Jack Parsons and the Occult: The birth of NASA, government looters, and sexual sacrifice
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago to Philosophy
I spent time away from this site for a little while as business professionally has been very intense, and I was on a reading binge--and something had to give. Part of that binge includes some long held suspicions that I needed some confirmation on especially in relation to the problems of Objectivism and how it interacts with the rest of the world. There are so many people with so many haphazard ideals--that in order to properly deal with them you have to understand their foundations beyond even the loose term of progressivism. Understanding that foundation of faulty thinking of course points to what Ayn Rand would term--the mystic. In that realm are many who function from the occult including freemasons, O.T.O cult members, and the many politicians who participate in these activities hoping that some "gods" beyond the grave would give them assistance in the world. This cult behavior is the ultimate crony capitalism and is one of the big reasons why so many people have difficulties understanding Ayn Rand.
We saw some of those people on this site where a real hatred of the new Atlas movie Part 3 was on full display so I had to understand why they felt they way they did, why they were so stupid intellectually. After learning about some of the occult practices which formed the progressive party of Teddy Roosevelt, the answer is now quite clear.
Ayn Rand got it right. Aleister Crowley screwed it up. Unfortunately, most of our present society followed Crowley much to their doom.
We saw some of those people on this site where a real hatred of the new Atlas movie Part 3 was on full display so I had to understand why they felt they way they did, why they were so stupid intellectually. After learning about some of the occult practices which formed the progressive party of Teddy Roosevelt, the answer is now quite clear.
Ayn Rand got it right. Aleister Crowley screwed it up. Unfortunately, most of our present society followed Crowley much to their doom.
If you do a search it 's all over the place. Here 's what afellow free mason says :
Indeed. Here is what the author of the article you linked to wrote:
"I am of the opinion that the amount of occult material in modern Masonry depends on the perspective of the practitioner. If you are looking for an occult experience, you can find it in Freemasonry. If you are simply looking for a fraternal order you can also find that within Freemasonry, and there are many devout Christians who are Freemasons who are not actively looking for any sort of occult meaning in 'The Craft.' To put it simply, it’s there if you want it, and if you don’t want it, that’s fine too."
Doesn't seem to indicate the occult being "all over the place."
Did you read the complete article? Or only select parts?
Now, you are probably going to say that my acceptance of what I believe is the same, and I will clearly disagree. There are contemporaneous reports of the miracles that occurred.
and there are those multiple fraud convictions from top leaders in scientology....
However, the fraud convictions? If it is true, is it fraud? And who's to know? Willing adults partaking of actions willingly, regardless of whether you or I or some government entity approves, should not be restricted. People are free to act upon whatever (foolishness) they will. That is called "free-will" (thanks to Rush, which I am currently, and very happily, listening to - of my own Free Will!.)