What Would be Really Cool after “Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Business
I think I like the direction picked to cast Eric Allen Kramer as Ragnar Danneskjöld. After this movie is done, then what?
What would be cool is a television show on Glenn Beck's Blaze Network called the Further Adventures of Ragnar Danneskjöld. You know, there was a lot that the pirate from Atlas Shrugged did which was only alluded to in the novel. It would make a great series if there was a will to do it. Glenn Beck is looking for something to fill his big studio space. It would be a great way to help keep things going and continue building an audience. Of course it takes money and revenue, but if there was a business model to support it, would there be a will?
What would be cool is a television show on Glenn Beck's Blaze Network called the Further Adventures of Ragnar Danneskjöld. You know, there was a lot that the pirate from Atlas Shrugged did which was only alluded to in the novel. It would make a great series if there was a will to do it. Glenn Beck is looking for something to fill his big studio space. It would be a great way to help keep things going and continue building an audience. Of course it takes money and revenue, but if there was a business model to support it, would there be a will?
SOURCE URL: http://youtu.be/7rZ6zefwbnc
Pirates, now, would be very popular. You could get lots of people tuning in each week to watch his adventures w/o realizing they're being exposed to Objectivist ideas...
I know a lot of people don't want to talk about what may come after the conclusion of the movies because they want to avoid distraction from promotion now... I don't get the Blaze Network, but I would be interested. There is definite potential.