What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by frankiemo 11 years, 4 months ago
    A-E covered. # 1 Prioty is promotion of the film and the idealogy. Spend some money on theater distribution, online access to the film and DVD, Net Flicks, etc. Take out radio ads on conservative talk shows. We know the radio shows are not always Atlas oriented but they reach mostly like minded folks. Let actors interview on radio and TV. Supply copy of Ayn's book wth DVD. Get book republished with new forwards. debut film on college campus. Thanks and good luck!
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  • Posted by gkane 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting, for sure. I was disappointed with the change in cast for Part II with Dagny and Harry. Although they did a good job, I feel consistency is key with this project. Although it may be too late as far as re-casting Taylor and Grant.

    Also, I felt Part II was lacking in some areas relative to cinematography as well. It seemed to have that 'low budget' film persona.

    Need a good, powerful cast to portray a powerful message. Cinematography needs to be kicked up a notch!
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  • Posted by Luxomni 11 years, 4 months ago
    I seem to bee the only one who preferred the second cast. But I did. I don't keep up with performer's names. But I especially liked the second Francisco -far more believable. But to me the most important goal is to get the message out without turning off the audience, I have read the book quite a few times, but when I get to Gault's radio address, I no longer read it. It is overkill. So how do you make it both effective and succinct? That will be a difficult job.
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. is of utmost importance. Ayn Rands work speaks for itself. It is a massive undertaking attempting to bring this work to the screen, so far you have done yeoman's work and I congratulate you all.

    second if needed is C. Cinematography
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  • Posted by atoms 11 years, 4 months ago
    B is for me. Hopefully some high school students are still reading Ayn and teachers need easy days sometimes. When the 3 parts get shown in a classroom the message has to be clear. Make sure they know what they can gain and how they can benefit. It might be the only place they are hearing about it. .
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  • Posted by TimScharff 11 years, 4 months ago
    Taylor Schilling or Kate Beckinsale as Dagny. Or if you can't get either of them, I know an "unknown" actress who might be great for the role.
    Esai Morales as Francisco.
    Bruce Willis as Galt.
    Elia Cmiral for music.
    Ayn Rand as screenwriter. Don't try to improve or change her work. Just condense it as necessary to fit time and budget.

    Condense Galt's speech and voice over images of actual historic events such as 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence, Civil War, Industrial Revolution, Russian Revolution, WWI, WWII, Holocaust, Korean War, Vietnam, Watergate, Reagan and Thatcher, fall of Berlin Wall, 9/11, financial crisis, examples of Republican socialists and Democrat socialists, harassment by IRS, and immenent censorship of the press.

    BTW, I am an Objectivist and an architect -- and I would love to design Galt's cabin for the film. My fee would be what Galt paid Midas Mulligan for the rent of his car.

    Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Fallingwater' would be a great location for Mulligan's house. " Stout granite walls and broad open terraces."

    Get a distinguished actor for Hugh Akston. The smirky actor who played Akston in Part 1 was appalling.

    After the Part 3 film, consider going back to the beginning and doing a TV series of the entire book -- with no condensation. Every scene and every word exactly as the book was written.

    And a heart-felt thank you and congratulations to everyone involved in the films for all that you have accomplished so far!
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    • Posted by ohiocrossroads 11 years, 4 months ago
      I was also thinking Kate Beckinsale would be marvelous as Dagny! Her fee would probably break the budget, though.

      Agreed on the portrayal of Akston in Pt. I; I thought it was snarky. That passage in the book shows Akston to be polite, forthright, and distinguished.
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  • Posted by gbohnas 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message right - continuity in the actors helps, but the message brought 1 and 2 together. Be sure to share the message, especially with those who want to know "Who is John Galt?"
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  • Posted by Chuck 11 years, 4 months ago
    E. Since Rand's message in this book is conveyed through Galt, I would suggest finding a director who has a strong opinion/understanding of Galt's character.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 11 years, 4 months ago
    A: Casting continuity is very important, though I have read "Shrugged" the change of characters threw me off. This was one of the reasons that Potter was so successful, the author demanded continuity, as you will see in Catching Fire in the Fall. B: Needs some attention, in my opinion Rand was more interested in Ideas than Visual Effects, though they are important, but that is largely E: the Director.
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  • Posted by notanaltruist 11 years, 4 months ago
    I'm amazed that it seems obvious to almost everyone but the producers that changing all the cast members in Part II made no sense at all and negated the continuity required in a sequel.
    At least you didn't replace Graham Beckel's (Ellis Wyatt) picture with someone else's.
    I agree with the comments of the other responders and will add that what made it even more difficult to accept Jason Beghe as Rearden was his voice. I thought I was listening to someone in an old gangster movie.
    The only actor who fit and improved the role was Esai Morales.
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  • Posted by mortmacdonald 11 years, 4 months ago
    A. With regret I say the number one priority is to change the actor who plays Dagney.
    B. The film is a work of art. It appeals to the viewer's emotions. It can only convey a message to a soul that is already receptive to that message. The best one can hope for is that a viewer may read the book after watching the movie. Only then can they make explicit what is implicit in their positive emotional response to the movie. How best to do that? Do the best you can to accurately portray the characters created by the novel.
    C-E No comment.
    F. I would love you to use Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor - third movement - toward the end - about 10min onward. I always imagined it would be used when Dagney flew into Galt's Gulch or in relationship with Galt. Please use it somewhere. I admire your courage in what you have done and are trying to do. I must say that from a purely emotional point of view, the second movie was a disapointment. My best wishes
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  • Posted by johnglatlivesnow1 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. The whole point of making AS is to promote Ayn Rand's message. That is what she was doing through her books to be begin with. She loved fiction and stated that she could have just written non-fiction to explain her philosophy and vision of Objectivism. Everyone needs to get past their egos and do whatever they can to put AR's miessage out there. The same kind of forces that have fought against Howard Roarke and Dagny Taggart are what we are battling today - especially with Obama's Reign of Terror. Obama is Ellsworth Toohey in disguise. Dark forces are at work in the world to destroy all of us, and AR's message is of the upmost importance! Thanks for reading my ideas.
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  • Posted by ksiegler 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. The Atlas Shrugged message is extremely important. Especially now with all the scandals that involve over-reach of a too big government. Todays news of tax those you do not like and pick supporters to win with government aid screams what Ayn Rand fought against. The message of Ayn Rand is important!
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  • Posted by dpinlv 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. While I agree with the casting comments (bring back original actors), ultimately it's the message that is most important. While I feel the film is made for those of us who understand already, I have seen it swing two people from quasi-liberalism into reading the novel and have seen the light dawning. They would never have read the book without the movie to entice them. That's important.
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  • Posted by thedailyclark 11 years, 4 months ago

    I say that you guys should bring act the actors who originally played Dagny, Reardon, and Wesley Mouch. Keep Esai Morales though, because he is fantastic.
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  • Posted by hbrady1985 11 years, 4 months ago
    A. Casting

    I hate the actors who played in Atlas Shrugged Part II, they just don't fit the part, especially Lillian Rearden!

    The only one who fit the part in ASII was James Tagert. In the book it describes him as being on the older side, whomever played him in part II was perfect.

    Lillian Rearden in part one was perfect because she was truly gave the appeal of classy, soft spoken but back stabbing, like "The real House wives of LA" You could truly picture her and Hank together living an upscale life. The new Lillian looked like a prostitute, nothing classy about her.

    Hank in pt.2 didn't hit the mark! His voice is horrible, he sounds like a thug. Again with the upscale thing from early with Lillian, to get a sense of that wholesome, all American business man, you need to bring back the old Hank.

    The new Dagny, I don't even know where to start. She is not a great actress for one and for two she just does't have that natural chemistry, drive, ambition, bubblyness about her that the original Dagny did. The character itself is obviously stressed throughout the book and the gal who played her in pt.2 seemed as if that was the case for her actual life. The actress doesn't do a great job of showing emotions. She is going through "acting" the emotions but its not believable.

    **Also, think about this, anyone who knows Ayn Rand's work is going to watch this movie. The people who don't, won't unless you get it out there. Although the casing thing needs worked on for sure, you need to advertise more for this movie. Any A list movie is drilled into your head from commercials at least 100 times before it is even out in theaters, you should be doing that too. I realize this costs money but you have a network of people who truly believe in Ayn Rand's work and would volunteer to help spread the word in their city or town! You would be amazed at what one person with $20 worth of flyers can do!!!

    Feel free to contact me if you really want to talk about this!!
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  • Posted by MissaJim 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think most important would be to get the Atlas Shrugged message right. This would need to be supported with a solid cast and good writing to keep the audience engaged. Sadly, most people are sheeple and this will be lost on them but if you can energize a productive minority that's all you need. The American revolution was done by a minority.
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  • Posted by Variactor 11 years, 4 months ago
    F. Though casting and the message may be very important it's the marketing of the film that's most crucial to its overall success. Perhaps the marketing individuals who planned and succeeded in introducing Mel Gibson's "The Passion" into an incredible number of theaters should be hired.
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  • Posted by SidMonkey 11 years, 4 months ago
    F. MARKETING FAIL. The campaign had no design consistency, and it had the look and feel of something dated from the late 80's. You had several websites, none of which were professionally wireframed and finished. The only decent piece of marketing was your "Destroyer" trailer but everything else looked homemade and cheap. You spent so much time and energy on T-shirts and collectible crap that you didn't get a full trailer out until right before the film. You preached to the choir, you didn't try to reach anyone except your Facebook friends and gultch groupies. You tried to extract free promo videos and logos from your fans instead of paying a real graphic designer to make something. Next time around, give us fewer fluffy videos with sappy music and hire real movie marketing professionals to create ONE consistent brand for this.
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  • Posted by Stevenw1969 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. The message is the whole point of the movie. A blockbuster makes itself if the story does its job. I loved the book it opened my eyes to see the world for what it is. The movie needs to do the same.
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  • Posted by ewv 11 years, 4 months ago
    B, the message, is fundamental. If that isn't right it's pointless. The goal is much more than just another entertaining movie, exploiting Ayn Rand's plot.

    A and C-E are necessary parts of the means to achieve the message,with casting required to capture the characters in the novel in terms of how they projected themselves with their dialog, motives, and sense of life. Without that means, the message is lost -- a work of fiction illustrates the message in action and this isn't a modern TV series or sitcom.

    F, other: don't decide by polls.
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