What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by nellig 11 years, 4 months ago
    Bring back the entire cast from atlas shrugged 1, at least Dagney Hank and hank's wife. Much better than cast of Atlas Shrugged 2
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  • Posted by jowens751 11 years, 4 months ago
    A - Dagny needs to be the right age and beautiful
    B - The message is EVERYTHING : When I first read the book, I would never have believed that Rand's scenario would actually happen, but it has!
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  • Posted by mighty_roxtard 11 years, 4 months ago
    Get the story and it's essential nature right, first and foremost. Atlas Shrugged is an apocalyptic story, and the first two parts have not conveyed it. There's still time to get it right, as the third part of the novel is where it all goes down. It'll probably take three hours and a lot more money than you have to spend, but that's what you need. The message will take care of itself if you do it right.
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  • Posted by redoubtable 11 years, 4 months ago
    The casting change from 1 to 2 destroyed continuity, confused the storyline as all familiarity with characters was lost. The characters (A) convey the message (B) and both are necessary to communicate so as to impact the culture. Because I read the book, I bought 1 which did an admirable job of communicating the story and selling the concept. I regret buying 2 as it was a disappointment. I hope 3 lives up to Ayn Rand standards.
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  • Posted by yorkbd 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Many of the critical conversations were missed (not as dramatic and impacting as they should have been) in the first 2 parts. John's speech CANNOT be as aggressively abbreviated.
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  • Posted by MariusGray78 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Message, message, message.

    With a story as expansive as Atlas Shrugged and with themes that run pervasively throughout the novel, it is essential especially in Part III to make sure the message of Ayn Rand's philosophy comes through with an emphasis on character strength and delivery of dialogue.
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  • Posted by IndianaGary 11 years, 4 months ago
    Obviously, B is the best answer, but ALL of A-E are important. Without an effective cast and director the message could be easily butchered (or worse) and without good cinematography and good effects the movie would not be compelling.
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  • Posted by MisterG2003 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. The second movie was better than the first but if I had not read Atlas Shrugged I would have had no idea what the message of the movie was. Ayn Rand said the movie would never be made right. She was correct. She was the only person who could have written the screenplay to impart her idea of Objectivism.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 4 months ago
      Rand would only allow The Fountainhead to be made if she had sole control of the screenplay, and her entire closing speech was included in full.

      A shorter novel for sure, and I am not sure she could have pulled off the same control for Atlas Shrugged, given the constraints of then current film lengths....

      Somehow I don't think that she would have endorsed ANY effort to bring AS to the screen.
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  • Posted by Cibby4Ever 11 years, 4 months ago
    The casting is key for Part III. Four strong males must be cast to support the lead female role. John's voice must be strong enough to hold up through the entire on-air address. The message must be intact.

    I am no cinematographer, but believe special effects should support plot & cast, not the other way around.

    Can't wait for it!
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years, 4 months ago
    Scott, thanks for asking.

    I know nothing about anything involved in making a movie, so I realize that my suggestions are no better that a "wish list".

    I have no concerns what-so-ever about, B.
    So, that said, my top 5, in order are:

    1) F: National,wide ad campaign which bluntly states that the explanation for what the Marxists in D.C. and beyond are doing can be found in ASP3. WIDE!

    2) F: Screenplay - Show, don't tell! Use the medium: use the visual to provide context, not dialogue - reference the scene in ASP1 where Ellis is talking to Dagney about the rockslide: this would have been better shown.

    3) E: Hire a director who understands and will implement 2.

    4) D: In order to implement 2, good special effect will be needed. My opinion: the effects in ASP2 could have been better.

    5) C: Again, use the medium (see 2 and 3).

    So, that and $2.00 will get you a cup of coffee.

    Again, thanks for asking.
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  • Posted by lpilon 11 years, 4 months ago
    Though getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right is the ultimate goal, I believe that casting is the most important part of being able to communicate that message. The right actors will be able to make the characters believable. It is disappointing that actors did not sign on to complete the project from beginning to end and it affects consistency of the story.
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  • Posted by Loadmistress 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think casting is important - it doesn't look good when actors do not complete the project and major characters are portrayed by different people. Beyond that, I think the message.
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  • Posted by jshaw3515 11 years, 4 months ago
    E. the right director is critical.
    B. message is next
    A. believable performances are also important
    C and D are icing and will come together naturally
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  • Posted by WillB 11 years, 4 months ago
    Where to start. The second was disappointing at best. Reminded me of the first batman trilogy. The first was good. Then you got a little weird and new batman and the third. With all the neon and mr freeze. Ridiculous. I love this book. Don't ruin it. Please get the original cast and possibly the director. Save yourself from yourself
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