Why videos?
I just got an Atlas Society Newsletter, and saw a link that I wanted to view, "The Atlas Shrugged Crony Awards - Who's the biggest crony of them all?" So I clicked the link, and was very annoyed to find myself confronted with an "article" with no text - it was a 48 minute long video.
What is the fascination with videos? I wanted to see a listing of the Crony Awards. To get one, why must I sit through 48 minutes of a presentation I'm not at all interested in?
I watched the first few minutes, and the lecturer began by giving some alarming statistics on the literacy of college graduates. Is this why we're being subjected to a video? Because we can't read?
Anyway, I object! Please give a transcript of any videos posted. I don't have the time or inclination to sit through any long videos.
What is the fascination with videos? I wanted to see a listing of the Crony Awards. To get one, why must I sit through 48 minutes of a presentation I'm not at all interested in?
I watched the first few minutes, and the lecturer began by giving some alarming statistics on the literacy of college graduates. Is this why we're being subjected to a video? Because we can't read?
Anyway, I object! Please give a transcript of any videos posted. I don't have the time or inclination to sit through any long videos.
While video can be a great medium for making an impression, a video "awards" show is a boring waste of time.
I want the 300 word version first.
Then I may decide to waste 50 minutes.
In this case I suggest skipping to the 40 minute mark and watch for about 6 minutes, assuming that by this time you even care.
(I didn't care enough to listen, but I cared enough to find where the list starts for others who might care.)
BTW, I found where the winners were listed on the AS website: http://atlassociety.org/commentary/co.... It certainly would have been nice to have a link to this on the video page!
Its too bad that the power behind both the IRS and the Fed, that is, the banksters that planned both the Fed and the income tax to support it, received no attention or awards.
Those videos are from the Atlas Society summit held back in June. They put the videos up for people that want to see the material that either could not be there, or were in a different lecture at the time.
If you want a transcript, contact the atlas society directly through their web site. They may or may not have transcripts available.
I have typed transcripts for personal use and it is not easy as it sounds. I imagine it is an issue of budget.