What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by Winston_Smith1 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message straight, which may be a little tough to do especially given Galt's long radio address, though it's spirit must be expressed, I don't think it could be duplicated in its entirety for the film: just my opinion.
    Casting is not that important, it's the screenplay and the direction that will make or breakPart III.
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  • Posted by gallexysvinchi 11 years, 4 months ago
    B) getting the message across. Determination, imagination and hard work to keep the profits of your ideas and creativity . Maybe make Rearden steel get into the automotive industry and other power sources. Example maybe they can make a new style car with the steel that is lighter and stronger and combine it with the new wave motor it showed in the beginning of part 2,make residential commercial power units with this technology so people can go off the grid(combine Rearden steels alloy and motor with wind and solar ?) Just thinking out loud >>>>>
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  • Posted by fmotta 11 years, 4 months ago
    To be fair with the book, the would have to be:

    Dagny... Julianne Moore, Bridget Moynaham, Scarlett Johansson (well.. Scarlett doesn't fit the profile but I love her)
    Rearden... Gerard Butler or Russell Crowe
    Francisco... Robert Downey Jr. (and no one else)
    Ragnar... Chris Hemsworth (awful actor, but fits the viking profile) or Guy Pierce
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  • Posted by ccanfield1 11 years, 4 months ago
    I know you can't get the original cast back but I really liked the people in the first movie over the second. So casting would be number one for me. The right director is crucial as well. Then, thirdly, for me would be the look of the movie. I just thought the first movie looked amazing for the budget and it really dropped off in the the second film. I hope you can get the people involved with sets and CGI from the first movie back for the third.

    I think you have done great with getting the message of Atlas Shrugged across in both parts. I'm sure it will be the same for the third. I am really looking forward to the completion of the series.
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  • Posted by JKaivo 11 years, 4 months ago
    The casting continuity can be remedied in an interesting way, in my mind. The Gulch could be used as a point of rejuvenation, Bringing Dagny from the worn out Mathis back to the confident Schilling. Francisco could also morph during the gulch sequence. Rearden will continue to age and become beaten (i.e. new actor) Until he joins the strike and could then revert back to Grant Bowler. Any other characters the writers/producers choose to revisit in the Gulch should also be cast as younger, more energetic versions of previous actors. All other characters (i.e. looters) should become more aged and beaten as they reap the effects of their ideals. The 3rd movie should uphold Rand's message of philosophy above all, but it should bring some type of continuity to the trilogy. i also feel that some of the technical aspects should be more accurately depicted. i was appalled at the treatment of The Taggart Tunnel sequence in part 2. Miss Rand did her best to understand railroads, industry, architecture, etc... before trying to depict them in her Novels. Anything less is a slap in her face.
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  • Posted by Sheri 11 years, 4 months ago
    Since I first read Atlas Shrugged when I was 15, I'll give you the actors that my family and I thought would be good for each role at that time.
    Dagny = Diana Rigg
    Francisco = Ricardo Montalban
    Hank = Richard Burton
    Eddie = Richard Jaekel
    John Galt = Peter O'Toole
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  • Posted by Sheri 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right!
    It must be made clear to the low-information voters of America that altruism doesn't work and will eventually kill mankind's freedom, knowledge, prosperity, ambition, and self-worth. It must, however, be done on a level they can understand. This book shows and, hopefully, the movie will show that altruism is a blueprint for failure and total chaos. The movie should also demonstrate that the individual's freedom is what will ensure the group's survival. Casting is also very important. Try to get the original Dagny back.
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  • Posted by Wyatt 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. must be the top priority. I think this was maintained in Parts I and II. I would put A high on the must-haves list. While both movies captured the essence of most of the characters, I felt that neither one quite got D'Anconia's character right. Go back to the book; the answers are there. Please don't stray too far.
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  • Posted by farlinlaedavin 11 years, 4 months ago
    Ok, I know you said number on priority, but I think it is very important that A - Casting and B - Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right are of paramount importance and in a lot of ways inter-related. However, I guess if I were to prioritize these in order of importance: B, A, E, C, and then D.
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  • Posted by kylemcfarland 11 years, 4 months ago
    I think it's too little too late. This should have been done right from the beginning and it wasn't. The casting and acting have been sub par throughout and changing everything for the last movie isn't going to fix anything. What's the best solution? Start over. Cast people for the roles in the book not the role on the screen. The most obvious example being Eddie Willers. He is most certainly not black and casting a black actor to cater to the masses is the exact opposite of what should have been done. Again I say start over. Next time either get enough capital to make a great movie or find great actors to make the movie great. Both would be ideal but if you find great actors the money wont be an issue.
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  • Posted by Wisedad 11 years, 4 months ago
    Get the message right. Do not delete entire storylines like AS2 deleted Jeff Allen's tale to Dagny about the Twentieth Century Motor Company. AS 1, 2, 3 would be better done as six films shot in the style of Lord of the Rings(all at once with the same characters).
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 4 months ago
    There is no question in my mind that B comes before everything else. If the message is wrong everything else does not matter.

    In order to insure the message is on target you must have a director that will keep it on target, and cast that understands the message so they stay on target as well. No one should be involved that does not understand the message and agree with it.

    I also think that since you changed actors on the second one you should change it up for the third. Do not attempt to gain continuity when there is none (other than the story and ideal) between the first two.
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  • Posted by fewallin 11 years, 4 months ago
    The first two installments of Atlas Shrugged the movie followed the plot, but lost essence of the message it conveys. Haters of Miss Rand will no doubt hate the movie regardless of who plays what, or how wonderful the special effects are. Unfortunately, you have missed the boat with those who have been waiting to being this message of individualism and the freedom of creativeness for the past 50 years. In the first segment, you missed a perfect opportunity with Francisco's "meaning of love." You should use the film to convey the message just as the book does.
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  • Posted by Snabriel 11 years, 4 months ago
    A. Bring back the actors from the first movie. The change in cast has made Atlas Shrugged II very hard to watch. I own both movies, but only watch Atlas Shrugged I. Please don't make this mistake a third time. Give the audience some continuity. I'm not educated in the techniques of film. I don't know the difference between good and great. I only know that when I watch Atlas Shrugged II I can't stop thinking about how I miss the original cast.
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  • Posted by Ladyamber77 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting--I am really wondering if anyone has read
    Atlas Shrugged--The casting was wrong in both 1
    and 2--It's very important that the characters look
    like Ayn Rand intended them to look.
    Ayn Rand wrote with great passion--there is no
    passion in either of the first two installments.
    maybe you should all wtch The Fountainhead
    that was cast and portrayed perfectly to the novel. Maybe because Ayn was there to oversee it. The role that was portrayed the best, was Ellis Wyatt--I was so waiting to see Atlas,
    and was so let down. I went to see Ayn every time she spoke at Harvard--She was a woman of great conviction and great passion in her beliefs. Dagny-Hank-Eddie and Lillian were all nothing like the characters in the book. The message is so important, but without passion it means nothing--just another Hollywood movie.
    I pray God will give you wisdom,courage, and passion for no.3. So many readers of her work have waited so long for Atlas to be made into a film. Thank you for your efforts--I will be anxious
    to see what you do. Abundant blessings,
    Dagny DiBona
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  • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 4 months ago
    Tough one...
    A. Casting
    Dagny 1 was beyond excellent; Francisco 2 was terrific, as was Rearden 2. Unfortunately, as I understood the rumors, Dagny 1 priced herself out of the market after AS1. Real Shame... try crowdsourcing to pay her tariff in 3?

    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
    Well, what are movies for? Most are for entertainment or escape; rarely for education or persuasion nowadays. Try to take older "movies with a message" as examples...

    C. Cinematography
    Well, hell, it has to look good, and I have no complaints with the cinematography in 1 OR 2. Some scenes could have been longer; some shorter, but that's true of virtually every movie, eh?

    D. Special Effects
    Good in 1, excellent in 2, but that train in 2 could not take those turns at those speeds. Please try to obey some of the laws of physics, ok?

    E. Hiring the right Director
    Of course! One of my major gripes about AS1 was the lame delivery of some of Eddie Willers' first lines. Director Fail. Human beings don't say those things, and if they do, they don't do it that way. Stilted. Would have cost pennies to reshoot those few scenes.

    F. Other
    C'mon... again, what's the purpose of the movie? Entertainment? If so, lots of special effects, action scenes and bodice-ripping.
    If you're trying to put a message across, what is it and to whom, and plot a strategy and stick to it.

    And if the purpose is to influence people to change their minds and "see things in a different light," well, A through E plus good screenplay writing all have to be there.
    I vote for trying to make the movie a "mind-changer" and attitude-influencer, and I think that means doing less pruning of the original work.

    And, if 1 and 2 are never remade to correct imperfections, I certainly pray that some TV mogul will have the cojones to put AS into a serial with at LEAST four or six episodes... maybe eight! Let it all flow. And have the commercials support the message, too!

    Looking forward to 3 impatiently... +af in NC.
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