Dr. Michael Savage: "It's over."

Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: General
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will the U.S.A. be gone in 50 years? . are the leaders
here and in Germany, etc. invading their countries
with aliens which will doom those countries? -- j

p.s. Michael Alan Weiner, PhD Nutritional Ethnomedicine,
UCBerkeley, hosts a talk show as Michael Savage.
SOURCE URL: http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/michael-savage-weve-lost-the-battle/

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    Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
    Yes. It's over. America, as I knew it as a kid, is long gone. We brought it on ourselves, as a population, by becoming soft, complacent, stupid, uneducated, and misguided. We are also, probably worse of all, unprincipled. We are like a whale that's so full of blubber for lamp oil that we can't even dive, begging the harpoon man, "Do it now. End it."

    And, it brings me no joy to say this. Very sad about it.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 9 years, 4 months ago
    My nephew, the true "genius" in the family (IQ-161, makes millions doing something with "digital security") made a comment a number of years ago that haunts me. He said, "There is a societal flywheel and, currently, it is turning left."

    In my 72 years, all I have seen the flywheel do is increase in speed. What stops a flywheel? A change in the "transmission" (government) gear to reverse it or a big wrench. I suggest a revolution, which has been, historically, the "wrench," is needed because there will be no shifting done by the powers that be.

    (Pardon the scrambled metaphore, I was up late last night)
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
      How about if people just decide, "We not going to comply."? Just peacefully do their own thing? It's either that or go Galt. I'm in a steady state of preparation for going Galt, myself.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 4 months ago
    Just the latest chapter in an ongoing war between those who wish to make their own choices in life, and those who want others to make the choices for them. Compare the views of Hobbes ("Leviathan"), who believed that the individual lacked the power to control his own "short, brutish" life, and needed a dominating, controlling central authority to protect him from inevitable disaster, with those of Locke, who felt the best kind of society could only result from the company of individuals with the liberty to be responsible for their own fortunes.

    Human society seems cursed to oscillate between the extremes of tyranny and liberty. Each oscillation promises greater individual liberty on one swing, and a closer brush with human extinction on the other.

    All Utopian visions collapse under the force of reality, and when they do, either enlightenment or destruction result. The best we can do is try to direct the collapse toward enlightenment.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 4 months ago
    The shooting hasn't even started.
    To quote two most eloquent responses.
    "I have not yet begun to fight." John Paul Jones
    "Nuts" Anthony McAuliffe

    There are still patriots like these men.
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    • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 4 months ago
      There's a +.

      I almost told a soccer mom "friend" of mine the other day that I wasn't scared of violent criminals. They are few and getting less. The real reason for somebody to own guns is because somebody like her can vote.

      Molon labe
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 4 months ago
    It is amazing just how stupid the American people truly are! To give up all of the things that citizens over the years have worked so hard to achieve all because of people like Gramsci, Allinsky, Clinton (both), Bushes (both), Boehner, McConnell, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Graham, etc. have little or no understanding of just what kind of damage they have done either by accident or by design! If it was done with knowledge aforethought then it is truly a conspiracy of epic proportions of which we will inherit the whirlwind and, we are truly lost!
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  • Posted by Stormi 9 years, 4 months ago
    At this point, it is over, unless the rank and file wake up, only then would it be possible to save our nation. Years of Obama misconceptions have ruined the black families, ruined the white families, done nothing for anyone to raise them up to independence. As long as no one takes responsibility, these hack politicians will allow other cultures to seep into the US and destroy our once great culture forever. Parents have let government and government schools tell them what their children should believe, without question. As with Mao, it began with the children, as it did also with Hitler's Youth. I enjoy Savage, and admire his ability to still hope for ultimate preservation of our country. .
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  • Posted by wmiranda 9 years, 4 months ago
    The current downfall of America began when in the late 60s the Democratic Party took up many of the causes and rhetoric of the American Communist party. A little sugar coating here and there as well as a few setbacks, but it has all led to the current DNC values and president BHO. The remaining year of BHO's administration is going to be one of reckless disregard and lawlessness of American values and executive orders. So, is it over? It's up to us and the next generation. Right now the biggest threat to America is not the deficit or illegal immigration. Rather, a political class at the national level without term limits (political royalty) and unlimited "legal" immigration from muslim countries.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
      I tend to think that the assassination of JFK was one of the final nails. It was a loss of innocence. Sure, we went to the moon after that. Then what? Vietnam, etc. Just down hill... The only bright spots were brought on by an industry (Silicon Valley) that could explode before being snared by regulation...the internet, PCs, relational databases...But, what else has there been?
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
      Dont you think it really began far before that with FDR? Seems unlikely for the process to stop until the economy and our system collapses. Look at how far Venezuela has collapsed, and the stupid people there still allow their leader to walk the earth- amazing.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
        FDR had the second bill of rights -- the right to a job,
        the right to a house with a white picket fence ..... but
        it really began with Teddy and Woodrow and the big government
        stuff like the Fed. . progressives have been working this
        for more than a century. . like a boa constrictor,
        squeezing the life out of the producers whose attention
        has been on work and family and hard-earned rest. -- j
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 4 months ago
    In my mind the Republic is lost and is not recoverable. The dying carcus may last another 50 years but the ending body will look absolutely nothing like what was born is 1776. We are very close to that now. We look more and more like Nazi Germany every day.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 4 months ago
    Over? Not yet. But I don't think that Judeo-Chris-
    tianity can ultimately save us. Instead, we should
    rely on Objectivism.
    -----We can't just rely on luck, and what people al-
    ready believe, to save us. Perhaps we should
    start up privately-funded Objectivist centers to
    teach true, authentic Americanism to the new
    immigrants who do get in. Individual rights and
    real American history, not FDR's "Four Free-
    doms" and New Deal platitudes.
    ---And, lest they think we're patronizing them,
    it wouldn't hurt to stress that Ayn Rand was her-
    self an immigrant.
    ---I didn't know that Michael Savage's original
    name was Weiner; I thought his real name was
    Michael Savage.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
    i'm a bit shocked to discover savage nation is a Berkeley UC professor. Never would have thunk it.

    Which USA. The original lasted a hundred years if that. Part Two another hundred. now we are having it re-invented for us.

    On the other hand no system ever lasts over a two hundred years.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago
      Yes. I used to listen to Savage long before he went national, on KSFO here in the Bay Area. He was great back then and the left would pull all kinds of shenanigans to get him pulled. To this day, he'll mention some of those people involved when, now, they get charged with molestation or some other thing. His show was great back then. I'm not sure I can find it here now. He, I believe, was run out of UC Berkley because he was of clear thought.

      The only time he really missed the mark with me was his rant on autism. Much to my surprise, he was way off.
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  • Posted by giallopudding 9 years, 4 months ago
    Last I heard Dr. Savage, he was saying we lost the battle, not the war. At his core, he seems to believe in the prospect of breaking the left's stranglehold around the necks of the half of this country that produces anything.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 4 months ago
    "A democracy contains within it the seeds of its own destruction and that is the natural way of things."
    Human societies are complex organisms and as such they will die one of two ways; fall victim to a predator or succumb to senescence. Immortality is not an option.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 4 months ago
      Ahh! But we are a Republic! We should have been able to negate the inherent foolishness of unbridled democracy! How can you preserve the integrity of a system if one has no skin in the game. That is why we were set up as a republic and not a one person, one vote democracy that would only be allowed to work under the rule of a dictator. Luckily, we still have the vestiges of the checks and balances originally built into the system.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
        Dismantling of that system began, along with income tax, with the popular vote for State Senators as delegates to the federal government. Second step was ruling all of Congress belonged to the Federal Government and once elected or appointed were no longer under control of the State Government. States with recall were denied their Constitutional rights. Ignoring the two basic rules 9th and 10th Amendment came next. The rest just followed incrementally ending with establishment of a one party system of government. The wall around the selection of candidates is now solid with no way in or around and once in - give in it's a go along get along system. I'm still trying to figure out where check and balances occur unless it's he occasional flare up between Supreme Court and Executive or the charade play pretend acting done during the annual 'shut down government' farce or the ever four years street theater put on between the Federal Government and the citizens. No capital letter for citizens anymore. The responsible ones packed up and went home and the government now represents 20-30 percent of the actual voting population at best. All good little fellow travelers. We are a Republic In Name Only... The true meaning of RINO.
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 9 years, 4 months ago
      Your comment on democracy is correct, however, we don't have a democracy, regardless of the loose talk pretty much everywhere. We have a Constitutional Republic; a very different thing. It's time we used its provisions to defend it.
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 4 months ago
        Ben Franklin was asked "What have you given us?" His reply was "A constitutional republic, if you can keep it." He was being optimistic when he said "It may last for 100 years."
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
        The second result is we no longer follow the Constitution so that idea is gone and we are a Republic In Name Only. Who rules? Ask Debbie Wasserman. Ask the Established Ruling Class but don't ask the voters they just do as they are told which is vote for the left wing of the left or the right wing of the left. We are not a democracy except perhaps at the very lowest levels we are by no means Constitutional and we are a "Republic In Name Only.":
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  • Posted by robgambrill 9 years, 4 months ago
    No, it is not over.

    The big problem I have with talk radio is that no one could write or script everything they are going to say over three hours, every day. So they ad-lib, and when they do, otherwise rational men say stuff like this, if for no other reason than to fill up air time.

    I do not disagree with his views that there are major problems with uncontrolled immigration. I do disagree that nothing can be done to mitigate those problems.

    I actually like Michael Savage, when he isn't ranting. To paraphrase, "When he is good, he is very very good, but when he is bad he is horrid".
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    • Posted by mdant 9 years, 4 months ago
      Funny, pretty much the opposite thing bothers me about talk shows. In general they have to keep acting like there is some hope and that we just need to do this or that and then we will be a conservative nation again. I see no actual evidence to support this hope. I love Rush Limbaugh's insights and I think Shawn Hannity is a good guy but I get very tired of them acting like we can win. I find it very refreshing when someone actually faces reality and admits everything is lost and that we are not even "America" any more and have not been for a long time. It is very sad but Abaco is exactly right in his comments on this thread.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 4 months ago
        I doubt there is anyone on this thread, or site that saw a free America. The civil war ended it in principle and it took another 40 years for the laws to end it legally.

        Unless you were alive pre 1915 you have never seen a free society. Since that time it has ever moved closer and closer to tyranny.

        Today we lease our property we paid for from the state. We have no right to half hour income as it is taken from us. We do not even have the right to decide for ourselves if a seat belt is something we want to wear, and we are not far away from no longer having the right to decide what we eat.

        We are all slaves to the state to some degree.

        Unless you believe there is hope to remove property tax so we can truly own our property, to remove income tax so we can own the sweat of our own labor and to return to only consumption and excise taxes. Unless you think we can role back the and return that power to the state, it is over.

        I argue it has been past the point of no return since 1915. By then we had removed the idea that voting is a privilege, remove the idea of state representation in the federal government, removed the idea that that the highest power was the individual. All replaced with the idea that the greater good was the highest principle.

        Ultimately if you cannot remove the idea of the greater good from our society. The idea that "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." you cannot bring America back.

        It is over, and will be until a society understands that the only thing a government exists for is to protect the rights of the individual. That no collective rights exists and there is no greater good than the individual.

        The Greeks started with this basic idea, the Romans built an empire on it. IN 570 AD Muhammad had more respect for the individual than the feudal system in the areas that were once Rome, and that is why they succeeded where the later muslims failed to expand and contracted. The side closest to individualism wins, I have seen no case where this is not true, but I am sure there is one or two so I cannot say it is completely true.

        Only a revolution, economic failure, major plague or massive natural disaster will change this course we are on. Without one of these, it is over and has been for 100 years.
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        • Posted by mdant 9 years, 4 months ago
          Very well said and I agree with it all (except maybe the Muhammad part but that is simply because I do not know enough about it). I think history will repeat itself like it has since the Greeks, meaning will continue down this collective road until we move to a dictator/tyrant. Which by the way, Oboma's ability to get away with anything and everything shows me we are much closer to the coming of a tyrant than I thought.
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      • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 4 months ago
        We are never going to be the "conservative nation" that we once were. If you long for the world of Mayberry RFD, that train left the station 50 years ago.

        We have a chance to make something that is better than our old culture - a society that is not hidebound by crippling social standards and which embraces free enterprise. I say this because I do not want to "throw out the baby with the bathwater". I want to retain the liberal social values, but I want to adopt the conservative economic platform...and then move forward from that point to a nation that has no property tax and only a standard flat rate income tax.

        If we can get that far, we can decide where to go from there, but I think that is the first step.

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        • Posted by mdant 9 years, 4 months ago
          I would probably be fine with most of your vision, but I see nothing to suggest it is possible.

          I do have to add that a society needs to have belief in a God of some sort. Simple reason is that if there is no God that means that all rights come from man, and if they come from Man that means there is no justification for individual rights unless the majority whish to grant them. That is a very dangerous position to be in...yet has always been exactly where communist countries wanted to be.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 4 months ago
            I take a slightly different view on this. I am agnostic, but I term myself an 'anesthetist' sometimes. I find it personally more uplifting to scorn the carrot of heaven or the stick of hell ("tuber and truncheon" as a friend of mine puts it) and uphold positive values simply because it pleases me to have made the choice to do so.

            My opinion: Individual rights are neither god given (there may be a god; probably not) nor innate (such rights are generally taken away). We create the concept of personal freedoms, the same way we create the concept of justice...and we have to fight for such concepts all the time, and every single step of the way. There is no 'give'; there is only 'do'.

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            • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
              but, like optimism, do-ing your life in harmony with the desires
              of your compatriots in their do-ing in their self-interest
              gives you more positive results than pessimism. . that is
              what I have found, and it tends to confirm the idea that
              there is a natural set of human deservednesses, or rights. -- j
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              • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 4 months ago
                Game theory has actually examined this question: If the interactions between players are either unique or anonymous, the greatest benefit is to act unethically. If the interactions between players is not anonymous and is ongoing, then the most profitable behavior is ethical.

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              • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 4 months ago
                Game theory has actually examined this question: If the interactions between players are either unique or anonymous, the greatest benefit is to act unethically. If the interactions between players is not anonymous and is ongoing, then the most profitable behavior is ethical.

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          • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
            I contend that human rights are inherent in the nature of
            the human being, and we must acknowledge them or we will
            suffer from our misjudgement. . we might call them "natural" or
            "God-given," but they are essential. . deny them and, in the long run,
            we are doomed. . and I contend that they do not include equality
            in outcomes, but equality in opportunity and justice. -- j
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    • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
      his rants serve to drive me back to my herd dog role as
      a noisy voter who tries to get our representatives in D.C.
      to do their jobs. . they don't herd easily. -- j
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      • Posted by robgambrill 9 years, 4 months ago
        Yeah, My senator, Roy Blunt of Missouri, makes you go through this rigid form just to email him. In return, he sends you back a form letter telling you he is going to do something else so he can go along with Mitch McConnell and Claire McCaskill. Oh yes, he listens to the people who voted for him. After that, he just ignores them and does whatever.

        It's odd really, he ran for office as a conservative republican...
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        • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
          we have a guy named Lamar Alexander who calls himself
          a conservative and then votes like a liberal. . disgusting.
          we are losing the language as a result. -- j
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
    America is NOT like the place I knew in college in the 1960's. Today we have a citizenry pretty much devoid of what I would call "class". Restaurants are filled with parents who let their kids run and scream inside , oblivious to the desires of others to eat in peace. Trips on public transportation, like planes, are filled with what I call "screamers" (uncontrolled and coddled children) as well as "entitled people" filled wtih unrealistic expectations of how they should be treated. Government uses anything they can think of to call us criminals and fine and imprison us for "victimless" crimes. iNdividual human rights are being taken away seemingly every day.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
      the nation is being overtaken by the spoiled kids of the sixties,
      one of whom I am (67 in 42 days), who think that the changes
      which "we" dreamed about, back then, are due us.
      we were spoiled by hard-working parents who kept us
      free by winning ww2, who wanted the best for us.
      but they didn't maintain discipline like they got, and we
      grew up smoking dope and protesting the military and
      pushing for reverse racial discrimination as retribution
      for slavery. . the goose who lays the golden eggs has
      become an orphan in the process. . imho. -- j
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
        I think you are right. I notice in the last couple of years an acceleration in the entitlement culture- now they demand instead of just expect. I feel violence on the horizon if they don't get their "due". I am 70 and it's scary. I wanted a peaceful retirement here in the USA but that's maybe not going to be
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