A New Beatitudes for the Age of Equality
From the article: "With Pope Francis taking a progressive line, it is time to recognize the common premises of Christian doctrine and the egalitarian, identity politics of the progressive left. It is time for an updated Beatitudes for the age of equality."
Blessed are the liars for they shall create a new reality.
Blessed are the moochers for they shall keep the creators chained.
Blessed be the minorities even if they are the majority for the shall keep all others in guilt.
I could go on and on -- but, WTF.
Perhaps you meant, "Lying liberal politicians who are actually socialists". Some of them happen to be women.
All women are a minority even if they are a majority and being the weaker sex must be given special consideration. (I'm cringing as I write this).
"Whoop!" I have just delivered a comic-book punch to your nose.
Dr. Kelley, that, sir, is a knee-slapper.
It's one thing to say you don't adhere to a particular line of belief. That's a personal choice and everyone makes theirs and should be free to do so. It's quite another to attempt to slander any particular belief while simultaneously trying to claim objectivity or any semblance of connection to the ethical high ground. -1
Of course they have suffered more form those who do not share that view primarily the Shiite branch of apostates in the Muslim religion. Had the Crusades been conducted today the same would result. The sole difference would be Soros Wills or Trump wills or Obama wills instead of God. Plenty of room for more names and they all fit.
He thinks that the road to prosperity is the redistribution of wealth from the evil people who have made themselves successful by their inspiration and hard work. He does not understand that pulling these people down will have us all living in Old East Germany before long.
-- j
and checked -- they are rough. . not the highest quailty
machines on earth. -- j
"Blessed are the meek - for they shall be slaughtered!"
Meekness never got anyone anywhere. This is a world dominated by aggression and the willingness to use force. We forget that at our peril.
It seems to me very clear that life, as a phenomenon, has these drives (or properties?): to survive, to procreate, to multiply and to evolve in any direction that will enhance the ability to perform the other three better. The completion for food and more successful evolution has been in the nature of all living things since ever, form protozoa and thallophyte to homo sapiens.
The meek do not fit well. On the other hand, I perceive religion as a hope and consolation (among other things) for those that do not fit well.
Recently, I saw some work that seems to explain the origins of "living matter" through considerations based on noon-equilibrium thermodynamics. I was impressed.
Birth, Nurturing and training, procreating, food gatherer, inability to procreate some use in gathering food, no use at all, death. When useless that is inability to procreate you die.
So sayeth the biological history of the world.
Impress Mother Nature with the notion that you are doing your fair share and them some less chance of dying and age of death gradually extends.
I am beginning to think that the grand popo francis is related to Alistar Crowley or at least prescribed the same prescription drug.
move the water to the shallow end, the pool just doesn't
become equal in depth. -- j
You don't see Progressives going after the Christian vote. Progressives vote for progressive values and Democratic candidates. Remember Obama's famous "clinging to guns and religion" statement? And do reporters badger Democratic candidates about their religions like they do Republicans? No. Both Trump and Carson have been hounded about it, yet not a word for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.
If you want to point out specific philosophical tracts which you believe the two share, please do. If you want to refer to other texts voicing opinions of others' philosophies, I'd point out that it's far more beneficial to use authoritative sources rather than pontification by third parties. If I want to know what a Christian believes, I don't go ask an atheist. If I want to know what an Objectivist believes, I don't go ask a Hindu.
In the original Beatitudes, the points laid out were ones of direct philosophy. The modified versions being inserted by the author on behalf of Progressives exist for the point of drawing contrast. But one does not claim equivalency and contrast at the same time and maintain logical consistency. Thus my comment. If the point of the piece was satire or to ridicule both, some comment by the author to that effect should have been included.