No entrepreneurs, no America

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 6 months ago to Business
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When entrepreneurship and innovation cease to exist, so does the nation it supports. Without the creativity, the spirit to take great risks, there cannot be a viable society. These are the things that drive an economy, and without them the only thing left is the staggering unsustainable weight of the bloated government debt, which we are all strapped to. Willingly or not.

I know in the town in which I live, there have been a few years in which all the storefronts were filled with what that business had to offer. In just the past two weeks, three of the most popular shops have closed. The one moved, but two closed up. They purveyed items which were unique, well made, and they were always on my list of places to purchase gifts from. Or just a little something for myself. The loss of them in this town is painful. The people who had been employed there are now left looking elsewhere, and taking their talent to other places.

The federal and state governments need to quit spending our money on unnecessary beurocratic pet projects, and get lean again. Because the punitive taxes and regulations are killing the entrepreneur.

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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 6 months ago
    Great post NMA. I don't believe the decline of small businesses is an accident. For years many laws and regulations have been written for companies of 50 or more employees. That way the politicians can claim they are protecting "small businesses". They then turn around and give other special tax breaks and favors to give the larger businesses an advantage over smaller businesses. It is my opinion that Progressives are quietly okay with smaller businesses disappearing because it is harder to justify regulating and controlling them.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Agreed. And the headlines are splashier when a big corporation comes under the gun. It fuels their progressive spin; big business I bad. Actually, their way of thinking is ALL business is bad. Primitive GOOD!
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