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They held the Nuremberg Trials and started hanging the Nazi ringleaders less than a year and a half after the war in Europe. Nazi crimes against humanity were, well, I guess I don't know a word that describes just how heinous and despicable they were. Yet here we have ISIL (or ISIS if you prefer) whose crimes are arguably more barbaric than the Nazis ever were, and after 16 years of it's existence we're only now asking the international courts to look into prosecuting these animals???
There's something fundamentally dissonant here, and it's not from my position.
which might be called civilization, they seem to be stuck
in the 6th century. -- j
In our current world, this "defense" would probably work.
And that's about all the positive effect I would expect from the 'lawsuit' as described...
How many ways can we say "zero"?
was manurium, the universal nutrient for all life forms! -- j
p.s. second in value only to imaginarium, the platinum of the gods.
They have, and admittedly, committed unspeakable crimes against humanity. Just go to youtube, they filmed their activity's.
I think this is just a circus side show.
There! I've solved the ISIS problem.
What else can we talk about?
Cow farts hurting the climate?
Fine. Cow farts are bad for the environment.
There! I've solved the cow fart problem.
What else can we talk about?
The Butterfly Effect?
Fine. Bla, bla, bla, etc.
So do cows and butterflies.
The International Criminal Court is here to make a difference.
We do that by taking up space.
As for the Butterfly Theory (maybe linked to the Chaos Theory), some presume that a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo could cause a tornado in Nebraska. Or vice versa.
Whoa wait a minute, ding! ding! ding!
Old Dino just came up with--ta da--The Cow Fart Theory!
If a cow--well, you can figure the rest out.
oh, wait...
So chickens with signs should say: "Eet mo kow."
Some months ago, my step-grandson and I pursued the 'logic' of a question/problem he described, using the Critical Thinking / Socratic Method to seek The Root Cause of the Problem he brought to the (lunch) table.
I've claimed that 'normally,' if you drill down at least five or six layers of "Well, Why Is THAT?" into an issue, you can approach Root Cause, from which real cures and solutions Might Be formulated.
With the issue he brought up (I don't remember what the Issue was, but that's not the issue here.. ) we drilled down for at least 45 minutes, and by his count (I lost track at around 8-10 levels 'down,' we were at least 12-15 layers into the onion and hadn't come close to Root Cause.
Yep, as so many writers are adding to TV scripts today, "it's complicated."
No shit! My gripe has been, for at least five or more years, that the MSM never goes more than one layer deep before claiming Root Cause and what they call Root Cause is NEVER the True Root Cause in any actionable way that might lead to a change in behavior or results regarding the Original Problem.
The butterfly-cow-bull-whatever list I started and you expanded is a Very Good Example of why 'it's complicated.'
And why I just LOVE 'asking questions' on various fora.
Or is it the fault of the farmer not providing proper sustenance? Remember it's a Green question. Greens traditionally are leftists. Leftists are in power therefore are now conservative or at least conservatively liberal in their nature and protective of their newly won turf. Land mines, barb wire, all sorts of stuff it's enough to make cow flop. Which brings us back to sustenance so maybe...maybe....it's a turf war between cows and camels but it will take further study and by the way an increase in grant funding.
That really smells! It's the damn eco scientists all the time.
which can be collected and used to heat the farmer's
home (saw a good example on Dirty Jobs last week). -- j
we'll heat our houses with the belches!!! -- j
Oh, yeah, Democrats came up with that.
As to ISIS, its just one side of a religious conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. I say leave them to settle it themselves and WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF IT. How could we possibly add anything to that conflict that we arent a party to and dont even understand. I am tired of the US getting into wars all over the place where theres nothing for us to gain.
It does get a bit more complicated if the person who is told to shoot has a gun to HIS head from his "boss". Maybe the thing to do is shoot the boss if you can instead of the victim.
environment. . my boss dealt with competition like BHO does --
he undermined them and ran them out of the competition.
I exposed his technique after I discovered it, and
we were both run off from the organization. . I was
moved out laterally and he was compelled to retire. -- j
retired after 18 more -- three more job titles -- so the story
continued. . I still know several of them, and we are friends
to an extent. . oh, the tales which could be told....... -- j
During WWII the Roosevelt Government routinely withheld recognition, denied the evidence as it mounted, denied Katyn Forest evidence which indicted the Russians for that massacre, and denied sancturary for those escaping Hitler's Germany. The British routinely after the war turned back refugee ships leaving Europe for Palestine. The French government during the war was openly anti-semitic and the British also. Palestine was a sanctuary for the survivors but the Allies were not protectors.
The USA involved in Nuremberg because of overwhelming public opinion when the stories broke. Nuremberg was chosen because it was home of the Nuremberg Laws which stripped German citizens (Jews) of all rights including property rights. I will go so far as to say if it were not for oil the attitude in Washington DC would be far different as to the Middle East's Muslim population and were it not for it's shameful and well publicized role in World War II would have been far different for Israel. Along with being the world's largest practitioner of Apartheid to this day the Districts skirts were and are far from clean as are the skirts of Europe who used those populations as cheap labor much as we have done with the population of Mexico. In the latter version the US unions are as much to blame as the U
S Government en toto both previously separate parties and the indifference of the voting population.
Pol Pot and Stalin and German and others regimes actions while reprehensible are no less acceptable than those getting less unfavorable publicity today. Human slavery to any degree is human slavery no matter if in Syria or in the lower 48 and no matter the treatment or substandard wage levels. Well the US businesses and house hold got their cheap labor and had their cheap hamburgers and now that's gone. The unions had their closed shop sweetheart rules with preferential contract treatment....that should be the next target. Repeal of Davis-Bacon act and open bidding. Right To Work laws made the law of the land. Sherman Anti-Trust II applied to labor as well as corporations. The US Governments support of human trafficking curtailed.
The trouble with pointing a finger is the three hidden fingers reflecting our own national policies.
Indian Reservations? Another name for apartheid.
Cheap Mexican Labor and depressed US wages?
No labor representation nor protection for the majority of US workers?
US Gov't support of racism, sexism,ethnic and religious intolerance and the world wide sex trade human trafficking?
and one ignored Constitution
And we end up with looters and moochers like Hillary and Trump as leading candidates.
and one ignored Constitution
and wonder why?
That's the context of our times. We aren't responsible for the past we are responsible for the now.
Dump Trump we already have a Democrat Candidate.
of millions in his country during his dictatorship. -- j
Politician's all. Then and now.