Democrats have votes to sustain veto of Iran deal disapproval
Posted by robgambrill 9 years, 6 months ago to Legislation
This article comprises a list of those who should be held accountable for this fiasco.
Republicans are not blameless either, the thing should have gone through the normal treaty process, which would have required Senate approval. The Republicans signed this away last spring, .
Republicans are not blameless either, the thing should have gone through the normal treaty process, which would have required Senate approval. The Republicans signed this away last spring, .
To repeat what Id put in elsewhere. "He who does not punish evil commands it to be done." Another way of saying the argument for promoting the lesser of two or more evils. A contradiction with two or more false premises that leads to 'hey you got what you asked for.
But to keep doing so brings us back to Mama Gump's comment. 'Stupid is as stupid does.'
Islam is a cult of war, not a religion of peace.
Reagan was right to assume the Soviets really meant it. So will we be, when we fight them under the next president.
No quarter asked, none given.
We'll just have to see how his Marxist majesty's warped legacy notions play out--especially if some "Allah Akbar" shouting "undocumented alien" gets around to nuking Times Square.
Just kidding. Not about the Roll Tide, though.
Basically, This is a situation where I believe force is justified.
If somebody says "I am going to kill you all" and then starts building the means to do it, the threatened party would be crazy not to put a stop to it if they could.
And I don't think the Israeli's are willing to wait around and find out if the Iranians are serious. I sure wouldn't.
Its not proper to speak this here, but sounds lot like biblical Armageddon.
Guess who I'm thinking of.
I really can't get my head around this...we don't know what's in the deal, it's not a treaty so it sidesteps the requirement for 2/3 Senate 'advise and consent', and we have a president who wants us to believe that we're not intelligent enough to understand the nuances but we can take his word for it that it'll be good for us. And to top it off, the commanding majority in Congress seemingly can't do anything about it.