What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by Bsjcook 11 years, 4 months ago
    The original cast was a little better, but if that is not possible try to use the same cast as in 2.

    Both 1 and 2 were excellent in all the other aspects.
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  • Posted by scarp 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think the casting was great this time. The actress projected maturity and poise and a contained but barely restrained anger that was appealing and believable considering the circumstances of the storyline and what she was being asked to portray. Hank Reardon was great, Francisco was perfect. I could go on but I just don't see the problems there. Given the volume of materials to choose from and the limited time (pacing) to express that on the screen, it must be difficult. I think this story would have been better as a 10 or 12 week miniseries on cable which I think was being considered back in the 70's when Ayn was trying to make something happen. Relax, do the best you can, and know that the audience is limited by definition. I am glad you proceeded with this project and am looking forward to the next installment.
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  • Posted by nice 11 years, 4 months ago
    get the message out that what we have now in Washington is what Ayn wrote about. She was one that experienced it and had first hand knowledge.
    By the way call the Mouch a Mouch as that is what he is
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  • Posted by Sandra3 11 years, 4 months ago
    I liked the casting for the first Atlas better esp. Hank Rearden. Have read Atlas three times so had a definite type in mind ..I personally liked Hank over JG.
    If you had not read the book, it would be hard to follow, but it should inspire people to read the book!!!! Sp
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  • Posted by cseidman 11 years, 4 months ago
    The main point is that Atlas Shrugged is a HELL of a GOOD STORY. Tell it skillfully and the message will take care of itself without excessive preaching. Rand adherents may like the idea of seeing./hearing Galt's speech on film, but it will drive away those who haven't read the book. Do the story, and do it well.
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  • Posted by TimUwe 11 years, 4 months ago
    Stop being intimidated by Ayn Rand's legend or her followers expectations.Nor should you use the movie to push some agenda or promote a message. Atlas Shrugged is simply a good story, tell it without embellishing it much.
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  • Posted by Dave4664 11 years, 4 months ago
    B is the priority in my book. Problem is, in order to have the message understood by the socialist masses, you have to add A,C,D,E....and a memorable musical score....a real tough nut to crack on a limited budget. It's too bad you cant get one of the few Conservative, "big ticket", well known actors a part in the movie. Bruce Willis is known to favor a less intrusive government....and there are others you may be able to reach out to. A big name like that in ANY role in the movie would really get the "low information" crowd to take notice. All the Best!
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  • Posted by LokahiLMH 11 years, 4 months ago
    Number one priority B. Second, A, casting: the casting for AS Part I was perfect except for Franciso D'Anconia. D'Anconia in Part II was not quite right either. Finally, E, the right director, will tie it all together properly.
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  • Posted by pct 11 years, 4 months ago
    Don't hold back. The first two seemed to try and walk the line without being too confrontational, trying to play in the middle too much. You aren't going to attract those from the left or the media no matter what you do... except, get more brutally honest.. hammer the point home and be more confrontational and blunt about it.. then you stir them up, thus then they want to slam you because they become emotional, and then you get coverage. Remember who listened to Howard Stern show the longest each day - those that were most offended by him because they wanted to hear what he would say next that would offend them. Same mentality here, you need to be shocking, you need to go for the jugular and hit the points home hard. John Galt's speech needs to move the needle big time emotionally, on both sides. The hell yes side, and the haters - you need to stir up both sides to create the buzz.

    One of the biggest problems in this country right now is that our politics, our government, our media is trying to fit squares into round holes. they are stripping our uniqueness and trying to get everyone to be the same. problem is everyone hates this, on both sides, and no one is happy, but the side with their team in power just masks their feelings about this. You need to stir up these emotions.. play on the "are you really happy this way?"

    Bottom line.. stop holding back in the movie trying to play it on the safe side and be more mainstream. You need to make this movie with the same passion and message that went into the writing of the novel, and don't hold back! Be brutally honest now.
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  • Posted by valleygirl54 11 years, 4 months ago
    A. Casting. I thought the Atlas Shrugged Casting of the main leads were perfect. Was disappointed when Part II the leads were all different. I bought first movie. Wont buy 2nd. Otherwise I think it is great that a movie is finally made. Need a remake of The Fountainhead
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  • Posted by abaconw48026 11 years, 4 months ago
    getting the message right is most important. I can't afford to pay to be a member and have seen only part I but I had dreamed of this being a movie for years. As far as part 3, both in terms of ads for it and the message, I would love to see a contest on youtube perhaps where those who know the message could post what they would like covered in a period of time so that all of John Galt's comments which had the most impact could be covered. even in part 1 I saw a place of two where a word or a sentence could have better expressed the intent of the story. You can never film the entire speech of John but you can film a sentence here and there, picked through a contest, to show what has been the most meaningful to those who have read the book as many times as I have and I think it would make a far better and meaningful movie.
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  • Posted by Gette 11 years, 4 months ago
    First and foremost, "B" get the message right. Secondly, "A" bring back the actors from Part I. They were better than the ones in Part II and seeing new actors in Part II somehow left me feeling betrayed.
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  • Posted by medeforest 11 years, 4 months ago
    Loved Reardon V1.0, loved laying track scene. So, most important is conveying the message through vivid, positive images. Good luck, can't wait to see ASPIII
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  • Posted by mako887 11 years, 4 months ago
    I would have to say that '"A" - "casting" is my #1 priority regarding the making of AS3. My wife and I were disappointed that the ENTIRE CAST from AS1 was dumped and recast for AS2. A close #2 priority would be "B" getting the message right. You've done a good job so far. Don't backslide. Looking forward to AS3.
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  • Posted by $ zigory 11 years, 4 months ago
    As to B, I recommend to the filmmakers "Adapting Atlas Shrugged to Film" by Jeff Britting and "Galt's Speech in Five Sentences (and Forty Questions)" by Allan Gotthelf from the book "Essays on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged" edited by Robert Mayhew. In terms of condensing Galt's Speech, Mr. Gotthelf's essay may prove invaluable.
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  • Posted by $ perry_taylor-1949 11 years, 4 months ago
    I'm going to start with F. Advertizing, get the movie promoted as much as possible. Get the word out. As to casting, I agree the actors in the first movie were better but the special effects and overall quality of Part-2 were better. Of course staying on message is very important too.

    I know the speech is way too long for the movie but I have visions of the most important parts of it as a voice over of scenes of the people on the street listening and sort of slowly coming to realize what is being said and as more and more people get the look of What have we done? on their faces. As someone else mentioned, this could be shots of people all over the country from cities like Detroit to broken down farms showing people wandering the streets looking for work as well as breadlines with little or nothing to give out, stores with nothing on their shelves, etc. Then maybe shots of the people already in the Gulch showing their reactions to it. Disappointment in the way things are but hope for the future. And definitely add the Judge rewriting the Constitution in hopes of this never happening again.
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  • Posted by Willik 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. For sure.
    Would like to see actors that are true believers in Ms. Rand's message.
    Graham Beckel (Ellis Wyatt) was one but was only in AS-1.
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  • Posted by mcgrath3 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Without a doubt.

    I never read the book and saw the first movie and "I knew!" there was something important being said that spoke to me. I didn't mind the crappy acting but I was aware of it. I went out and bought the book but didn't read it until after I saw the second movie. The second movie was better acted and the characters were good but the message was less obvious. The message can be clear with good acting and with some of the key speeches but not all of the redundant ones other wise it will be ten hours long. The message isn't really just about 'them' but rather about 'us' in my opinion. And about value. So, if your going to do it then do it right! Can't wait.
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  • Posted by pcpeterson 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think the first two films were quite good, particularly for having been made on a shoe-string budget. And I think the message has gotten through. Like many others I would like to see Taylor Schilling back in the cast as Dagney. She was terrific. Her replacement in ASII was OK, but Taylor was much better. As much as possible shorten up the Galt speech in III. The jist of the speech can be presented in a much shorter format.
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    • Posted by Shonkin 11 years, 4 months ago
      Absolutely right about the Galt speech. In the book it takes up 1/8 of the whole thing. (Ayn Rand did like to preach!) The second time I read the book I skipped most of Galt's sermon. Running it uncut would destroy any movie.
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