The Debate Lesson: America Now Has an Openly Socialist Party

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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“With all due respect to Senator Sanders, I don’t think the revolution is going to come, and I don’t think the Congress is going to pay for all this.” Jim Webb
That quote about sums up the plans of every other candidate on the stage at that "debate."
SOURCE URL: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/425531/debate-lesson-america-now-has-openly-socialist-party-jim-geraghty

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  • 14
    Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
    The Democrat 'left-radical' wing of the Statist Party sounds like socialists because they want to scare the conservatives into voting for the 'left-moderate' wing of the Statist Party, the GOP.
    As long as the conservatives keep voting for the GOP, evil wins, and that is the goal of the Statist Party.
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    • 11
      Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      Hello freedomforall,
      There is little daylight between the two major parties. It is like sticking your head in a oven at 400 F. or 375 F. Just a matter of how fast you will have life drained away.
      The "Statist Party" the Republicats... Some are just more overt.
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    • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 5 months ago
      I don't think a Democrat would want to scare conservatives into voting for the GOP. I think the Democrat wants you to surrender your mind and declare yourself impotent in the face of doctrine. I think I understand your point about what I would call an erosion of principle, but I think that the "wing" you mention above not only sound like socialists, but really are socialists who want to accomplish socialism in their lifetimes.
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    • Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 5 months ago
      I agree. It seems to me that America has had two openly socialist parties for over a decade. State sponsored public education; the welfare State; ever increasing Centralization of power, away from the local county and state levels; progressive income taxes; national banks and loss of an objective (e.g., gold) standard; the destructive "commerce clause" of the Constitution; the standing army; etc. Both major parties have supported the move toward tyranny, in some ways ever since our country's founding.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
        There are no two major parties. There is a single major party the Fascist Socialist Progressive Coalition made up of the Democrat face left wing of the left, the RINO face the right wing of the left interchangeably statist and corporatist and of course the kick stand union leaders. The way to think of them is
        Seig Me No Heils, turn your back and walk away. There are always other choices that do not include a coalition of greater and lesser evils.
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  • 10
    Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months ago
    What worries me is reports that Bernie has a lot of young people at his rallies. If they have bought into this Socialist rhetoric the future is bleak.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      Hello richrobinson,
      That is quite troubling. It would appear that many have been drinking the koolaid in schools and colleges. Have parents and grandparents made it their business to know what sort of political and economic philosophies have been taught to their children in these institutions for the last few generations? It would appear that the answer is no. :(

      "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few."
      Wendell Phillips

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    • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
      Of course they do, rich, he is going all bells ahead at giving out the candy..so the kids love him... And when the bill comes due, he maybe will be dead and gone and someone else will get the blame, probably someone trying to fix his crap. Nope, this is just doomsday on stage. I wish Jim Webb had had some backbone and stood up more. You could see they were actively ignoring him and Chaffee.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months ago
        I'm hoping it's like Winston Churchill said "if you're not a liberal at 20 you don't have a heart, if you're not conservative at 40 you don't have a brain." Hopefully they grow out of it but if another Socialist gets in it really won't matter by the time 20 year olds are 40 years old.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
          Trouble is, those who grow a brain by 40 (unlike Sanders, Pelosi, Reed and their elderly supporters), they will have given birth to a generation going through the same indoctrination process they did.
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          • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
            Old Dino, I would add that I believe that Sanders, Pelosi and Reed, and others in the category of human sewage, have in fact grown brains. It is simply that they have made a conscious decision to use their brains to enrich themselves at other people's expense. Never underestimate the enemy; they are not dumb - the citizens of this country have willingly become dumb, and seem to be happy in this state.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
              Good point. It's spelled C O R R U P T I O N.
              But Bama boy can think of a cousin and his wife who have not grown brains politically speaking up in Massachusetts.
              They are as old as I am, my cousin was a musician in a large orchestra and and I recall them mentioning in a letter how happy they were about Obamacare coming down the pike.
              Libtards support the corrupt. . .
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              • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
                I divide the socialists into two camps, the first are the minions who have the social/political development of a teenager - facts don't matter when they want something and someone will provide, while the responsibilities are erased by pressing the reset button. Amazingly, these people could be intelligent in other fields, but their social development for some reason became retarded. The other type are the evil doers - they are intelligent and fully cognizant of the evil that they create, but it is irrelevant to them, as long as they get what they want through the exploitation of the minions. In their minds, their evil is not so evil because the minions are under-developed sub humans, so hurting them is not unlike hurting an ameba. Perhaps they are right, for in the face of all the evidence, the minions fail to recognize reality and continue to pray to the Party elites. Amazing, isn't it?
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                • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                  Hello strugatsky,
                  I am most offended by the second camp. If they are intelligent enough to know what they are doing, then they know they are doing wrong to those of us who also know. We who are not sub-humans, but adversely impacted need to put them in their place. Tar and feathers is too good for them.
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                  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
                    I agree completely. As with any bully, polite discussion is ineffective. Having a system that prevents the formation of those deposits is the best approach and capitalism is the only such system. Failing that, periodic physical elimination of this elitist scum seems to keep the infestation under control, but rarely practiced in the modern world. I think this is what Jefferson had in mind when he talked about the tree of liberty.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
          Funny you should mention Winnie. I am reading a book on British warships (battle line) in WW2 and he did some really silly things when he was First Sea Lord in 1939-40. Crazy things. So maybe he is a good example of how much you can change when at the end of a pointy stick....
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          • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
            Generally, Churchill was very much on the ball, as far as I know. Which instances do you have in mind? - will make interesting reading.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
              It is called "Great Ships" (Stackpole Military History Series) from Hamiltonbook.com (an awesome place to buy books incredibly cheap)


              The book details the issues with the British and their perceptions of the international scene, the balancing act of budgets vs battleships, the impact of the bomber on perceptions of how they would fare in a war and their designs. Then it cover WW2 and detailed ship history. A very good book on the subject, but part describes some of Winston's brighter moment where the Navy wanted new battleships that could actually go up against the Bismarck class, as their ships were mainly from WW1 and quite inferior. Winston canned the work on them for a year, and then had several merchant ships redone to look like battleships and aircraft carriers, which were sunk very shortly after. He also had a bad habit as First Sea Lord of ignoring the admirals and going off on hisd own tangents in regards to priorities and designs. Some were good, some not. He was also the one behind the "out of the box" thinking that developed CAM ships (carried a fighter you could launch, but not recover, pilot bailed out into the sea and hoped to get picked up), as well as the myriad D Day projects.
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              • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
                I'll read it - thanks! Tough choices - battleships or not? The cost of building a battleship was about the same as equipping an entire mechanized division and although a battleship looks more impressive, it would be a rare occasion when a division would be totally lost in an afternoon.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
              He made his errors and had a very interesting career including I remember commanding an infantry battalion in WWI. Journalist in South Africa during the Boer War. Closely associated with the British Navy Working vocabulary of some 10,000 words and used to engage in shakespeare quoting contests until they found out he was making them up on the spot. Used sit on park benches with his friends and grade the girls passing by with "Is this the face that could launch a thousand ships?" Then the grade two rowboats on up to a fleet battleship. Winston Churchills Toyshop developed most of the devices used in clandestine efforts up until recent years. A man of many, varied, interests and a superb intellect.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
      They have bought into it because the presumptive candidate, Hilary Clinton is so tainted that even the Progressives would have to hold their noses to vote for her.

      Bernie Sanders provides an alternative. Unfortunately however, Sanders is nothing more than a place-holder for Hilary. At the appropriate time he will either flame out for his stupid politics or more than likely, he will bow out throwing his support to Clinton.

      He already set the stage for that act by saying supportive things for Hilary. It is a game that the Democrat Establishment is playing to get the candidate they really want, tainted as he is, the nomination!!! For what its worth!
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 5 months ago
      "If they have bought into this Socialist rhetoric the future is bleak."
      They'll work out that that math doesn't work by age 30.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
        But they still vote for Obama twice? What have they learned?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
          They aren't in university (which makes one think of universal and broadening deepening ones abilities) to learn they are in university to be programmed (narrowly focused with out ability to think nor reason. How many universities are there in what used to be the traditional sense? Hillcrest and????e

          My high school friend is a logger. Was preparing to send his son off to college. The son had picked Ducks and Roses AKA EMU for Earth Muffin University AKA University of Oregon. "Why are you sending your son to a school that has openly declared war on your means of paying for it and family survival?"

          Two second later the UofO paperwork hit the trash and one of the alternates moved into first place....delayed for some investigating.

          That's what it takes. Boycotting mediocrity.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
    Listening to that poor excuse for a debate (more like a public service ad), I noted one thing that seemed to slip by all of them. Hillary at one point was crying out all the things the masses were pleading for, and said "They want healthcare". It was in a long list, but really? Isn't Obamacare the great ripoff they all wanted? It shows that all this is just more noise to appease the thoughtless masses who think they will get all this stuff for free, and only the government has the power to force others to pay for whatever they want to give away. Bernie is like santa clause, he will give away education, houses, loans, and god know what else. I never hear a logical explanation for what the idiot will do with 30 million or so who took out loans for their college, just forgive the debt? He can't give away free college and not address that and that will be yet another huge freebie that we cannot afford. A vote for a Democrap this election is just a declaration of bankruptcy. Better file before they do....
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 9 years, 5 months ago
      No, they want a single-payer system. One that totally drains the wealth from the country. ObamaCare isn't radical enough for socialists.
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      • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years, 5 months ago
        I want a single payer system. That is the individual themselves taking responsibility for their health. Get government completely out of it.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
          Obama's system is called "single payer" because it is not. Just like the Democratic Republic of North Korea and the Democratic Republic of Germany, or honest news in Pravda, or the New York Times...
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
            Figures. So now it appears to be a no payer system last I heard that little detail was yet to be accomplished AND funded. What an AMAZING asshole.
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            • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
              A terrorist would be a more applicable description. After all, Obama has willfully done more damage to this country than bin Laden.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
                I wondered about that very subject. Are former Presidents and Congressionals exempt from the arrest procedures in the Patriot Act? For that matter how about members of the DISS? (DOHS to you.) I looked but didn't find it. The act itself does not have to contain all the operating functions though. Another one of Congress secret side deals. Signed undated pardons perhaps?
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                • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
                  Let me put it this way - have you ever been a landlord? Have you ever written a rental agreement? Would you devote 20 paragraphs out of the 30 in it to enumerate your, the landlord's, responsibilities and punishments should the tenant find your performance below standard?
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
                    Nope....I owned one piece of property and then got out of that as losing proposition moved on to a sailboat and have been enjoying life ever since. I'm sure without resorting to the Patriot Act I still violate at least one law every waking and sleeping moment. How could one possible breathe without doing so these days?
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
            They love the term, the single meaning "government" and the payer is "us". Gives total control and leaves us with the bill. Look at Europe for perfect examples.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
          Single payer systems are useful only for the very rich or if you work for the government or other employer who provides everything. For the average family with two employeed adults hopefully working for two separate employers who have separate healthcare plans it was WAS a case of setting one up to cover what the other didn't. THEN a third contract at very very low cost from a third payer was catrastrophic care. Kicked in when the other or others was max'd out. If handled correctly .....Most insurerers wanted the whole premium portion of the bundle and got greedy. But Canadians to make a good example routinely but catastrophic care policies south of the border. The Canadians couldn't afford to pay out of pocket when Canadian system ran dry of funds and the need was immediate but they could afford to pay premiums to protect that eventuality. Add a very inexpensive air ambulance service and que bueno good to gol. Until obamacare came along and now no one knows what they have or don't have EXCEPT outfits like Mayo where my sister works and Mayo doesn't accept government dollars and with it government control. In the last five or six years they expanded in Florida and took over a hospital in Georgia too handle the increase in patients or members patients. Besides the one in Arizona and the original one in Minnesota.

          Military retirement medical is crap outside the country and VA is crap inside the country unless you know someone or paid someone off. - and so is Medicare. The doctors where I live and the hospitals don't like waiting years for obama to decide how to pay. So they stabilize at a very very low rate put you on the air ambulance and whoosh your back at Merciful Heavens Mercy Last Care - AKA ObamaCare. Hillary was right in saying what she did... she just didn't come out ans say her party had failed failed failed to do anything but increase cost and decrease servoces. Obamacare is a bigger joke than Obama.

          I'd like to see a good description of his medical costs after a life of absenteeism and never holding down a job.....
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
        Obama really wanted medicare for everyone, but he thought he couldnt get it done with the insurance companies opposing him. But the insurance companies should have realized what he was up to, and how the exchanges wont work (look at how high the premiums have gone since obamacare)
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
          Actually, the insurance companies went along with him, and happily, I should say, because he promised them that everyone will be their customer at higher rates. Socialism invariably creating monopolies invariably screwing the citizens/slaves and the citizens/slaves invariably thrilled as they invariably believe that just for them, the government will steal a little more from their neighbor than it will steal from them.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
      They want health care.
      Health insurance fails to provide it.
      Making insurance mandatory is government's irrational answer.
      Yet the "debate" moderators never points this out.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
        Let's back up one step. Like banking insurance is a heavily corporatist and heavily government related industry after all the number two supporter of secular progressive movement is Peter Lewis the billionaire operator of Progressive Insurance. So let's rephrase a bit.

        Health Insurance with their deep pockets AND Government with their bought and paid for regulatory powers failed to provide. in the early fifties five percent of our family budget went to health care - no problems. Government stepped in and bingo nothing but problems ever since. Yet the government cannot fund it's own programs or operate them properly ...Medicare...Military retirees medical care to name two right off the top of my head.

        That said continue with one thumb added.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    Hi, Rich:
    There must be a fairly large number of brainless people populating the voter rolls. Many who are members of the brainless community are part of institutionalized liberalism, who follow its irrational precepts because of family history, traditional thinking, and a hope for help via free stuff or services. Each and every idea put forth at the "debate" were either a giveaway without a way to fund it, or a complaint to fix something that really needs no fixing.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 9 years, 5 months ago
    I forced myself - establishing a new personal best in forbearance, to watch the Democrat “debate.” Through discipline and perseverance, I found it instructive on two fronts.

    The first is political and inescapably obvious. While the Republicans cynically believe the current contest(s) is/are between candidates, the Democrats clearly display that they understand it is a contest of ideas. Ideas which they "religiously" embrace, the support of which they remain steadfastly united - right down to their root. Specifically that the “haves” unfairly obtain their largess either through LUCK, or more often, through some form of unjust EXPLOITATION of the “have-nots.” They then divide up the electorate into ever-increasing numbers of victims, using the same old suspects as the exploiters of said victims.

    The second, and more subtle revelation, is that at the root of the Democrats ideas lay their united and unabashed support for the moral tenets upon which these ideas arise.

    When it is demonstrated to them that their “victims” are the result of neither luck nor exploitation, they then draw the moral argument that the former (haves) are morally obligated to the latter (have-nots). Verbalizing whatever "equitable" standard of fair or just they might fashion in support of their contention, reminding all of accepted moral obligations as our brothers keepers, common good, or some variation thereof, they then mount their podiums.

    It is my judgment, that unless or until the electorate; a) understands that the source of all wealth is freedom from the coercion of others; and b) that it is inherently evil to seek, expect, or demand, that which must first be produced by one man to then be provided to another; the travesty that is the destruction of our heritage of freedom will not only continue, but accelerate. It will do so because the alleged remedy of forced redistribution, most consistently embraced by the Deomcrats is, in almost all instances, the CAUSE of the alleged “victims.”

    Meanwhile the Republicans continue to evade, ignore, or actually support the MORAL tenets that provide the “fuel” for such evil, while they apologize for the "practical" benefits of freedom and Capitalism.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 5 months ago
    Of all the candidates I was able to stomach, during that debate, Jim Webb, a former Marine, clearly stood out. He voiced the most non-Party line comments of the night and his stand on gun control, a favorite of the others, was the most conservative. If I were to choose a Democratic candidate, he would be the one.
    Hilarious and Socialist Sanders were two peas in a pod, only differing on how MUCH the working class should be forced to give to their government causes. Clearly, both of them are extremely anxious to cover up Clinton's illegal email scandal, which should give anybody a strong suggestion as to these candidates interest in complying with any law.
    Lastly, from what I was hearing, it was clear that the debate audience was intentionally packed with Hilarious supporters.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      Then maybe webb should have considered and reconsidered tarring himself with the left wing fascist brush. I'll give him the same answer I gave the RINOs I do not support the Government Party. No more chances especially for a the left of the left.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
        That is twice in two week USMC and names like left wing fascist and Bernie Sanders have been association. Anyone checked their discharge papers. Maybe it says ex Marine instead of former Marine.

        At the very least the 18 to 1 kill ratio of the Democrats of US Service personnel in Democrat wars should get through even to those who recite the Marine Prayer "Please God Don't Turn My head into a JAR!"
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        • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 5 months ago
          I don't recall that particular Marine prayer...things must have changed since I was in the Corps.
          I'm not sure, from your disjointed comments, whether or not you are attempting to insult a decorated Viet Nam veteran. I'm going to assume that is not the case.
          Lastly, Jim Webb's stand on individual gun rights strongly echos my own...if a stray meteor had crashed into the Democratic debate, his life would have been the one I would have regretted losing, the most.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
            Not really I generally put USMC above US Army Infantry (airborne all the way) and other such related units.) That's twice though in a few weeks I've seen or heard of a former Marine in this position the other dude was sporting a Bernie sticker. I regret losing any one of that statures lives and the 18 to 1 death ratio of US Service personnel in wars started and then lost by a Democrat as compared to a Republican (which is the only difference between the two that mattered or matters to me - makes me wonder. Too damn many good people in the Corps and in my own units (101st, 5th Group) died for not much to nothing.

            As for his stances any number of the others would keep me from voting for him. It's a far far too left wing stance for my taste and I consider republicans in much the same light.

            Second reason I swore that oat the Constitution ...means something to me. what's it go to do with this government?"

            As for jarhead remark it came from a book I read long ago and far far away. May have been Clancy.

            I read the post about the only error he made in that dog and pony show. couldn't pull up the u tube whatever as usual but it piqued my interest. I wouldn't have bothered for anyone else. Thus the power of U S M C.

            Too many errors for whatever reason and as usual a lot of last minute last second unknown names showed up here the next morning....you are not in that category... so I tend to disbelief without independent vetting from a known member or my own research a lot of what is said. thus the pop quiz. The term ex and former marine are not new. They are really really old. they have their own special meaning...as any member of the Corps past or present can tell you. Nothing disjointed about it.

            It's one way I honor them.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 5 months ago
    Webb's only error is that it's the American people, not Congress, who pay for all the giveaways. Any Congress that buys into Bernie's giveaways WILL face a revolution!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      Wasn't his only error. I read his own web site Jim Webb On the Issues. He may have been a Marine but I would make that ex-Marine not former Marine.
      Not that I would support anyone from the left wing of the left anyway but it sounds like he said one thing but actively pursues a much further left agenda.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
    I dont think Sanders is serious about being president. He stuck up for Hillary of all things, when he should have pounded on her for her lack of accomplishments in pretty much any job she has had, her slinking aorund not only with emails but in her other dealings as well. He didnt do any of that, so I think he is "running" to promote socialist programs that she will put through. Its disgusting and sickening. The LAST president I want is Hillary, period. I would vote for Sanders himself if that was the only choice.
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 9 years, 5 months ago
    This party chose socialism a long time ago FDR used communist approach to Depression and created the Great Depression, gov't jobs were one digs a hole another fills the hole each day. Social Security is Socialist gov't wealth redistribution on a small scale, welfare is as well. The democrat's became communist after seeing Teddy Roosevelt do so well with the 'progressive party' in 1916, a 3rd party which beat the republican's and nearly beat the democrats, modeled after the communist manifesto published in 1848. By 1952 the 'progressive party was fully folded into the democrat party and today has fully taken over almost all of both parties leadership positions.

    This move has taken a long time with the help of lazy Conservatives that kept believing in a little evil is okay as long as 'my team' wins! A little communism is never enough, it just means a long term before completely taking over, which it almost has; proof of this is Obama'a presidency.

    Question truly is are we going to keep falling for the oh Cruz, Rubio, Fiorino, Graham, Romney, McCain, Bush [41/43] are just a little left leaning its okay as long as the GOP wins attitude; or are we going to say HELL NO!! We are not giving anymore inches...
    Because ladies and gentlemen of the Gulch there are not many inches left to give!

    Look at the progressive take over of the 2nd Amendment in the 1950's over 80% of American's stood for their 2nd Amendment rights in 2013 Zogby poll 51% for 2nd Amendment 49% against and many of the 51% agreed restrictions on the freedom to own guns is needed...ah people the 2nd Amendment says "...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..." THIS MEANS NO RESTRICTIONS. Do you see how far the progressives have moved this line?

    Same for Public State Education...to this day SCOTUS has ruled in its opinions [as does the US Const] that the federal has no RIGHTS in State Education; then how does the Fed Dept of Ed rule our schools curriculum?

    I can go on and on about Income Taxes, EPA & OSHA [the latter two are not even federal agencies] but I hope the point as shown is enough to waken the sleepy minds that have been hypnotized over the years.

    This is afterall why Ayn Rand wrote; Who is John Galt?

    She saw it happening first hand in Russia then in America.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    Maybe I am wrong but aren't we or isn't the usa a socialist country in appearance but actually a facist country in reality. Under fdr's new deal all faultered until we ended up in ww2. that put people to work and after the war the country was reestablished as an economic powerhouse. Maybe the 0 crowd is interested in be adversarial with russia to have a new cold war to in a way duplicate what fdr did. The only difference is that 0 wants to use muslims so it will be guaranteed to fail. Of course if one of those clowns from the debate wins they will inherit the failure we are experiencing and will blame everything on everyone else and not themselves. I do wonder what will change if anything if a rep wins.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      Socialism is a more a socio-political culture than anything else. Fascism is a way of operating and is applied to any group including religious that believes in control by any and all means necessary. Be it failed culture with a quicksand mentalty Pay attention. Capitalism is an economic method Every system claiming to be socialism is supported one of two or both of the following capitalism or totalitarian confiscation of wealth.

      You forgot 'with a one party system of government.)

      What we aren't is a small d democratically chosen large R Republic.
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      • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
        Please understand that i am mostly quoting Ayn Rand. She said that Fascism will come to the usa cloaked as Socialism. In the event you do not think we are going in that direction I suggest you look at the largest of companies in the usa and note that all of the ceo's are on tender hooks trying not to displease some government employee from the president down the chain of command.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
          of course I am agreeing. Just deducting what is left from what isn't anymore. Consider also we have our very own schutz staffel only thing left is the Baraks on the uniform collars.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 5 months ago
    Progressive translates to the 1949 Communist Party membership. The Democrat party due to a lack of education apparently and a total sellout to free giveaways has now turned into a monstrosity that folks like Scoop Jackson would not recognize at all.

    You have to give those sneaky Communist/Progressives (Antonio Gramsci, Saul Allinsky, Cloward and Piven" their due. They have succeeded in snookering the other 80% of their party who do not fall into that category!!

    I wonder if the other then Progressive 20% will ever get it?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
    Now that it is all out in the open it's probably time to set out the definitions again. Not redefining but originally defining the different factions before they were subjected to a century of redefinition. Whose on left...Really

    . Whose on right? Really. And where is the center? Really. Once armed with that information a lot of click click click mysteries disappear and questions are answered. By yourself. Which calls for a new post. so don't look for it here
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
    Here's from Jim Webb On the issue site. THUMBS DOWN and I didn't need to listen to the the phony debates.

    Click here for 6 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion.

    Supports Roe v. Wade and abortion rights. (Jun 2006)
    Voted NO on restricting UN funding for population control policies. (Mar 2009)
    Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)
    Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)
    Voted NO on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
    Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)

    James Webb on Budget & Economy
    Click here for 7 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.

    Top of economy doing great; but workers not. (Jan 2007)
    Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
    Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (May 2009)
    Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Feb 2009)
    Voted YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
    Voted NO on paying down federal debt by rating programs' effectiveness. (Mar 2007)
    Reform mortgage rules to prevent foreclosure & bankruptcy. (Feb 2008)

    James Webb on Civil Rights
    Click here for 7 full quotes on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.

    Evolution on gay marriage has been good for the country. (Oct 2014)
    Affirmative action should apply to African-Americans only. (Sep 2006)
    Supports civil unions; opposes constitutional ban. (Jun 2006)
    Opposes constitutional ban of gay marriage. (Jun 2006)
    Government’s power should end at my front door. (Apr 2006)
    Realign politics by union of Scots-Irish & African Americans. (Jan 2006)
    ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays. (Jun 2009)

    James Webb on Corporations
    Click here for 3 full quotes on Corporations OR background on Corporations.

    If you've got capital, you're feeling pretty good. (Oct 2014)
    GOP puts corporate interests first; Dems put workers first. (Apr 2006)
    Rated 86% by UFCW, indicating an anti-management/pro-labor record. (May 2012)

    James Webb on Crime
    Click here for 2 full quotes on Crime OR background on Crime.

    Voted NO on reinstating $1.15 billion funding for the COPS Program. (Mar 2007)
    Reduce recidivism by giving offenders a Second Chance. (Mar 2007)

    James Webb on Drugs
    Click here for background on Drugs.

    No issue stance yet recorded by OnTheIssues.org.

    James Webb on Education
    Click here for 2 full quotes on Education OR background on Education.

    Public education levels the playing field. (May 2006)
    Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Oct
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