KEEP EARTH COOL, KEEP ALIENS OUT: Al Gore’s latest attempt to sell his “green agenda”

Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Science
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Truth is often stranger than fiction, and Al Gore’s missives are often stranger than both. Robert Schaefer writes:

I just got back from the 2014 International UFO Congress, the largest UFO conference in the world, where somebody was passing out the following to the attendees (a double-sided paper on orange stock). Looks like Al Gore is using Extraterrestrials to help fight Global Warming!

You can see the actual flyer at the link below—it is hilarious.

KEEP EARTH COOL, KEEP ALIENS OUT is what the flyer says boldly on one of the two sides. It goes on to say, “Did you ever wonder why aliens haven’t colonized Earth yet? They need earth to warm up first!” Yes—the global warming advocates have turned to alien invasion as their primary reason to advance their “green” agenda. They are advancing the argument of a literal alien invasion if the earth becomes too warm.

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    Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
    There are conspiracy theorist nuts in every group. You should see some of the stuff the Tea Party people spread around. All kinds of wacky ideas about the Illuminati, Occultism, and Satan Worship. Oh, and aliens. Satanic aliens. Seriously, I've seen some really kooky ideas come out of a few of the more extreme members of that group. They can be highly entertaining to listen to.
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