What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by msthing 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. This was the most important thing for Ayn Rand in the making of The Fountainhead. I have a feeling it would be no different, now. NO editing of speeches!

    As a side note, I would really love to see you all bring in the history of Dagny's and Frisco's relationship. It is so integral to understanding the impact of Frisco on Dagny, James and the whole underlying point of the book. Please do not leave this out. I was very surprised & disappointed that no time at all was devoted to this element of the story. Otherwise, however, good job!
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  • Posted by robertgreenwald 11 years, 4 months ago
    First, I have purchased more than 1000 Atlas
    Shrugged books and have given them all to people I considered worthy.

    2nd while I am an ardent capitalist I do not appreciate ur Bull Feces method of trying to play on the conscience of Ayn Randians by calling them moochers. I corresponded with Ayn and tho she was intolerant of others views, she was proud enuff not to beg for money, or try to extort it by looter type means.

    3rd As I said, I believe in making money, but in my own Ayn Randian way I am a selfish altruist who does not respond well to Bull Feces.

    Lastly, ur job, which is admittedly a difficult one, is to keep the movie interesting to those who have not read the book and yet stick to the ideals of the book. And that is what U stated as ur goal, and so far I give U an A for effort, but not an A plus. Ur job is so overwhelming that that is one of the reasons Ayn Rand never wanted to C such a movie, unless she could do the whole thing, which of course she could not. Be careful whom U call a moocher lest U be considered an extorting moocher.
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    • Posted by msthing 11 years, 4 months ago
      I agree about the "moocher" comment. Honestly, call me what you will; there are those of us who cannot afford much but make up for it with "message" on our own activist time and dime.

      Also, yes, I agree the task of an Atlas Shrugged movie is overwhelming. However, it has been done as best as anyone could have done in a movie format. I always thought a full season mini series would best suit AS. Having said that, thank you AS movie makers for bringing it to the masses!
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    • Posted by ohiocrossroads 11 years, 4 months ago
      I'm not threatened by adopting Moocher status here in the Gulch. I've paid to see both movies in the theater, bought them on DVD, and bought a number of the T-shirts. I also write a nice check to the Ayn Rand Institute every month. The term Moocher here in the Gulch is ironic in the same vein that Ayn Rand's circle of friends was known as "The Collective".
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      • Posted by robertgreenwald 11 years, 4 months ago
        Good Point, and my point was that Ayn Rand pretended not to be concerned with PR, but was deeply hurt by critics or anyone that questioned her work. Even tho I am an Ayn Rand fanatic, and have read all of her books, including both biographies, we should be careful of the word moocher, because I am such an aficionado that I take umbrage to that word in a sentence referring to me. In any event again, ur point is a good one.
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  • Posted by jtsimpson 11 years, 4 months ago
    I am glad that so many of us want the Dagny and Rearden from AS Part 1 to come back in Part III. Although in my opinion, the Part II Dagny and Henry Rearden were actually much closer to the characters in the book than the Part 1 characters, I really liked the Part 1 Dagny and Hank and didn't care for their replacements in Part II. The Part II Rearden acted and sounded like a gangster. After getting to know and like the Part I Rearden, I really missed him in Part II. To be fair, some of the acting in Part I was lacking (e.g. Rearden's brother, and James Taggart), but the main characters were great!
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  • Posted by term2 11 years, 4 months ago
    definitely "A". Please go back to the cast of movie #1. #2 cast sucked and you have made this a series- you cant have different characters in a continuation of the SAME book? I got to like Dagny #1, Francisco #1, Rearden #1. I didnt really care for the rest of them to be honest, but these three Are the movie.
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  • Posted by Transpower 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Atlas Shrugged is a philosophical novel, and so the movie must illustrate the philosophy properly: inividual liberty, self-responsbility, small government, free enterprise, and a strong defense.
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  • Posted by elvintua 11 years, 4 months ago
    A, For the following reasons. The casting in the first part was much better than the second one. Fans of Atlas Shrugged knows the message already. Please don't make the same mistake, select the best casting. I think it was a mistake to change the casting, Terrible mistake.
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  • Posted by CharliO 11 years, 4 months ago
    B!! I have been so disappointed in the way her amazing speeches have been so diluted within the story. I couldn't wait to get people I knew to the theater to hear her message in those brilliantly written speeches and they were glossed over! I have lost my enthusiasm for the production because I don't see the message coming through. People say the movie is okay, but no comment is ever made about the message. I just have to tell them to read the book. Please change this in the final. It is too important, especially at this time in American history.
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  • Posted by $ jsambdman 11 years, 4 months ago
    I would say casting first and getting the message right. Of course cinematography helps to get the message across as do special effects, but I would not sacrifice the message to afford those. I also preferred Taylor Schilling as Dagny taggart.
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  • Posted by Robert_Wade 11 years, 4 months ago
    (B) is my number one priority, but (A) comes in a close second. I agree with a number of the posters here that the original casting for Hank and for Dagny was spot-on. Not that the replacements for Part II weren't good, but I was much more invested in the characters with Taylor and Grant in the roles.
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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 4 months ago
    "B" is definitely a first priority.
    "A" would tie "E" for next, since both were a huge factor in making Part II much better than Part I, in my humble opinion.

    Part II took me back to the spirit of Rand's novel, while Part I did not project the noble aspirations of the main characters. There were times that they came off as merely greedy and selfish, and therefore, evil in society's light.

    Atlas Shrugged was the most inspirational book that I have ever read...and my degree is in English Lit!
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  • Posted by kmvasile 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. I think it is most important to get the message right. There are so many people out there who are ignorant of what freedom really is and means. My hope is that the movie, if done really well with great actors, etc, will help to educate some people out there. At least maybe they will begin to question their long held "progressive" beliefs.
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  • Posted by JVassar 11 years, 4 months ago
    E - The Director's vision will define the picture. It is critical that the picture appeal to as broad a segment of the population friendly to the ideas of Ayn Rand. (To include Social Conservatives and people of Faith).............
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  • Posted by montanamike 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message right. As much as I was excited to see Part I, Part II did a much better job at helping the uninitiated viewer understand the message. It (Part II) also had quantum upgrades in cinematography, dialogue, moving the story forward and casting (although Taylor Schilling was an excellent Dagny).
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  • Posted by peacann 11 years, 4 months ago
    Trusting that the messaging will be framed correctly, priority is in casting: Angie Harmon for Dagny -- she's supposed to convey a strength of will, plus she's written as tall, slim, brunette; love Michael O'Keefe as Dr. Akston.
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  • Posted by Kentlphilli 11 years, 4 months ago
    E. Find a director that understands the basic philosophy of the book but like the book is a practionier and not a radical with their own agenda. This is the only way to guarantee the message will be correct.
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