Another school, another tragedy... but what if...

Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 5 months ago to News
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another school, another tragedy, another opportunity for B.O. to grandstand.

But let's talk reality here. I know that government schools are designed to bang all pegs into dodecahedron-shaped holes, but there are some older middle school and high school students and some adults who can still think.

So why don't they? Why won't they?

Every single classroom is FULL of weapons - awfully close up, but weapons. Do we really think that a shooter would proceed down a hall if people popped out of doors behind and ahead of him and started throwing chairs and skidding desks? You could build a dandy obstacle. After you consider tables and chairs, you've got books [just think of getting hit in the shoulder with a copy of the OED - even the condensed version!], supplies and backpacks. Not to mention the specialized missiles of the orchestra studio, the chemistry lab, and the gym! and ....the shop.

Yes, people will be hurt and damage will be done. But there are going to be some people hurt anyway! So why not use their injuries - use their deaths - against the bad guy, instead of huddling under a sink somewhere?

Why not teach them that they can make a change in what happens? I know, I know, teachers won't do it because they'll get in trouble. Fine. Stand up, look yourself in the eye, and DO. Deal with the trouble later. Thank whatever you believe in that you're alive to deal with being in trouble.

The one thing the students have been taught is that they have to obey their teachers. So TEACH. Help them learn that they don't have to be helpless, that they can fight back against mindless violence. What better lesson to teach them? If they survive, they'll never forget this lesson.

I'm sick and damn tired of these attacks, watching the intended victims scatter and run, or try to hide. It brings to mind the knights running down the serfs for their own amusement. They were invincible - until someone realized that a bodkin-pointedarrow would penetrate maille, and the playing field leveled .

Of course, a gun throws a more deadly missile than a person does. But quantity has a quality all its own, and enough missiles thrown by enough people will overcome one nutcase with a gun - any gun.

Teachers - and students - stop letting the moronic administrators and cowed teachers turn people into helpless victims and get them killed. Teach that there is value and virtue in protecting your own life, Teach that there's a reason that humans are at the top of the food chain.

TEACH REALITY, and life, and live.

...yes, I am a former teacher, and you can believe that I had this conversation with myself every single day.
Never Surrender,

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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
    I think that you are missing the entire agenda of our "education" system. It is specifically designed to teach new generations that only the State Authority is capable of protecting the sheeple. It is much preferrable for the sheeple to die than to learn that they are capable of protecting themselves, for if that were to happen, the sheeple may not need the State one day. That would be tragedy!
    Don't judge by the Authority's declarations; judge by the deeds. Try this experiment - introduce into a school any method of self defense that does not rely on the State Authority - see how fast you will be shut down and your thoughts erradicated.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      you forgot to turn off the /sarcastic font
      if you didn't forget, I cry insult.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
        No sarcasm here, nor is there any intention to insult. Just a straight forward view of the facts. I know that there are teachers that try to teach, but the public school system is completely under the control of the Dept of Education, which has been progressively taken over by the socialists (such as Ayers and other disciples of Alinsky). They have a specific agenda, which is, as Obama has repeatedly said, to "transform" America. And one of the primary features of America, and of Americans, has been independence. Independence, or individualism, is an anathema for socialism and it must be eradicated. As the Catholic Church has recognized for centuries, as have Lenin, Hitler and Mao recognized in their time, the best, most effective way to eradicate individualism and independence is by controlling the schools and injecting communal values from the kindergarten. Likewise in American schools today - look at the never stopping drives for donations, environment, Third World cultures presented as superior, world "hunger" awareness and gay and lesbian studies - while the graduates are incapable of giving change for a McDonald's purchase, the highest aspiration of their careers. Certainly we don't see the education system up in arms over the failures to teach basic reading and math skills, but yet the system is unabashedly militant over a half-eaten pop tart that looks like a gun! Do you really think that it's a coincidence? There was recently a hijacking attempt in China by several Chinese Muslim separatists; the passengers took over, killed two of the hijackers and severely beaten the other two. Chinese media barely mentioned the incident and a US publication (I think it was Financial Times) made a caustic remark that the Chinese government purposefully played down the incident because it did not want to advertise the fact the individuals, plain and common citizens, were capable and willing to defend themselves without the help of the State. The moral of the story? - the US liberals understand the issue very clearly and very cleverly hide it here at home.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 5 months ago
    From what I remember of school, pupils were
    taught not to "hit back" against bullies; they were
    supposed to go to someone in authority for justice;
    and then, of course, justice was not done. So why
    wouldn't schools be the logical place for victims
    to be unable to defend themselves?
    -Of course, "gun-free" zones are themselves
    a sort of invitation to murderers to come in and
    have their way. A better idea would be to have
    a zone with a sign on it to potential attackers:
    "This place is full of guns. Start an attack in
    here, and you will be immediately gunned down."
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      I kinda like a more artistic approach. How about:
      The people in this place like guns, and many of them have guns with them as you are reading.
      We like to play "guess who's got the gun". It begins when one of us feels threatened.
      Come on in - play with us!
      an alternative?
      a circle and slash which covers the muzzle end of a 1911. The slash has been blown apart.
      design credit to L. Neil Smith
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  • Posted by $ TexOwl 9 years, 5 months ago
    Schools aren't going to teach courage and self defense to students and probably shouldn't. Sons and Daughters should be taught by their Parents, preferably their Fathers and this should be coupled with anti bullying training. Where parents are absent or negligent, Churches and community organizations should fill in.. Courage is sadly lacking in our current culture!
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      I think you didn't read carefully enough, or perhaps I wasn't clear enough. This is not a subject which will be taught in schools. This is a subject which could be USED in schools, if necessary, by determined adults and students they motivate.
      With my radical view of education, I disagree with you that self-defense should not be taught in schools. When I teach self defense to pistol students, I teach them to evaluate their location. Why not teach the same, with the addition of "what would you do if...?" in school?
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      • Posted by $ TexOwl 9 years, 5 months ago
        I agree with all you have said and my comments were in reaction to some comments about schools developing children to react aggressively. I just don't see the possibility of schools being able politically or technically to accomplish much in the near future. Schools acting as political organs seldom exhibit much courage and wouldn't seem to me to be a good candidate for developing courage in their students. I suspect your opinion of schools is kinder than mine. Good luck with your "radical view of education." I liked your thoughts and sent a copy to my Sons encouraging them to take a more active role in developing courage in my Grandchildren!
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          thank you.
          Perhaps we should have a contest of who has the worst opinion of government schools.
          I shrugged at the very beginning of my teaching career. I knew I wanted to teach in an alternative school, but to get the license, I had to do a 9-week sentence in a public school. That strengthened my negative view of them and I never worked in the public schools, even though I could have many actual money doing so. I was better at helping kids learn to think.

          Thank you for sending it along. You never know just what input a child will react to.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
            I did battle with them for 15 years or so of 3 kids and finally switched to homeschooling. I like the idea of Charter schools but even then, they are under too much control. The best thing a school can do is to force students to think, and solve prblems. The current methods, if studied as a statistic in a company of process success, would be a dismal failure and the company would go BK. Since they are never held to account, no meaningful analysis can be done or improvement initiated. A closed loop self serving system staffed by the same people it bred. Bad genetics.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
        WW, i agree with your premise. Had 3 people went after the loon in Oregon, instead of one, at least one probably would have made contact and disrupted him long enough for some others to pitch in, and then whop up on him. Less innocents dead. The guy who did try and took 6 (?) rounds, does deserve the medal of freedom they are campaigning for to the Obamanation. To often it seems we look to others for our own protection, but it has been a careful effort over the last 50 years, I think it seeded in the 50's post WW2 era of peaceful, happy, safe developments that slowly soured over the years as reality has slowly sunk in.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
      I have instructed my son to not initiate a fight, but, if attacked, he was under my orders to fight back, even though the school prohibited any fighting back, including self-defense. I was clear that if he were not to fight back, I would punish him more than the school would punish for fighting. Under their "zero tolerance" (zero thinking) rules, he was punished by the school several times, but rewarded by me for standing up to bullies. Eventually, home schooling became a better choice.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 5 months ago
    WW, I would really like to share this on my Facebook page. But I will not without your permission to do so. You have a viable lesson with your words that everyone, in today's world, needs to hear. Thank You for your wisdom, something the world sorely lacks lately.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      thank you so much. I'm flattered and proud.

      I would like to re-write a bit so as to avoid the objections that people have raised: make it clear that it wouldn't have to pass any silly boards, make it clear that it is a set of actions that would have to be taken because schools are gun-free zones.

      I'm fussing around how to get it to you. If you were a Producer, I could PM you. send me your FB page, I'll friend you and then message you there with the text. If you can come up with a better idea, please let me know.
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  • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 5 months ago
    After 9-11, there was a fundamental shift in the perspective of airline passengers. If your voice reached a certain decibel threshold or you said the wrong thing, your bruised and bloodied face would be on the evening news. Instances of active self-defense are more the norm on flights these days.

    We need to teach a new "norm" in these 'disarmed zones' that utilizes anything in active self-defense during these attacks.

    +1 ww
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 5 months ago
    Hello WW,
    Some of us are like Chris Mintz and would not go down without a fight, but that is not what we teach our youth. We teach them that only the government can protect and care for us. Well... those that tow the government line and drink their bilge do anyway... We can only hope that more people wake from their government induced stupor.
    This approach is much like what Carson advocated and was immediately pummeled for by the MSM... most of which have armed security in their own buildings.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Greetings, O.A.
      As I think you know, I prefer to live in a world where people do the right thing - a world of heroes. and I'd rather want that, and expect it, and work for it, and live for it - and not get it - than live disillusioned and hopeless, and still not get the world I want.
      as we've heard before,
      we have a world to win.
      never surrender,
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  • Posted by radical 9 years, 5 months ago
    Put up a sign in front of the school that says, "We have a designated armed person in every office and classroom; you guess which one."
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  • Posted by kategladstone 9 years, 5 months ago
    And how do you teach this, without getting yourself fired the day you begin?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      You DON'T teach it.
      You DO it when you need to, and some people will go with you.
      As I said, I ran through this every day I taught, in every room. I knew what I would do, and because I taught in a school that let me know my students, I knew who would do what. Even if I was the only one, I'd rather be praised posthumously than praised for hiding under a sink.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
    Schools are for molding minds to be reliable, well behaved citizens, not independent thinking survivors.
    Comrade, we are holding a reservation for you for a free holiday in Siberia.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      not all of them. NOT ALL OF THEM!!
      There is a charter school movement called Expeditionary Schools. They do produce many independent, thinking survivors.
      It doesn't have to be the way it is.
      and I'd rather be with my comrades in Siberia [although if you had said Florida, I'd be terrified] than with my captors anywhere else.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 5 months ago
    "Yes, people will be hurt and damage will be done. But there are going to be some people hurt anyway! So why not use their injuries - use their deaths - against the bad guy, instead of huddling under a sink somewhere? "

    You fail to understand the basic condition of the individual....1. Only people who are trained to fight and are "Tigers" will resist. 2. you talk about casualty's in a very casual manner...It is very easy for you to be casual about a few casualties that will happen anyway....but the individuals there in the moment are only thinking about themselves and will not risk themselves to help anyone else...for them if there is one casualty and it is them...it is too many! 99% of people will not sacrifice themselves to save even a hundred people.

    The answer here of course is to get rid of "Gun free zones"
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      You make assumptions about what I know and what I think with great ease. Many people take offense at that.
      1. Some prey will discover their inner predator if the need arises. I've seen it happen.
      2. That's not "casual", that's tragic fact. again, you know nothing about my state of mind. and you're wrong that everyone will think only of himself. Your puerile assertion that no one will sacrifice himself to save others has no support; the reverse is true. [see Flight 93] and anyone who would use an argument that the good of the many would or should outweigh the good of the few needs to go back to page one of "We the Living" and read carefully.
      I truly pity you for your unfortunate view of your fellow humans; I think Miss Rand would too.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 5 months ago
        Too bad you are so dismissive of my argument. As to your state of mind, I can only read what you have written.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          ummm.....what is your argument? We need to get rid of gun-free zones? well, DUH.
          What are YOU going to do until then?
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          • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 5 months ago
            Nothing.....I don't suggest that I can solve the problem. Millions of lib whackadoodles voted to put the politicians in place that came up with all these crazy policies and I as an individual have a limited ability to effect a solution. Bloviating about what someone else should do when their individual life is at risk is not going to solve anything either. It is entertaining and a good diversion. It may even cause others to change their minds...but it wont accomplish anything directly.
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