What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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We want to hear from you. What would you consider the number one priority in the making of Atlas Shrugged Part III?

A. Casting
B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
C. Cinematography
D. Special Effects
E. Hiring the right Director
F. Other

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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  • Posted by David 11 years, 4 months ago
    Casting. With all due respect, I can think of a lot of ways to create a 3 part serial but a comprehensive change of the cast is not one of them. You've adopted the name but Ayn is not any happier about this than everyone else who is wondering what on earth you were thinking when you intentionally disconnected the bond between the audience and the players causing the audience to ask themselves if they missed something, when they didn't. Too bad really, because everyone is willing to look past everything else because you were getting the basic message right.
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  • Posted by robertedwardj25 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. This will be the last of the A.S. Series. Make sure that you don't sell out. The greatness of the work itself will eventually make a career for a good actor or actress or director who is less-known but cheap.
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  • Posted by jordanowen 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Getting the message right. Everything else proceeds from this. See my YouTube video "Why the Atlas Shrugged Film Adaptation has Failed (and will continue to fail.)"
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  • Posted by pshoule 11 years, 4 months ago
    My answer to this would be "A", the casting. With all due respect, I must say that I much preferred the cast of the first movie. I found the actors to be much more believable and endearing in some cases than their counter parts of Part II. Can you bring the first cast back for Part III?


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  • Posted by zeuszima 11 years, 4 months ago
    A and B. I liked the original cast and you could have saved the money from paying the "known" actors in Part II to use it for Part III.
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  • Posted by altruisticJustice 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Adapting the story to be more compelling, not merely keeping to a literal retelling. What would Ayn herself use as a device in lieu of the railroad, if she would be writing her novel today? Apocalyptic Zombies...or perhaps the unequal distribution of an individual's right to stake a claim in outer space? Tony Stark in Iron Man maintaining his intellectual right to his creation was delivered effectively, IMO, because we were rooting for Tony. Here's hoping the rioting of the moochers isn't what leads to the wonderful world of Panem...
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 4 months ago
    I've said this all before but it's worth repeating. B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right. With both A & E you can get B.

    Both Part I & Part II were well done and the message was right. I've shown my copies to some friends and now they're reading the book and paying attention.

    The masses aren't going to come watch unless dragged by a friend, so trying to hit the mass market is a waste of effort. Better for the bottom line granted, but still a waste of effort.

    Casting of big name known liberal progressives would ruin the experience for me and destroy the credibility of the project. I'd rather see unknown or lesser knowns that would hopefully read the book, and even more hopefully 'get it'.
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  • Posted by Barry 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message right is the movie's top priority, including special effects. Also, please make this one just like the first 2, don't make the 3rd one into a musical just keep it the same.
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  • Posted by las 11 years, 4 months ago
    All of the above should be a "priority"....am sure, as committed you are - all these things will come together, just take a leap of faith when you have to.
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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 11 years, 4 months ago
    I believe getting the message out correctly is most important. I was a little upset with part 2, as there were only about 10 minutes of new info and the rest rehash. I am waiting for part 3 though.
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  • Posted by Kilgallon 11 years, 4 months ago
    B. Getting the message of Atlas Shrugged right
    Main stream media can't find the news unless they are hit in the face woth it, and then they deny it.
    It is going on right now. All this stuff they are putting out on the media, is hype whle they hide their real agenda; One World Government!
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 11 years, 4 months ago
    Getting the message right, in the right form acceptable and comprehensible to today's audiences. That includes casting, performances, cinematography, great editing, music, not stilted dialog. We the fans have already accepted a change of cast from part I to part II. Will you give us a whole new cast for part III?
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  • Posted by Entropy156 11 years, 4 months ago
    Hiring the right Director (E) will help to insure all of the other choices. For example, if the message is right there in the script as it was in the book, the right Director (one who understands and is passionate about that message) will insure that it comes across on the screen. For proof of what happens when the wrong director is hired, see 1949's "The Fountainhead"
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    Posted by C_S 11 years, 4 months ago
    I don't think improving any of these would make any difference. The die on this trilogy has already been cast. It's an embarrassment, and will keep anyone from trying again for the next fifty years.

    But still -

    A - casting hardly matters anymore; when you did the recast with Part II, the continuity was broken. Plus the odds are you don't have anyone from Part II on contract, just as you didn't for Part I, so it's going to be another recast.

    B. Since two terrible movies have driven off everyone but the truest True Believers, and since Parts I and II seemed uninterested in any cinematic value except for hammering home the hamhanded message, I think this is pretty much the only area where you might still be able to convince a fraction of your very tiny audience that your movies are in any way even adequate.

    C. I wouldn't worry too much about cinematography, given that nobody sees these in the theater. The few who do watch these do so on their TVs at home.

    D. Same as C - since nobody's going to watch in on the big screen, don't waste your money on big-screen effects. (Of course, to follow that thread to the end, since nobody's going to watch your movie at all, don't waste your money making it.)

    E. So far, you've had a guy you hired less than two weeks before shooting, who spent his nights desperately rewriting the next day's scripts so that it wasn't more inane than a toothpaste commercial, and you've had some guy who didn't get any work as a director for twenty years but slapped together a Rand doco. Really, at this rate, you should just flip open the LA phonebook and pick anybody at random. You can't do worse than you've done.

    F. The best thing you could do is get John Aglialoro's ego in line with reality. He makes crappy movies. Does he honestly not know that?
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      Posted by darren 11 years, 4 months ago
      >>>F. The best thing you could do is get John Aglialoro's ego in line with reality. He makes crappy movies. Does he honestly not know that?

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      • Posted by C_S 11 years, 4 months ago
        Yeah, it's all about Aglialoro posturing and playing mogul, while generating a string of losers.

        I took a look at the Wikipedia entry on Part II. Said something really sort of amazing. When you adjust for inflation, Part II had one of the two hundred worst wide openings of the last thirty years. And then its second week was one of the two hundred worst slides, percentage wise, of the last thirty years. You know how they say "at least you can't fall off the floor"? This one did.

        But up come the Randian reality-deflector-shields: "oh it was the critics" "oh everyone was off watching the Kardashians" "oh it was this, it was that, it was anything but the fact that the movie sucked."
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