A lot of smoke, not a lot of fire. I've seen worse.
The usual argument is that dealerships are the mechanism whereby end customers receive their services and direct sales would cut the profit of these dealerships which would cause them to go out of business, thus depriving the customer of service support. Not saying it is a good argument, just that is the usual argument.
I agree, Maphesdus. The government can't regulate behavior....but they certainly are trying to. There are so many laws out there now that none of us, including the politicians, can possibly know all of them. The system is in overload condition and heating up.....
The usual argument is that dealerships are the mechanism whereby end customers receive their services and direct sales would cut the profit of these dealerships which would cause them to go out of business, thus depriving the customer of service support. Not saying it is a good argument, just that is the usual argument.