Are you a hard worker?

Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 12 months ago to Culture
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some of these progressives are just "out there" beyond reason, aren't they? -- j

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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 12 months ago
    I am now retired but I worked hard for 44 effing years and never picked any cotton! Not that there is anything wrong with that. Everyone knows what is meant by saying someone is a hard worker and parsing words to take offense is the work of a professional, victim which is one of the more lucrative professions today.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 12 months ago
    Hmmm... ' I keep a picture on the wall of someone picking cotton". Well, why not a picture of YOU picking cotton? What does a mother without health care have to do with hard work? And didn't the Obamanation fix health care with Ms. Sleazeosi? John, you need to stay out of the whack job Liberal Porn sites. That was sick....ening
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 12 months ago
    And then there is a matter of grammar: "...suggested that the use of this term for someone like Ryan is insulting to people who once picked cotton or mothers without health care." This gives me an image of a crop of small plants with 'mothers without healthcare' growing on them. A line of calico-clad workers move down the furrows, picking mothers without health care..

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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 12 months ago
      Never mind the reverse racists or any kind of racist screw this Political Crap speech. The means of production are ALL the employees of any business. Broom pusher to CEO. Not machines, not wavers of the Little Red Book. So who is included. Government Bureaucrats and Politicians is a fine place to start. Make nothing sell nothing provide nothing and are worth nothing.

      I exempt the two main reasons for government to exist. Police and Military defense of the
      nation. The rest are just looters and moochers. Feel free to add your own pick of the week. I just stuck up for my own teams.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 12 months ago
        Michael, I agree that politicians do not come to mind when the term "hard work" is involved, but then, if you were Speaker of the House, and it is full of complete, totally disconnected idiots whose main job is to pander to a special group...well, that could be "hard"...
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 12 months ago
          All of them have only to pander to one group and one group only. The people that elected them and sent them as delegates of their home state and home state citizens and beyond that the people o the entire country and the state and national constitutions - and no one, nothing else. If their loyalties lie elsewhere ....enemies domestic is the prhase to use.

          Brings me back to the cleaning up the voting system and the dirty money involved.

          The rule should be. If one may not vote one may not contribute. Foreign Governments and businesses, businesses including unions, and all other special interest groups may not vote. And that include laundered taxes through the Davis Bacon Act turned into union PAC contributions. Geographically If one may not vote in another precinct, district, city, county state or in two cases the country they may not contribute outside of their own area unless it's a specific campaign which is included on their precinct ballot and in their precinct they or it may not contribute. Funds contributed must be marked for and spent only within that same geo-political area. As for how it's spent it may bve spent only on campaigning that does not reach outside those geo-political limits. Which means it may be spent if marked for the national campaign of two positions only. At the State level which includes delegates to the national government the same limits of contribution and spending. At the county, city, district and precinct level - the same. Effectively solving the barrage of crap and forcing the campaign itself to clean up it's act. Free speech is not denied but vote buying is stopped cold in it's tracks George Soros or Ray Koch for two disparate examples may only contribute to the limits of their own precinct voters pamphlet and ballot. UAW and NEA the same. Ford Motor Company and Microsoft the same except the corporations and the unions cannot vote. Therefore they cannot contribute. Their interest can be served by in house meetings or in preceinct, district, county, city, or state events. with speakers, debaters, etc. but limited to the issue or candidate at the particular level. This is important. There is only the limits of the First Amendment to protect free speech but the abilit to buy votes hits on four or five parts of the constitution and those rights cannot be legally attacked in the name of free speech. So one may not say I have the right without exception to all of your rights without explanation.or reverse the two words. Enough for now to a constitutionalist the rest is self-explanatory. Money may not be used to enslave thought especially by non elected non voting entitites.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 12 months ago
            Very good points and a nice idea, but while I agree with your premise about who they are supposed to serve, they fail to do so continually, and end up serving the money. That said, your approach might work, but has no chance of getting past the money monster. In a perfect world...
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 12 months ago
              It has every chance's only lacking people to start implementing the idea in 110,000 very fertile gardens the precincts. Especially those fertilized with disgust. But it can't rely on couch potatoes.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 12 months ago
    Well, it is a matter of context. We enjoy supermarkets loaded with fruits and vegetables because other people still work by hand in fields. No one in Congress works that hard -- nor do many others of us...

    By analogy, on the "Rebirth of Reason" board, I got flak from one of the computer programmers because I quoted Ludwig von Mises on "creative work." Von Mises said that the creative genius is outside the marketplace because he (she) works without regard for pay, but is motivated by an inner calling. That is the same thing that Ayn Rand said in Roark's "Courtroom Speech." Of course, my colleague from dev-ops thinks of himself as "creative" -- and he may well be. We all are, really, to some degree or another. But that was not the point that Von Mises and Rand were making.

    And in this case, I believe that Melissa Harris-Perry was correct. Imagine if it were Glenn Beck objecting to someone calling Nancy Pelosi hard-working because pioneers and farmers from 150 years ago really worked hard. The consensus here would be Thumbs Up praise.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 12 months ago
      So...he can't be hard-working because there are single mothers who need Obamacare and we used to have slaves? I listened to her comments and couple times and this is what she was saying - that we have to be careful because there are single moms and people who used to pick cotton. If you didn't pick cotton then you aren't hard working. Who says that kind of stuff? Really strange...
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    • Posted by 8 years, 12 months ago
      Mike, MHP was using the term to do a grandstanding thing
      about the victim status of blacks. . pure and simple. -- j

      p.s. and, of course, hard work occurs in labor and creative
      endeavors of all types. . the best cotton pickers were creative
      in the ways they did their job, as the best Von Mises and Rand
      quotation-citers are creative and work hard at what they do.
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