The Fix Is In, by Robert Gore
Her scandals, libidinous husband, vicious attacks on his female victims, political ineptitude, lack of substantive accomplishment, Benghazi and Libya, emails and all the rest are now...irrelevant. Relevant: her strong ties to Wall Street and most importantly, that she’s never met a US foreign intervention she didn’t like (as a senator she voted for the Iraq invasion). She’s John McCain in drag. Being a supporter of intervention naturally entails support of big defense and intelligence budgets, continuing expansion of the national security state, and continuing erosion of what remains of individual liberty. She ticks all the right boxes for the Republican establishment, and now they’re in her corner.
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This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the link above.
'Today’s Journal headline, especially its placement on the front page, serves as announcement that if renegade Republicans go off the reservation and select apostate Trump, the establishment will line up for reliable interventionist Hillary Clinton.'
Depressing... Sounds like pure cronyism at work. Absolutely without principles or scruples.
There have been MSM reports the last few days that the GOP establishment is set to attack Trump because of the threat to their orthodoxy. The problem is not Trump, per se, it is any threat to their perceived power.
One of the greatest threats to this nation is the entitlement mentality, regardless of status or party affiliation, from pauper to potentate. .
Look at what we have now who was voted into the Oval Office twice.
I guess these days all you have to do is pick another Quayle as your VP, and you become immortal.
And I can't understand why people get so worked up over stuff that appears in the WSJ, anyway! That's like mental masturbation.
So is extrapolating current events into future scenarios and then getting upset over what those futures might bring....
Sheer Madness!
The Dems will defend her even though what she does and has done is indefensible. They will attempt to cover her indiscretions, and outright crimes by obfuscation and lies. They will present a united front in order to prove that all accusations are merely political posturing.. Perhaps low information voters will buy it. Hopefully there aren't too many of them.
"How about you have Fox... no, actually why don't you ask the editor at WSJ to write a headline telegraphing where this populist shit leads."
"Yes. I'm on the board of your company. I want to see it win. But I can't go asking him to publish propaganda to prop up your aerospace and construction businesses."
"No, of course not. I'm just saying factual reporting on how Hilary isn't affected by populism in the Democratic party. People can read between the line as to what that means for Republican populism. Either way, all of us here agree our products keep the world safe, and that's priceless. We must not loose control of the narrative."
I am submitting this because is shows what meme is being passed around about Hillary and how it is being generally accepted by people.
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She always we are pants suits!
The fact that Villaraigosa has no credible experience to qualify him for the position won't matter, as he's only there as a symbol to draw the Hispanic vote. He's much safer for Clinton than Elizabeth Warren, and the party won't entertain Bernie Sanders in that position due to his age and the fact he's more popular than Clinton.
Quite frankly, given the majorities in both houses of Congress, and the absolute vile revulsion of the tax increases under Obama (and how the IRS has implemented those ordered-increases), I just don't see it likely we'll have another liberal president. If you look at history, we dust them off every few years, and the youngsters think they have discovered some new-fangled thing called 'progressivism'. Then they see what that means, they get jobs, they pay taxes, and they are poorer than they were as starving college students.
The economy, 8 years on, hasn't recovered... home values for the most part are still pre-recession, incomes have been absolutely stagnant and 'real income' after the levels of inflation have been really zero or less than zero growth. Every other recession, we cut taxes, and we came out of it stronger than we were before a year or two later. This one, we "increased" taxes, we massively increased spending, and the only jobs are govie tit-suckling jobs while implementing ruinous levels of regulation on private enterprise and took what was basically the first step to nationalizing 15% of the economy (healthcare).
If Obama hadn't tweaked the energy policy to level out gas prices, and it was sitting at the $5.00 a gallon that Moniz was creaming his jeans with excitement over, we wouldn't even be pondering the possibility of a Hillary win. The reality is, the Republicans are pretty fired up to win and are already heavily-organized. Bernie (a socialist/communist) is making a heavy dent in Hillary and probably has the money to fight it out with her for a long/protracted battle.
The nominee if current trends continue will probably be Dr. Carson... and his ethics/integrity/faith are unquestionable compared to Hillary's history of bimbo eruptions, suspicious deaths and suicides in the Clinton circles, the "machine" aspect of the Clinton family, the pants suits, the terrible record as Secretary of State, and I'm absolutely sure the reason for the private email was to coordinate donors to the Clinton Global Initiative that were suspiciously tied to favors/agreements/trips as Secretary of State.
It is amazing to me that all of these people who have prospered even if via payoffs that they still want to destroy the country.
Even Rand predicted it would be a long slide downhill for the USA. As a people, we are resilient and keep supporting the state that is killing us by working harder and harder.
I am about done with all this. Getting very close to the time to withdraw and shrug.