Iranian Commander Threatens U.S. War Ships.

Posted by rustylypps 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
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Posted by rustylypps 14 minutes ago
First Folks; If the Iranians choose to sail to our east or west coasts, as long as they are in international waters it is their right to do so. Now having said that, Do you all understand the logistics involved with maintaining a fleet of ships far away from their home ports. The U.S. Navy are expert at this and have been doing so since before WWII. Englandwe showed them how.
Now, her comes a third world country, who has basicly just gotten into the twentieth century. They have neither the money nor the capabilty of maintaining a fleet of any size far form their home bases.
I toured an Iranian man of war in the late 60's when the Shaw was still the man in power over in Iran. There ships had to pull into Pearl Harbor because they were out of fuel and food and need our help to get back home. Their ships are sloppy as is their crews. They are poorly trained.
The best response to these people is no response, they are of no concequense and should be treated the same way.

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