No Common Core in Illinois: Pearson’s College Textbook Claims Al Qaeda is a Liberation Movement PLUS Happy Valentines Day from Ummah UK

Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago to Education
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Valentine's Day with love for everyone? Not if your a muslim. Yes, Valentine's Day is haraam. But what does this have to do with Pearson and Common Core? Read the article & find out!

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
    So, I'm reading the book Infidel right now. I had NO idea how warped their ideas are about sex and marriage and temptation...which is ENTIRELY the female's fault..even if she covered from head to toe. If she gets's her own fault. This is the sickest religion on the planet...if you can even call it that. Utter nonsense! Women are treated like dog shit and they take it because Allah says she must. Insanity magnified.
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    • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
      I asked three separate Muslim women what does Jihad mean. It's been a while but the answers were different. The one that lives around the corner from me had the most disturbing answer. Did you notice in the video the women don't date the one they are going to marry? I guess they just perform as told. I wonder if they get rewarded with treats.
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      • Posted by 11 years ago
        Don't ask the women: they are lied to. Ask the men. They are lied to as well, however, since they are the prime suckers for dying for mohammed, they are more close to an honest answer on what jihad is and their role in it. (mandatory)
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
          The author of infidel is female. It is all force and no free will. Unless your free will is to submit, which is not logical on it's face to begin with. Genital mutilation for starters.
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          • Posted by 11 years ago
            Yeah. Clitorectomies. Circumcision is mandatory for men...and also for women. This of course, is according to Mohammed. Unfortunately, Mohammed's dim understanding on what is circumcision is at the cost of many women's lives. Imagine if the exact procedure done on women were done to men: we wouldn't have to worry about muslims raping women would we now?
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
              And this horrible practice is still happening today. And grown women hold down the young girls so the so called male Dr. Can cut them up. That's some serious brainwashing and or serious fear. Force and guilt constant. Hell.
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              • Posted by 11 years ago
                Yes. I know, I watched the's too horrible. All it does is piss me off beyond measure...

                You want to defeat islam, make it mandatory to have every man & woman in ALL Western military's watch it prior to engaging in battle & show how it's legally enforced by Sharia that it shuts up any naysayers who used the often & tired 'Well, they're practicing an extreme from of islam...'
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
                  Why can't they accept that it's ALL extreme...and evil. I don't understand this blindness or barrier that keeps people from seeing and saying the TRUTH. When did weakness in Americans become the accepted norm anyway?? arg
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                    Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                    Muslims comprise about 23% of the world's entire population, or about 1.6 billion people. Claiming that such a massive segment of the world's population is comprised entirely of violent killers simply goes against mathematical probability.

                    I am not denying the existence of violent Muslims. I am fully aware of them, and I openly recognize them as a legitimate problem. However, sweeping generalizations of entire peoples can never be very accurate, especially with large groups, because diversity is an inherent part of human nature. To deny diversity is to deny reality.

                    So who is truly blind? The person who only acknowledges that violent Muslims exist, or the person who acknowledges that violent Muslims and peaceful Muslims both exist? I'll give you a hint: between these two people, one is looking at only half the picture, and the other is looking at the full picture. ;)
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      So eloquent and spot on accurate! I applaud you for the independent reading. It takes quite a stomach to deal with the disgusting truth about islam. BTW, women are expressly forbidden from being entreprenuers. How's that for 'tolerance'? Womens rights? What equality?

      Oh yeah, while I'm on the subject of equality, did you know that under Sharia Law, same-sex marriage is NOT allowed? Ok so, can I expect to see parades of gay protestors on streets soon? I won't hold my breath.
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      Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
      Not every sect of Islam is like that. You've got to remember to distinguish between the Taliban and other forms of Islam.

      Once you're done reading Infidel, here's another book you should read:

      The Islamist: Why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside, and why I left
      by Ed Husain
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
        They all believe in the same things. You're being a fool ,Maph. If they don't believe they will go to a fiery hell. The word Islam means to submit.
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          Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
          Actually no, they don't all believe the same things. Read Ed Husain's book. ;)
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
            I’m actually go to back you up on this. They don’t all believe the same thing. There are many regional differences. There are difference in traditional clothing, custom, language, and practices. The problem is the hardlinrs, (not just the Taliban) have corrupted traditions and spread fear and hate through large populations of the middle east and eastern asia. Even in Iran,the people are not free to reflect on their own ancestral heritage. For example: Iranian teenagers rebel by openly wearing rings or other adornments with ties to Zoroastrianism, a state religion prior to the Arab conquest. This is a punishable offense.

            The big-picture problem is that the religious zealots have pretty much swallowed up whole communities covering large swatches of the globe. Mankind doesn’t have the luxury of time to sort through to look for the innocent. We have already lost many beautiful cultures to this rabid dog. At this point, collateral damage is preferred over allowing the extreme voice of the victors to write the history.
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            • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
              Right, and I have nothing against dismantling such violent and oppressive governments. I'm simply pointing out the absurdity of claiming that 1.6 billion people are all violent and evil.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
                That’s part of your problem there. You are trying to legitimatize ideology that creates victims by sorting out the good practicers from the bad.This is how Hitler got so far. it would be absurd to try and count the numbers of the violent and the evil. Try finding an accurate number of German Nazis and nazi sympathizers from WW2 and you will be most likely be re-directed to the number of victims. Ah, hindsight.

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              • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
                I think at the most innocent levels of practice there is evil. All rules placed on women for example. And the punishments. Considering how outspoken you are about accepting diversity -why aren 't you critical of their practice of condemnation of homosexuality?
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          • Posted by 11 years ago
            Maph, you should know that this conversation on this very topic is one I have had countless times over since coming back from my 2-year stay in hell (middle east). What's interesting are the things you say about islam, isn't any different than the things Christians said to me (uninformed Christians e.g., ignorant on islam) back in the late '90's.

            Most of them had a change of mind when I told them what I'm going to tell you. I'm thinking this won't make a difference with you, but I think it's best you should know least you won't be able to accuse me of not telling you the truth.

            Do you know what a dhimmi is? Do you know what dhimmitude is? You are a dhimmi and you are practicing dhimmitude, whether you like it or not. Pretty cool huh? I'm am NOT a dhimmi and never will be. And now for the education.

            A dhimmi is a conquered person in islamic-conquered countries who has extremely limited "freedom" (if you can call it that) that's allowed by their muslim masters. Everyone here knows how badly treated women are right? Well, dhimmis are BENEATH that of their women. In fact, one Immam informed his followers that dhimmis can be bought, sold & traded like cattle. Dhimmis can be killed at no legal cost to the muslim, if the dhimmi does not obey his muslim master.

            For more information (You'll want to know this for the future) read the brilliantly simple "Sharia Law for Non-muslims" by Dr. Bill Warner. It contains everything you'll need to know as a dhimmi. Oh, if you intend on living such a compromised lifestyle, I suggest you DON'T mention that you're a total NON-BELIEVER: They'll make you suffer a horrible death. Muzzies don't tolerate atheists AT ALL. Dhimmi status is reserved for Jews and Christians (People Of The Book ~ Mohammed couldn't read...some 'prophet' huh?)

            Dhimmitude is the odd (my opinion) behavior exhibited by dhimmies that's marked by steadfast defense of their muslim masters to non-dhimmies, no matter how badly they are treated. In fact, it has been historically proven that dhimmies went to war FOR THEIR MASTERS in battle against the very people who sought to FREE them from slavery! I can see you easily falling into such an arrangement, as long as you wouldn't tell them you're an atheist.

            So, again: what are you afraid of? Second, why are you defending them? Deep thoughts....
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              Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
              What was your reason for going to the Middle East? Are you a solider? Which country specifically did you go to?
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              • Posted by 11 years ago
                Yes, I was in the military. I went to Turkey ('wait, they're secular!...Really, you believe that?). I didn't go to the popular Istanbul either: I went where unless you were in the military, you didn't go there as a tourist. Ever been to Adana? Worse yet, have you spent some time in Iskenderun? I have. cok gizell? lol, I wish.

                Maph, have you ever been stared down, with serious intentions by an increasingly large group of men whom speak a language you know little of? Have you ever wondered if you were going to live to make it out of such a place? Have you ever been told by someone who's fluent in the language you barely know ''You need to get out of here, the sooner the better, they don't like you here".? And all you were doing was conducting official business (emphasis here) in civilian clothes? No, I'm not going to tell you what I did, it is irrelevant to this conversation.

                I have. I noticed you haven't answered my two questions...scared?

                Now, for the 'peaceful' muslims. I had numerous maids and gardeners during my time there. There was ONE gardener I was ok with. But this was near the end of my time there, and I was highly knowledgeable of Turkish (at the time) and was much higher guarded on maintaining my boundaries than ever before.

                But for the rest of them: they all lie, cheat & steal from you. Why? Because you & I are infidels. They are entitled (like democrats) to steal from you. Was there anything I could do about it? Nope. Why? Because they are muslim and I'm not. If you're ok with constantly being lied to & stolen from and you're ok with not being able to do anything about it, can I come over to your place & pillage what I want? Got a PS4? THANKS FOR YOUR 'GENEROSITY'!

                Why are they like that? Because Mohammed said it's ok. It's ingrained in their culture. Get it?

                This is why I have laughed in the face of a few young people who have told me 'Oh, I know islam: I took a class on it in college!' LOLOLOLOL. Really? Oh boy, & let me guess, it was taught by a muslim who's obliged to LIE to you because you're a kafir, an infidel and you are stupid enough to believe them?

                There are many other experiences both my better half and I had in TU that I won't mention here.

                NOTHING can replace what is directly experienced in an Islamic country versus what is instructed in a stupid college, politically-correct classroom.

                I had 2 LONG years of it. Versus someone, somewhere safely tucked away in an American college classroom for a semester? Give me a break. Now, if you haven't lived in a islamic country, or haven't been in an indoctrination class in college, then it seems you're going along with the bought-and-owned MSM narrative. I can tell you're trying to chip away at my credibility & it won't work.

                Now, the questions I have for you again are: What are you afraid of finding out about the TRUTH on islam and why are you defending them and their hideous ideology so fervently?

                Would you stop playing into the dhimmi role they have laid out for you so well? Seriously.
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      • Posted by 11 years ago
        Maph, I suggest instead of studying 'forms' of islam, you need to refocus on the centerpiece of islam: Mohammed.

        Are there other forms of Mohammed? No. Therefore, can there really exist variances of Islam? No. This is one of the fundamental assumptions that can be fatal to non-muslims trying to understand the ideology that seeks to destroy them. WIth islam, the differences in lineage & minor opinions are miniscule because they all agree: non-muslims will either be converted or will die.
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      • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
        Shiite and Suuni are the distinctions in Islam. There is nothing in this article about Taliban, The way the women are treated is widespread, not limited to the Taliban.
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