Foxes officially Living in the Hen House

Posted by rustylypps 10 years, 10 months ago to News
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Look who's new in the white house!
Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development
for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and
founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council
and is its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar from
the Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based
Neighborhood Partnerships
This is flat-out scary!!!

The foxes are now officially living in the hen house...
Now ask me why I am very concerned!!!
Do you feel OK with this???
How can this happen, and when will we wake up???
We are quiet while our Country is being drastically change
We’ve got to have some relief starting with the 2014 Elections!

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  • Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 10 months ago
    Pray that mass Alzheimer doesn't set in so we can remind people before they vote in November.

    The problem is actually if those in the White House are involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, many are, and the danger of the use of Sharia Law being implemented in the US is of great concern.
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago
    You're just now discovering this? Well, after you've done some research into both O and Bush II relationship with the muslims, you won't be surprised at all. Muzzies have been in the Pentagon (under secretary of defense-policy) for sometime now. (Get the policies adjusted first, then the rest will fall in line without much fuss).
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    Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
    So what if there are Islamic individuals working in the White House? We have religious freedom.
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    • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago
      Islam has nothing in common with Western culture or values. Islam has been (and is) at war with the West since 822AD. Who says? You can look it up.

      Here's something to ponder: How many Christian's do the Saudi Arabian gov't have holding influential positions in their offices? How many openly Christian churches are there in SA? A beer is owed to you if you can name ONE. Yes, I want undeniable proof.

      Oh, stop buying into the propaganda line of "religious freedom". This has nothing to do with freedom. It has everything to do with this:

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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
        Don't forget the mass media propaganda about the "religion of peace and love", which is as far from reality as that kid who shot all those babies was a sane and loving son.
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        Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
        Western cultures or values? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought western culture valued freedom of religion. Or does the First Amendment of the Constitution go against the values of Western society?

        I am fully aware that many middle-eastern nations with totalitarian governments do not allow freedom of religion, but that is precisely why we must fight to protect it. If we start discriminating against certain religions just because they do, then how are we any better than them?
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 10 months ago
          Maph; Western culture values the free exercise of religion, not murder and forced prosletyzing or conversion to avoid having your head cut off.
          One may exercise his religion all he wants until he tries to control or change me with it or in it's name.
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        • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago
          Maph, I suggest you actually read the Generous Qu'ran by Usama Dakdok. I have personally met him and got to know quite a deal about his upbringing. He speaks fluent Arabic, though he is a Christian. He knows the Koran because in Egypt he was FORCED to learn it. (Where's that 'tolerance' I keep hearing Islam has?)

          I will never protect any religion in which the requirement to manifest it is through murder. Who says this? Mohammed says it. Now, if this upsets you, and you seek to shut me up, you have to ask yourself one question: WHY? What good would it serve you to shut people like me up? (Emphasis here) ~ What are you afraid of?

          This is the argument I've had with folks on this very subject since 1996. Regarding my post below, if it upsets you; the facts over Islamic conquest at the acquiescense of Western leaders then you have arrived where I was in '96.

          Want to change Islam? Ok, to change Islam you have to change Mohammed. Can Mohammed be changed or modified, or bargained with? You know the answer here. Therefore, Islam cannot be changed or "updated" to reflect "contemporary" values, much like the pressure that Christianity has faced. Nor can it ever be bargained with.

          Read Reliance of the Traveller too. It covers everything you need to know about Sharia Law. I know what I stand for. Tolerating Creeping Sharia will only lead to your death, and the death of the West. And to tolerate Creeping Sharia is to shirk your responsibility to stand up for Western values, no matter how politically incorrect it may seem. To hell with the MSM.
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          • Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 10 months ago
            In addition, read "God's War On Terror" by Walid Shoebat. He is/was a Palestinian (PLO) terrorist who fully understands the real agenda of Islam. He proceeds to show how the coming antichrist is most probably Islamic. This is a very recent insight, since about 2008, and makes the seriousness of allowing Islam into our government a grave mistake. Ever wonder why the end times refers to the new world order beheading those resistant to the coming one world religion? The book was co-written by Joel Richardson, who also has his own book called "The Islamic Antichrist". His site is

            I found a video about Walid Shoebat and this concept.

            This discussion should be viewed in light of this new info. I believe in freedom of religion but a sociopolitical system that masquerades as a religion doesn't deserve the same protections.
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        • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago
          And the muzzies have been exploiting the guilt of the weak-minded, politically correct Western leaders since the time of Mohammed's death. That is how they have been winning and the West has been slowly losing. Stop feeding into the propaganda. I know you know better.
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