What the Hell America? Study Shows More Americans than Ever Support Banning Books
Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
From the Article: "According to a recently released Harris Poll survey, the number of Americans who would support the banning of books has doubled between the years of 2011 and 2015.
28% of the 2,244 U.S. adults surveyed answered yes to the question “Do you think that there are any books which should be banned completely?” This same question was answered yes just 18% of the time back in 2011 when the survey was taken last.
“While it’s still a minority perception … I felt that from 18 to 28 percent in just four years was a rather surprising growth,” Harris Poll Research Manager Larry Shannon-Missal told Library Journal.
Some of the questions were relating to what children should be able to read in school, while others asked which books should be taken off the marketplace entirely.
What was also interesting about the study was the fact that 71% of those surveyed, even those who did not support the banning of books, were open to books being rated in a way similar to movies. Also, it seemed that many people wanted to ban books that were controversial and opposed their religious beliefs. Some of those surveyed wanted to ban the Bible, while others wanted the Koran banned, others wanted any books banned that supported the ideas of creationism, and still others wanted to ban atheist texts."
What the Hell is Right. Satan's Crispy Balls
Religious belief systems keep screwing with freedom and liberty.
28% of the 2,244 U.S. adults surveyed answered yes to the question “Do you think that there are any books which should be banned completely?” This same question was answered yes just 18% of the time back in 2011 when the survey was taken last.
“While it’s still a minority perception … I felt that from 18 to 28 percent in just four years was a rather surprising growth,” Harris Poll Research Manager Larry Shannon-Missal told Library Journal.
Some of the questions were relating to what children should be able to read in school, while others asked which books should be taken off the marketplace entirely.
What was also interesting about the study was the fact that 71% of those surveyed, even those who did not support the banning of books, were open to books being rated in a way similar to movies. Also, it seemed that many people wanted to ban books that were controversial and opposed their religious beliefs. Some of those surveyed wanted to ban the Bible, while others wanted the Koran banned, others wanted any books banned that supported the ideas of creationism, and still others wanted to ban atheist texts."
What the Hell is Right. Satan's Crispy Balls
Religious belief systems keep screwing with freedom and liberty.
I expect that the results would shock most people.
This poll really disgusts me.
We have approximately 27% of the population completely dependent on the government and another 20% partially dependent on the government.
It would be interesting to see the poll done in the Ivy league schools and then also in the parasite populations of the country. What would be the difference?
We have jumped 20% in the number of people living off the government since 2008. It is logical that overtime that would also cause an increase in those that feel no need to educate themselves. They do not need to for self preservation.
I have a niece that thinks that philosophy, religion and anything against the federal government should be banded from discussion. All related books removed as well. I quote her "those things make people think, and then they just want to destroy everything and not accept anything [that the government does]" brackets added for context. She is one of those that is completely dependent on the government for her, and her two children's existence.
Six years ago she would not have said such a thing, she was working at a McDonnalds as a shift manager and liked her job. What happened? She figured out that by having a couple of kids and being a stay at home mom she could make more money. She then acted on this and the rapid rate at which her mind, and moral system, have decayed is staggering. Combine this with the increase in people that have done just this kind of thing and the numbers in this study are not surprising.
We are in luck in that the second child caused complications that will keep her from having any more, otherwise we would have more little illiterate welfare cases being supported by taxes with no need to become literate and more government help should they become "special needs" as they grow up. As it is we have two form her that will become "special needs" should she figure out that doing so will get her bus rides, bus attendants, extra time at school and less time for her to be a mom. All of which would be a big plus to her, and further her own and her children illiterate behaviors.
If we continue that cycle it can only get worse.
Always being independent and not much of a team player, I learned long ago that as long as I could read and books were available, I could teach myself anything needed regardless of other peoples agendas. The internet is a great source of information, but it can be censored; Not so with the books in my library.. at least until the salamander rounds the corner. Welcome to Fahrenheit 451.
It is another classic, that seems all too relevant today. I don't think today's youth are being exposed, as many of us were, to the books and ideas that were important warnings of potential political tides.
Apparently too many don't even want to read anything but facebook... Shame.
I have not yet read that one. If it pleases, write review for us when you're done,
One more coin in the wishing well of collectivism.
Cause and effect.
More people who want the government to control availability, rather than simply being able to control their kids.
It is interesting that conservatives are out front with this view. This is consistent with them trying to control social issues, which is inconsistent with them trying to liberate fiscal issues, but I doubt any of them really think objectively.
Also interesting that more education reduces the percentage of this view, as well as independents having the lowest percentage. However, the total percentage is scary.
I view the entire subject as an inability to deal with raising children, disbelief others have the ability or both, and seeking the government to take this over.
I wonder how many people would answer "yes" to the question: "Do you think the government should take over raising children to avoid the pitfalls parents run into?" I bet the result is even scarier!
founded with religious freedom in mind -- and now, this kind of
crap is rampant. . Can't We Just Be Free???!!! -- j
Look at how willing those individualists were to let, even encourage, society suffer in order to get what they wanted - control. And that, children, is why we must be more vigilant and go after those greedy capitalists who think they know better than us. The heroes of that book didn't go far enough early enough and that is why the capitalists won.
See, not that hard. :(
Americans want to ban books, and do many other totalitarian activities. They're ready. I've been saying this for a couple years now but every time some report like this comes out everybody around me seems so shocked. I'm not shocked one bit. There's a quickening now. The people are ready for this, so of course the establishment is ready. The next few years will blow your mind... Note the banter lately about taking people away for their thoughts and beliefs? Oh yeah. Hold on to your hats (even the tinfoil ones).
I'm a geek. A dweeb. Yesterday I had a short conversation with my dermatologist as he was carving on me. He said something like, "We don't know what causes that (unrelated medical condition)." To which I replied, "Not that I'm counting but there are 86 studies showing a link. There are far fewer saying there isn't one." The look he gave me should have been photographed and framed. LOL. I explained to a coworker the other day. "Don't worry. I'm just another Cliff Clavin." (anybody remember that character...a bunch of strange, trivial knowledge...)
There is value in all things good, bad and dare I say, ugly; if only to recognize that which is not valuable.
There is always something to learn, some puzzle piece to find or a clue to another.
That's why no book, even if it's crap and full of lies or stupid ideas...there is something to learn.
This is the result of decades of marxist brainwashing beginning at school. What do you think was the purpose of all those school system reforms ?
(BTW if you find time to teach the subject that would be considered a plus.)
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.
Now children, I must point out the correct statement from the forest dwelling creatures should be more inclusive and socially just it could actually be said like this:
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the other Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the other Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.
Children we all know that it is perfectly natural that some of you have two mothers and some have two daddies. The way this works will be explained next year when you are in first grade.
Some may not like this type of book. Just saying.
"Mama" or "Papa" is sexist, and cannot be tolerated. Better yet: "custodial adult" so as not to discriminate against adoptive of foster parents.
In order categorical and knows the kings of England, and can quote the fights historical;
"Just ask the government what to do!"
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