ago
    This can be stopped. Please read http://www.komando.com/tips/325534/mi...

    However, I stopped using Windows of any flavor back when they killed Windows XP. I now use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This is linux based software. It is awesome and it is free. However it is not for the faint of heart. If you are lacking in basic programming then you may struggle to keep it running smoothly as it is not meant for folks that rely on Microsoft just doing all of the hard work for them. But if you want to stretch yourself then give it a try. Many resources exist that can walk a person through any situation that may arise in its usage.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 8 years, 9 months ago
    This is part of something I posted on the thread about antivirus software, but since it's more relevant to this one...

    With news that Windows 10 is basically a comprehensive spyware suite written right into the fabric of the OS itself and which therefore cannot be removed, that's an absolute no-go and grounds for boycotting MS if not switching to something else altogether (Apple is run by a goose-stepping eco-fascist, so they won't get a dime from me. Maybe Linux?) I urge everybody here to make complaints to MS about this outrage and to encourage others to do the same. Perhaps more alarming than the spyware that is Windows 10 itself, is the mentality at MS that thinks personal privacy is obsolete and can be blithely violated - also the sheeplike acceptance of that gross violation by the millions who've clicked the "I Accept" block during their Windows 10 install. The time to draw a clear line on privacy is now. [On a tangential note, I think the advent of the digital age has made it necessary to enact some explicit and sweeping protections of privacy in the electronic age, codified in law - protections against governmental and private violations of privacy alike. I'm not a lawyer and therefore have no idea how much of this is feasible, but I'm thinking the penalties attached to violating people's privacy via electronic means (or any other for that matter,) should be among the the most harsh this side of those for murder convictions. This party has to be brought to a screeching halt and the mess cleaned up, like right now.]

    Since MS is even pushing elements of Win10 at users of Windows 7 and 8, along with the normal practice of disabling multiple startup services it's now imperative to turn off Windows Updates from the outset of any drive-wipe and Win7/8 clean install.

    The updates are supposedly there to fix security holes and functionality bugs, but since Microsoft has left us no choice but to sever ourselves from their updating service altogether, I'm doing a standard "Nuke it from orbit - it's the only way to be sure" workaround:

    1. Leave nothing personal on your system. Save any and all documents, photos, videos, whatever, to external media, not your system's HD;
    2. To ensure that any data leftover from surfing is eradicated - usernames and passwords used for log-ins that may still be lurking in your browser's auto-fill or whatever; form data, cookies, etc. - do a complete drive-wipe / OS clean install every month or so.

    If there's nothing residing on your system that's of use to any hacker, my thinking is that surfing with a system whose updates aren't installed only exposes you to here-and-now threats. True, I suppose it's possible you could pick up malware that could load a keylogger that steals your passwords on the fly, as you input them - so maybe this strategy too is flawed. Obviously it's vital to do regular password resets for every place you frequent, but if someone's able to harvest them immediately, that won't help much. (If there are any IT techies here, feedback and advice on this strategy is welcomed.)

    Other than instant malware exploits, if you're doing a monthly drive-wipe and saving everything externally I don't see how the bulk of the Windows updates are needed in any case. There's a variety of alternative 'Net browsers from which to choose (for the moment I'm using Epic Privacy Browser,) so the latest-lousiest IE is not needed either. There're those functional elements like "Net framework 4" and Direct X that are bundled within the Windows updates, but I'm thinking those can be located and downloaded independently.

    If Microsoft does not reverse this outrageous intrusion, presumably at some point the OS versions prior to Windows 10 will no longer run newer software or internet programming. At that point I guess I just stop using the internet altogether - or maybe do the occasional necessary bit of shopping during lunch hour at work?

    I'm also wondering why, a full two decades after the internet really took hold on a world wide basis, there are still only three different OS options available to computer users - Microsoft, Apple and Linux. There should be dozens upon dozens of them by now, particularly with the violations of rights Microsoft is shoving at us and the ethical problem with buying anything from the noxious Apple company. Maybe it's just the sheer complexity of the product, but why aren't there as many OS brands as there are athletic shoe brands, microbrew beer brands, fast food franchise brands, toothpaste brands, clothing brands, soft drink brands, etc. Instead there are: three. Why?

    Some articles on the subject:

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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      DriveTrain, would you consider posting this as a new post?
      there are many people in here who are quite concerned
      about this, and they may not be checking back on this post
      from a month ago. . I'll do it for you, if you would like. . Thank You! -- john
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      • Posted by $ DriveTrain 8 years, 9 months ago
        You mean as a new thread? Sure, will do. I'll do some re-wording to make it more suitable as a lead post. 'Sorry for digging up an aging post, but had been on vacation for most of November, and this Windows 10 issue still rankles.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
    Thanks, but I didn't like the Windows 8 GUI (NO to the freaking tiles and push to search). I am an organized person (I don't use search but once every six months and usually for someone else) and the tiles drive me nuts. Been a Windows admin since 95 so it's not exactly like I'm a newbie, but I really hate how Microsoft takes the "you'll do what we want or else" hardline on so many things. Yes, they partially brought back the menu with the 10 interface, but I want the tiles GONE on my desktop. All of them. And I really don't like the scroll-to-the-right to activate logout/etc. or to get to other functionality. Leave it on the Start/Windows button.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    The other thing is constant backups and use a decent virus checker but not AVAST. It takes over your life and computer if you dare to consider not renewing Worse than MS...I went back in time to Webroot including their old window washer.

    With backups and that means the second you don't want to lose anything no matter what you can always to a high level format and start over from scratch.Linus, Firefox etc. Open office all manner of choices.

    The irksome part for me was with XP Couldn't run anything with it crying to call the office. Hard to do from the middle of the ocean. For that. When the mandatory monthlies did arrive it was a full day to get the machine working again. I left all kind of FU very much notes for MS to find. In the late eighties and nineties we told our customers never buy MS until it's at least three years old. It was on a big dot matrix fan fold banner on the wall right behind the cash register. When Vista came out I took one computer and dedicated to no net operation. No problems. The other one was a time waster so I let what happen happen and then went back to C Prompt deleting then began with Linux. I'm typing on a Win 7 the cure for Vista. IT has exactly the same flaws as it did when it first come out.Whatever they do it has nothing to do with customer service. My rate of infection is not at nil. I turned MS off and put in a reputable program. MS treated it as a virus. It was ...but a good one it smashed MS. etc etc etc
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  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 11 months ago
    You can stop the annoying alerts in W7 and W8.1 prompting to update to w10, at least for now, by hiding the "GWX Get Windows 10" icon and notification in the taskbar: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/w....

    You can also uninstall "update" KB3035583 that arranges for the prompts: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to...

    Also turn off the automatic updates in W7 or W8.1 so you can select what "updates" to install when prompted that new "updates" are available. When one shows up as available that you don't want, tell the system to hide it so it no longer appears in the updates available notices.

    These methods have been publicized for several months and they do not guarantee that usoft won't do something sneaky in the future.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 11 months ago
    Windows continues to decline in marketshare, Apple continues to accelerate... Apple already more or less owns the consumer/home market for the same reason that people are sick of Microsoft and the slop it puts on the market. They still have control of the business market, but I think that will even begin to dissolve, Apple recently announced billions invested into enterprise software/systems.

    Use a Mac or Linux, you will be much happier. Office 2016 was just released on the Mac ahead of the Windows version coming out a few months later, even Microsoft seems to be emphasizing the Mac. Parallels or VMWare Fusion allows you to run Windows apps acceptably when needed anyway.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    Linus for starters. If not in bed with government and I don't see how they are not they are a conspiracy to defraud group. Sure all software has bugs needing improving. Microsoft makes zero effort to Beta test or customer test relying on forced sales to fund that and can go years without producing a fix. RICO comes to mind.

    However I'm slowly drifting into Linux and some other areas. and who ever you think I am when you read this? I'm not and I'm not there.

    As much as these conversations have posted damn near everywhere people still think doing the off button turns the cel radio phones off.

    Massive case of mamagumpitis. Yet a few years ago they screamed at the idea of implants. Now they pay to do the same job free of charge to yonder hermano mejor.


    Why Rico ...it's a conspiracy to defraud. Why; in bed with government. Seen any arrests or investigations? I thought not.

    Back to cell radio phones I change tracphones fairly often and keep one number on with no minutes or service time. Two years now and it's still chugging mindlessly away. the next idea was to throw the phone turned off but not internally on a long haul truck All bought in the same store same time for cash. Who knows where they ended up. I did not use a code. lock.

    Wrench in the monkey.....
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  • Posted by maxsilver 8 years, 11 months ago
    It's time to consider other options in the computing OS space. I have reduced my microsoft/apple/google footprint to only those systems required by those that employ my services. I leave no personal info on those systems and log in only as an administrator or as a user supplied by the company. I maintain no email or contact lists on any system with internet network access. My goal is to remove as much personal information as I can from internet data caches.

    I have opted to go with Linux based systems because the community oversight will slam shut attempts by private companies and governments to insert back doors and prying software. However, one still needs to maintain vigilance in any internet access because once it is off of your computer and on the net it is fair game.

    I'll be glad when some enterprising young kid develops an open OS for cell phones that incorporates an encrypted mesh network that can handle BitCoin type transactions between individuals.
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