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I don't see that risk as viable with what is at stake in the election.
Next October they challenge any of those three that is the GOP nomination, they have to drop out...not enough time to get another candidate out in front of the people...Hillary wins :(
Cruz is not for legalizing illegal aliens...Where do you get this stuff?
But, you keep thinking...so what he hasn't been vetted, so what the DNC will show he doesn't qualify...
I agree about him and his father. He's also the only candidate who I suspect is starting with a vision (right or wrong) of American values.
Most politicians I think are cool kids who like attention and will generally vote according to their constituents' and donors' letters. I don't mean that to condemn them. It's actually good that we have a system where most leaders look to what the people want. But it's better if they have a vision consistent with the US Constitution of how to get there.
I wonder if maybe Bernie Sanders has an underlying vision. If so, it's one I mostly disagree with. Some of the clips I've seen give the impression maybe he believes what he's saying beyond just taking positions that reflect his supporters'. This is moot since I don't agree with the vision b/c I see it as involving gov't providing a handout to the middle-class.
If we're just playing games with presidential candidates, then I hope it's Hillary, [partial sarcasm]score another point for the good guys![/sarcasm] She's supposedly a real liberal, knows how to execute in Washington, and is probably more tied to people close to me than any other candidate, all things that I consider pluses. But if we're not playing games, if we're concerned about the long-term effects of a stronger executive branch, re-interpretation of the Constitution. and looking to gov't to address every problem, real things that could change the course of history, Rand Paul blows everyone else away.
Staying/quitting will depend on money.
And I will vote as if my vote counted, even though I will be doing no more than neutralizing one of the votes of the liberals around me.
That would leave the more viable (monetarily) candidates.
My favorites (in no particular order): Paul, Cruz, Carson
I've done my bit, I've donated a number of times this year. Bitcoin of course. I would like to see the numbers of how much he has collected via bitcoin.
And I've my Rand Paul sticker on my Cadillac (right under my WiJG sticker). Maybe that isn't as significant as a Dead Head Sticker on a Cadillac.