What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by dknowlton 11 years, 4 months ago
    I would also like to 2nd the sentiments of several others ... and that is that I MUCH preferred the Dagny and Hank from Part I. I thought they were perfect. They looked like a couple that would go together and also physically matched Ayn Rand's depictions of those characters. In addition I thought they were very believable in their roles: Dagny the beautiful, highly-intelligent, take no BS, decisive, and strong-willed business woman; Hank, the consummate problem-solver, innovative engineer, passionate about his work, yet hurt and confused by his family's lack of respect for his accomplishments and provisions (though he would never let them know that).

    I think the Dagny and Hank in Part II are fine actors as well, don't misunderstand me, but after having read the book I think those two were mis-cast and did not match Ayn Rand's depictions of the characters they played. The Dagny character did not fit my image of the striking, head-turning beauty that could win the pageant if so inclined, but instead decided to use her brain and run a business. The Hank character did not fit my image of the industrialist steel tycoon. I didn't see engineer when I looked at that guy. He would be believable in a more physical role I think.
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  • Posted by dknowlton 11 years, 4 months ago
    I believe answer B (Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right) is the number one priority. Otherwise what's the point of producing the movie? Now that being said if it is not a highquality film with solid acting, cool special effects, etc no movie critic will take the movie seriously and discourage others from viewing. Furthermore, people who don't know anything about Ayn Rand or the book itself will not be interested, so they must be drawn in, and when they see the movie the message of the book must be communicated effectively. Then I think we can say mission accomplished.

    Let's be honest though.. trying to communicate Atlas Shrugged in 3 movies is really hard. Ayn Rand so painstakingly developed her characters and themes to make her points its hard to replicate that in a 2 hr movie format. Having 20/20 hindsight, I think Atlas Shrugged would been better portrayed in a HBO style TV format like how they are doing Game of Thrones. Each part of the book could be a season and then you'd have plenty of time to develop the characters and tell the story. It would be so intriguing watching the drama unfold in this manner. So hard to do it in a movie format where you have to rush through everything.
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  • Posted by dheroy 11 years, 4 months ago
    I loved the casting of Part II. I wish you could redo Part I with them. Eddie's color did not bother me at all. If the screen writing for III is as good as part II, I will be happy.
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  • Posted by heywoodfloyd01 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right. You will never please all of the critics, or all of the fans. This book has remained relevant because of the message. That is why we will remember the movies.
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  • Posted by $ perry_taylor-1949 11 years, 4 months ago
    I'm not sure if it's just the way I've got this set up or not but I hope you guys have a way to read these comments in the order they come in. You are getting a lot of great ideas from the members here and I am trying to follow along but it seems like you have people responding to posts that are 4,5,or 6 days old and I have to scroll through all the posts, checking the date stamps to find the new entries.
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  • Posted by JackG 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right.
    As discussed below, this includes getting the point across to those who know it intuitively but have not yet connected the dots between the fictional story and the reality that is coming in being around us.
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  • Posted by Eric839 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting is always critical. Keeping familiar faces important too. Atlas Shrugged message is most important. We adopted novel name for our teaparty in Montana...Montana Shrugged Teaparty Patriots. It was great to see the novel modernized for current viewership..Cheers
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  • Posted by DeAnn 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting. Bring back Taylor Shilling. Very importat casting of Galt. Suggested types- Cam Gigandet, Jude Law, Josh Lucas. The train scene in AS part 1 was very effective (special effects- the bridge, speed, success) thrilling moment.
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  • Posted by CaptAmereica 11 years, 4 months ago
    The present administration is following the book with their regulations and other nonsense. Too bad we don't have a real Gaults gulch to go to. I'm in.
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  • Posted by mudsmom 11 years, 4 months ago
    B !!! however, I hope that you can (please) make JG's speech an effective but reasonable length. I can't help saying that I would enjoy III so much more if you could get the cast from I back (especially Dagny)
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  • Posted by capoole 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message right is the most important. Personally, I had a problem adjusting to all new actors in the second part. Since I have both in my home library it seems to loose some continuity.
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  • Posted by bebpmp 11 years, 4 months ago
    Definitely casting. I was dismayed to see the original cast changes...poor judgment, IMO. I actually preferred the first cast. I hope that yet another change is not in order for AS3.
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  • Posted by TisHerself1999 11 years, 4 months ago
    The most important thing you can do is to get the message of "Atlas Shrugged" right, especially for this part of the trilogy with John Galt's speech. Edit that as little as possible. Yes, it is unwieldly, but the whole book, the whole movie, the whole trilogy comes down to what he says and, to that end, casting is also direly important for the movie. Make absolutely certain that the person you cast into the role of John Galt is an orator. In fact, if I had my druthers about it, I would *love* to see Paul Johansson back in the role of John. I know if anyone could knock that speech out of the park, he could. I have my hopes for the trilogy pinned on this movie. Part 1, contrary to the reviews it received, was excellent. Part 2 needed some help, and I have to agree that Taylor Schilling was far better as Dagny than Samantha Mathis, but I loved Jason Beghe as Rearden. Too, please keep Esai Morales as Francisco. He made a lot more sense to my eye than the fellow who intially started out as Francisco. Whatever you do with the movie, though, know that there will be a pack of us here in Wisconsin waiting with bated breath for July 4, 2014 and the movie's release. Why? Because we are John Galt!
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  • Posted by Stevestevesteve 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting!!!!!!!!! Ayn rand would not have placed so much emphasis on Dagny's resilience and very slim, yet muscular figure to be depicted as neither, in appearance. I recognize the fact that actors with talent should be cast in order for the movie to get the message across, but there was a disgraceful lack of attention endowed to the physical characteristics of all of the roles. What's the point of making a movie if not provide a worthy visual.
    Francisco also lacked the physical beauty, charm, refinement, and fit physique that Ayn Rand so intentionally burned in our minds. Hanks voice was so awful. I wish it would be redone.

    I am acquaintef with several member of the actors guild worthy of consideration for a role in this film.
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  • Posted by ElCocreham1 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting...especially John Gault! Please do not use some hotshot Hollywood Glamour boy for this role. All readers of Atlas have imagined him to be bigger than life...make him so...
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  • Posted by candicea87 11 years, 4 months ago
    A. Casting
    Bring back the original Dany Taggart and Hank
    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
    The message may be interpreted differently by
    differently, but I think the message should be,
    that our founding fathers had things set up for a
    reason, and we need to leave it that way.
    Every thing is pretty much fine, but please keep in mind that those of us who have read it are always gonna knit pick because a movie and cannot replace a book, but at least get the most important scenes that will drive the message home, and everything should fall into place.
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  • Posted by dll 11 years, 4 months ago
    B -- The movies were great for me who has read the books. For those who haven't, and especially for those who are of the Mouch mind out of ignorance, make the story and characters memorable and give evidence of Mouch vs. Rearden societal effects more plainly.
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